Chapter 40

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"Dan!" I hear the annoying voice call, and I glance to my right to see Nick fucking Jonas sprawled across my sofa in my office, who does he think he is!? I storm over, with Phil tagging close behind me.
"Nick follow me, Phil, you stay here with Peej" I instantly order Nick, and Phil looks at me, with an adorable heart broken look plastered on his face,

"No Dan, I'm coming with you" Phil snaps, and I glare at Phil,
"Phil, do what I say" I hiss, and Phil takes a step closer towards me in a challenging manor.
"I said no, Dan" Phil growls, and I look up at Nick,
"I'd let him come with us Dan, both of your hickeys are proving the affection between you two" Nick smiles, and I feel my face heat up from embarrassment, how dare he point that out! I can't have him pointing that stuff out,
I have to...
"SECURITY!" I scream, and I see Nick's face drop. That's right bitch.

Tyler and Troye, the two security guards working at my office approach us, and I turn to the now petrified Nick.
"If you get me kicked out Dan, I'll do what I threatened" Nick warned, and I scoff at his petty threat,
"What did you threaten then?" I snap, tired of Jonas's bull shit, or moo poo as Phil has recently got me saying,
"I'll only tell you if you agree to listen to my terms" Nick smiles, and I look at Phil, who is already staring at me waiting for an order.

I'm intrigued to listen to Nick's terms, just if it will get him out of Phil and I's life, but I equally don't give a crap about what this dick has to say.

I look back from Phil and Nick, I know what is right but...
"Security, remove this man" I order, pointing to Phil
"What!?" Phil gasps, and I instantly regret my decision,
"Dan, don't" Pj warns, and I look at the security guard staring at me,
"I SAID REMOVE HIM!" I spit at Tyler, who leaps at Phil, pulling him to the floor and I hear a soft whimper as Phil's body makes contact with my cold tiled floor.

Phil!" Pj yells, rushing over to where my Phil is laying, being pinned down by Tyler, but only to be restrained by Troye.
"Dan, what the fuck are you doing!?" Pj cries, trying to squirm out the mans grasp,
Honesty Peej, I have no fucking clue.
"Take them outside" I nod to Tyler and Troye, and both Pj and Phil are dragged out and literally thrown onto the hard concrete outside the building.
Shit that was a mistake.

I'm about to make my way out to check Phil isn't injured and apologise for my moment of stupidity, when Nick grabs my arm,
"You made the right choice Howell, I understand why you threw Phil out, he's in OUR way" Nick smirks, and I spin round back handing him on the cheek,
"No you little piece of shit, you're standing in Phil and I's way, now I suggest you hurry up and explain what the fuck you want, or go back to your hole in your mums vajayjay and continue to touch yourself over Justin Bieber, it's your call you small little dick" I sass, and Nick smiles at me,
"You know dick would be our ship name right?" He winks and I storm off to my office,
"Follow me" I growl.

Nick struts behind me over to the lifts, and we climb in pressing the button for floor 21,
"Isn't your office on floor sixty nine?" Nick asks me and I scowl at him,
"There's no way in hell I'm taking you there, we can talk in the meeting room" I explain, walking out the lift and onto the meeting floor.

"Don't worry, I understand, that's you and Philly's 'special' area" Nick winks, as he plonks himself down onto a revolving office chair, and I roll my eyes in response. To be fair, the reason I wasn't taking Nick up there is because the room is still romantically decorated from when Phil and I had our intimate moment on his photo shoot with us, and I'm not in the mood to have Nick pester me about that too.

"Shut up Nick, just tell me what you want so I can go home" I sigh, and Nick leans back in the chair,
"I want you to fire Phil, and replace me with him" Nick grins and I laugh,
"Yeah right, like there's any chance I'd do that" I chuckle, and Nick smirks at me,
"Well you might, seeing I have all the means to blackmail you until my terms are agreed with" Nick shrugs and I growl under my breath at Nick.
"Go ahead, post whatever you like, I don't care anymore, Phil and I are happy and I'm sorry but there's no way you'll change that, so you can scrape the fuck out, tweet whatever shit you want and sit the hell down you sad bitch" I speak, before walking over to the door.

"But are you Dan?" Nick asks me, as I reach out for the door handle,
"am I what?" I snarl, and Nick grins at me,
"Are you both happy? I mean... Are you even official?" Nick asks me, and I sigh,
"Well... I..I" I stutter,
"I don't think you are Howell, I think you're just a horny, confused man, do you even think Phil's attractive?" Nick questions me,
Oh, this guys good.

Of course I think Phil's attractive, but Nick seems to have this talent to make you be able to question anything, I bet he'd be able to make me question if my name is really Dan if he wanted too!

"Of course I do! Now get out my building, I need to find Phil" I shout at Nick who holds his hands up in defence,
"I'm not saying anything, but if you change your mind, here's my number" Nick winks at me as he hands over a business card, slapping my bum as he leaves the room, and I let out a soft squeal.

"I COULD FILE THAT FOR SEXUAL ABUSE!" I scream after him, but Nick's already disappeared down the stairs. I slump against the wall, sliding down it with my head in my hands.

What have I don't now Phil?


Hey! Sorry it's been a while since I updated, but I have mocks coming up soon, so I will update, but it will be a little less frequent as I need to revise!

See you soon!

Llamandlion =•=

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