Chapter 4

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Holy moly, Becky and Jessica were right, he is hot! What's more, I got his number!

I look down at my phone, Dan's contact is displayed on the screen,
"You alright there sir? look almost hypnotized into your phone! Then again, most of you youngsters are these days" The driver of my taxi smiles, he's a different driver from the one I had on the way here, a much older person with a load more facial hair.

"Sorry, i'm just..." I start to explain, but I can't figure out how to clarify that i'm looking at an attractive man's name who is way out my league.
"you playing that wretched Crossing game?" The taxi driver persists,
"do you mean Crossy road?" I laugh, and The taxi driver nods quickly, keeping his eyes fixed to the road.
"yeah" I lie, "it's addictive"
"my grandson loves that game, he's always sat knocking that silly screen instead of socializing! He refuses to listen until he has completed his level or what not!!" The taxi driver sighs, and I chuckle, eyes still glued to my screen,
"your grandson and I have a lot in common"

The rest of the drive was silent, and when we pull into the small lay-by near the BBC headquarters I don't realize we have arrived and I continue to stare at my phone screen.
"sir..." The cabby hints subtly, causing me to jump.
I quickly pay my fares before hopping out of the black taxi, and pacing over to the BBC entrance.

"Mr.Lester, I understand you have some notes about Mr.Howell?" My boss inquires, stepping out from around the corner as if he knew I was coming and was perched there, waiting.
Just the sound of Dan's name is enough to make my heart flutter,
No Phil, stay professional!
"Yes sir, I will have a spreadsheet of all the information on your desk by tomorrow morning" I promise, and my boss nods reassuringly and heads off towards the radio studios.

I carry on my travel to the office part of the studio, and I'm greeted by Becky and Jessica, or the covers of Vogue magazine masking their faces.
"I'm back" I inform, and for once the girls heads shoot upwards,
"HOW WAS HE" "DID YOU GET A SELFIE?" "HIS NUMBER??" "HE'S HOT RIGHT??" I get bombarded by questions, I awkwardly stare at the ladies in front of me,
"I found him a very charming man?" I spoke, hoping I said the right thing,
"SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Becky screamed,
"OMG I TOTES SHIP YOU TWO NOW!!" Jessica fangirled, what.

"OMFG YES JESSICA! I SHIP IT TOO!!!! Hashtag Phannnnn" Becky squealed, making a hashtag sign with her fingers.
"Phan" I reply simply, unsure if I like this ship name or not,
"Phan!" Jessica high fives Becky, and I give them both an eye roll before heading back to my desk.
time to write up this Phan interview....

Half way through writing my spreadsheet, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pull out my iPhone and read the screen, one new message from Dan, I swipe my phone to unlock it and read the message from Dan.

Dan Howell~Hey Phil my little reporter friend! I know we only saw each other like half an hour ago, but I was wondering if tomorrow you want to meet in the Starbucks out side the BBC at 12:40? I have a radio interview with Scott Mills about the interview we had today, and I will be needing some sort of caffeine before I chat live on national radio.
If we have time after, you can show me around?? :D -Dan ;) xx

I can't believe it, Dan actually wants to meet up with me while he's here!
I can tell that my cheeks have heated up when I see the kisses at the end of the text,
I quickly type in a reply,

Hey Dan!
I'd love to meet up with you tomorrow! Are you sure you want to be seen in public with me though? If you prefer, the BBC has a little café inside, were you won't have to worry about the Paparazzi shooting pictures of us together.
Alsooooo, I'd be delighted to show you around the BBC, just to warn you though- two of my colleagues started to ship us together :|- See you tomorrow! ~Phil ^_^ xx

Oh gosh, was that too weird me sending him kisses? I shouldn't have told him about the ship either! I seem like I'm trying to force something to happen now!
I can't get rid of anything now!! it's too late!

I patiently wait for Dan to reply, it's been a minute! I've scared him away, he doesn't want to hang out with me,


Message from Dan Howell-
Hey Phil-
Of course I won't be embarrassed to be seen with you in public you silly goose! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!

We're being shipped already? :'D
You have to tell me all about it tomorrow.
-Dan xxx

I decide not to reply, I don't want to seem to clingy.

"See you tomorrow, Mr.Howell"

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