Chapter 45

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I look at Dan with a smirk on my face, apparently the idea of a foursome doesn't particularly appeal to him, either that or he's so happy about the whole thing he's speechless.
"What..." Dan manages to spill out, as he sits up on his bed,
"Fantastic foursome? You up to it?" I ask, and Dan grins at me,
"What happened to my little innocent Philly?" Dan asks, and I slowly crawl onto Dan, lowering him onto the bed and I crawl over him like a lion pinning down his prey,
"He got left at the bus stop, so I'm afraid you're stuck with me for tonight" I whisper into Dan's ear, and the boy lets out an aroused moan from underneath me.

"What time are they getting here?" Dan whispers as I kiss up and down his jaw line,
"Well it was Chris' idea originally, I was just ringing to see if they had any plastic handcuffs from a photoshoot, but they caught on pretty quickly as to what we were doing and before I knew it I'd sorta agreed to the foursome" I laugh awkwardly "Chris said they'd be here by 5:30pm" I clarify. Dan's gaze trails to his digital clock on his bedside table which reads 5:15pm,
"How the hell do you accidentally agree to a foursome?" Dan laughs, and I shrug,
"Honestly, I didn't know what it was until it was too late" I explain, and Dan does probably the most attractive half smile I've ever seen in my entire life.

"So we have enough time to have a practice run?" Dan smirks up at me,
"Anything you want Mr.Howell" I smile, reconnecting our lips together, and laying my body weight onto Dan's chest.

Dan runs his hands through my floppy hair, as I grind into his waist, kissing up and down his neck.
"Fucking hell, Phil" Dan moans, as I bite down onto his neck, teasing his skin in between my teeth, and I smile mischievously as Dan whimpers out a soft pleasurable squeal.
"If Chris and Pj see that we've started without them they might get upset" I point out to Dan, as he starts to unbuckle my belt,
"Are you serious Phil? You can't leave me like this! Besides, chances are they're shagging in the back of a taxi somewhere" Dan giggles, and I smirk at the man underneath me,
"Fair enough".

I slip my thumbs into Dan's waist line, and graze my fingertips up and down his boxers rim,
"I swear to god Phil, if you ping by underwear again like you did last time I will actually murder you with a spoon" Dan warns me, and I giggle,
"You're the boss" I chuckle.

I slide my left hand into Dan's boxers, and grab hold of something that feels like a penis, only smaller.... Just kidding it was like a German soldier down there hailing Hitler, if I had a protractor on me I'm pretty sure that would sum up to a complete right angle!

"That's an erection to be proud of Danny boy" I chuckle, and Dan playfully slaps my arm,
"Just rub me off quickly, before Chris and Peej arrive" Dan instructs, and I nod happily.

I tighten my grip, so I have a secure hold of Dan's shaft, before quickly rubbing my hand up and down in a brisk movement, and I feel the friction burning both my hand and Dan's dick.

"Suck it" Dan spits, and I wink at Dan,
"If you want, D-Slice"
"Thanks Angel bean"

I slip Dan's trousers and boxers off together, and slam my mouth over his erect piss stick. Dan thrusts his hips forward, causing me to almost choke on Dan as he touches the back of my mouth.

I begin to bob my head up and down, and I hear Dan moan in pleasure, when suddenly the doorbell rings. NOT NOW GUYS!
"One minute!" Dan shouts, pushing me off him and rolling off the bed,
"You're more presentable than me Phil, you go down and let them in, I'm going to put my trousers on and spray myself with a few cans of deodorant to hide the smell, you might want to sort out your hair too" Dan stammers, tripping over his words as he rushes around his bedroom, but I just stare,
"You can check me out later Phil! Go answer the door!" Dan panics, and I laugh,
"Live a bit Danny, you're starting to sound like me" I smile.

I jog down the stairs, patting my hair down as I happily skip down the steps, whistling 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams, but I miss the last step and have that mini heart attack implosion moment where your whole life flashes before your eyes, and you start planning your funeral as you slip. I landed on my bum and let out a soft squeal, that was going to bruise!

The doorbell rings again, and I pull myself up using the banister,
"Just coming guys!" I shout, as I slide over to the door, using my socks to easily glide along the floor.
I pull up the latch, and swing the door open,
"Surprise" a voice speaks menacingly, and I make eye contact with Nick.
"How did you..." I start to stutter, but something hits me on the head from behind and I black out.

Jonas- 2 Lester-1


I'm so sorry it's short, and taken ages! I've had some stuff going on and just haven't had the time! But I literally dedicated today to updating stories XD

So yeah,
Sorry about the cliffhanger
(Jk I'm not sorry)

-Llamaandlion =•=

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