Chapter 66

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(picture also made by danllama)

I look at the screen in horror, why is  Nick being interviewed?
"Excuse me!" I yell at the waiter who rushes over,
"I'll come take your order in just a second sir, if you could please be patient I.." the waiter asks in a flustered tone, but I cut him off.

"No, I need you to turn the volume up for the TV right now" I order, and Phil pulls out his headphones from his pocket,
"Dan we can just get it up on my phone" he whispers to me, and I glare at Phil,
"Well why didn't you tell me that before I called over the waiter?" I hiss.

Pj passes over his phone to me and Phil, which is displaying the news with Nick talking on it,  and we quickly plug the headphones into the phone.

I have one ear piece, and Phil has the other, the volume is turned up as high as possible, and we both watch intensely as the screen buffers before playing.

"We are joined here live in Piccadilly Circus with Nick Jonas, the famous singer, who is here about his missing cousin" The reporter next to Nick tells the camera, and I notice that Nick has a few tears in his eyes.

"I came over here to visit him.." Nick chokes out, and I raise my eyebrow in suspicion,
"But he was taken.. he's with D-D" Nick begins to speak but he bursts into tears.

Suddenly a picture of Phil from his Instagram pops up onto the screen, and   I feel my heart skip a beat.
"29 year old Philip Lester who works in the BBC's offices was reported missing by his famous cousin last night. Phil was last seen with Daniel Howell, the CEO and manager of Howell's clothes" the voiceover speaks, and the picture changes to a photo of both Phil and I together.

"If these men are seen, please report it as soon as possible, and be warned that Daniel may be dangerous" the loudspeaker adds, and I quickly pull out my earbud.

I switch on my phone and quickly press the button for Inspector Lassiter's number which he left for me. After two rings he picks up,
"Daniel?" He states, and I quickly look back at the TV screen which is once again displaying Nick's face,
"Nick is in Piccadilly Circus right now, he's telling lies about Phil and I on BBC news" I hiss down the phone, and the inspector sighs.

"Yes, we know we have officers on the perimeter ready to strike as soon as the cameras are switched off" Inspector Lassiter responds, and I sigh,
"Just do it now! Make a scene of if so people know Nick's dangerous!" I yell, and I look over to Phil who's trying to get hold of his office on the phone.

"I'll put the order across to move in" Inspector Lassiter sighs, before hanging up on me. As soon as my phone line goes dead, Phil gets through to his office,
"Hello? Hello!" He quickly sighs in relief, "it's Phil, Phil Lester", "no I'm not missing! I'm fine it's all a hoax!", "look, I need you to stop that broadcast, Dan is my boyfriend and Nick isn't my cousin!"

I look over to Chris and Pj, who are sat there helplessly, but I can see the concern on their faces.
"What's happening?" Pj asks me, and I run my hand through my hair in worry.
"Nick is saying that Phil is his cousin and that I've kidnapped him, he's told the news that I could be dangerous and that we should be reported as soon as we're spotted" I explain.

"That can't be good" Chris mutters, and I stare at him,
"No fucking shit, Sherlock" I growl, and Chris gives me an apologetic look.

I watch the TV screen, and it suddenly goes back to the normal news man who sits in the studio,
"What happened?" I panic, looking quickly at Phil, who's no longer on the phone.
"I told them it was all a hoax and they stopped airing it" Phil smiles at me, and I groan,
"Now how will we know if the police get Nick?" I hiss, as I rest my head on the table and let out a loud moan.

"They will" Pj reassures, "what did the police say to you on the phone?"
"Inspector Lassiter said he'd tell everyone to move in, but they didn't"  I respond, my heart pacing quicker and quicker.

"They were probably just waiting for the cameras to turn off?" Phil suggests, and I shake my head,
"Inspector Lassiter said that he'd tell them to move in straight away, Nick could be walking off right now and they've missed their chance!"  I cry, and Phil pulls me into a side hug.

"Dan, whatever happens I'll still love you, even if Nick tries to trick me out of it I know he won't be able to stop me from caring, he has an army of three including himself, we have Becky and Jessica, and as much as I hate to admit it, those girls can control the whole of the internet if necessary! We'll be fine" Phil reassures me, and I nod slowly.

I check my phone and see that I have a text from Inspector Lassiter. I unlock my phone and look at the message;
'No need to worry, Nick is being taken to the station as we speak with two escort cars'.

I let out a sigh of relief and show Phil, Pj and Chris the text,
"He can't escape this time, right?" I ask Phil who nods at me,
"Lets go to the station now, we can get some answers cleared up in the safety of the Met police"

The four of us stand up and begin to leave the restaurant, and a waitress walks over to us,
"I'm sorry about the wait sir, if you could be patient for a few more minutes-" she begins but Chris pushes her back,
"Not today love, we have a duty call... WITH DESTINY" Chris smirks as he saunters past her.

"How long have you been waiting to say that?" Pj chuckles as we walk over to his car,
"At least twenty years" Chris laughs.

Which of you guys is this? 😂 I found it on Twitter 😂👌

A/N-Which of you guys is this? 😂 I found it on Twitter 😂👌

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I published it early as a early Christmas present 😂

I probably won't publish another chapter again till after a Christmas so I hope you all have a great day, and I can't wait to hear how all your day's went!

-Llamaandlion =•=

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