Chapter 47

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My eyes flicker open, and I adjust my eyesight to the new light that is seeping into my eyeballs. I let out a groan in pain as I get a sharp stinging ache in the back of my head from where I can feel a bruise already forming.

I try to stand up from the wooden chair I was sat in, to realise my arms and legs were tied to the chair, pinning me down.
I look around trying to work out what happened, this isn't Dan's house? Suddenly, I hear a soft, menacing chuckle from somewhere in the dark in front of me.

"Who's there?" I ask a little to boldly, and a figure steps out the shadows into the light so I can see their face,
"Hey buddy" Nick grins, and I cower back in fear,
"W-wha-, How did you find me?" I tremble, and Nick paces over to me, crouching by my side,
"My dear Philly, it is not I who found you, no. It is you that found me!" Nick chuckles, and I stare at him in confusion,
"What!?" I screw my face up in confusion, and Nick rolls his eyes, as he places his hand on my knee to steady himself up. I flinch at his contact, which makes Nick smirk in triumph.

"I was originally going to find Dan, I was prepared to kill him, after all, if I can't have him no one can. But you answered the door instead" Nick explained, and my eyes widen in shock at the word 'kill',
"I mean, I literally gift wrapped you two to my brother, but he couldn't even get you here, could he?" Nick sighs, and my heart skipped a beat,
"Joe?" I ask, and Nick nods,
"That's impossible, how could you have known where we were?" I ask Nick, who lets out a soft chuckle.

"Well I guess that's the funny thing, I've always been there, ever since the beginning. Do you remember when you first went to Dan's office? I was stood in the lift with you! Or the time you went to the cat café? I was on the table next to you, with my back turned. Or even at the hospital? I was the doctor who wouldn't remove their mask! Phil, I was in the pub with you Chris and Pj, and you failed to notice me! You really didn't seem happy after Dan had kicked you out his life for ME. In fact, talking about Dan, my favourite one of them all has to be at The Manchester Eye? That's right Phil, I was in the pod next to yours watching the whole thing. I remember Dan's smile, it's the thing I'll remember as I kill you" Nick hisses as he pulls out a gun, and holds it to my head.

I start crying, desperately trying to get away from Nick's gun, but it's no use, the chair is nailed to the ground meaning I can't move it,
"Goodbye, Lester" Nick smirks, "I'm actually going to miss you"

Nick clicks the leaver on the top of the gun down, so that the bullet is lined into the holder. I feel my breathing slow down, as I brace myself for death. All the memories I have with Dan swept through my head. I remember seeing him standing there, his back turned to me, looking like a god. I remember having Starbucks with him and singing Toxic together in the worst singing voices we possibly could. I remembered the time when we made Pancakes together and I thought he was inviting me over for kinky times, and I remember the time where there was an intruder in my house, and Dan came all the way to comfort me. Wait, I bet Nick was the intruder! It's too late to do anything about it now though.

I look at the gun and then Nick's face. I can tell he's about to pull the trigger,
"Nick!" someone shouts, and Nick turns around,
"What is it Joe?" Nick asks, and I see his brother approach us, for once I was actually thankful to see a Jonas brother,
"Dan's left his house with two other men, I think they're looking for Phil" Joe explains, and I look between the two men staring at me,
"That's what we want, I want Dan to come to me" Nick replies, and the look of Joe's face seems to say that Nick's forgetting something,
"How will they know we're here dumbass! This warehouse hasn't been used for years!" Joe snaps, and Nick throws his head back in anger.

"You mean to say, you didn't leave the FUCKING NOTE?" Nick screams, and another man runs in, the third Jonas Brother, Kevin Jonas. I stifle a quick laugh before I say what is itching to come out of my mouth,
"Wow, if any more people turn up this is going to turn into a Camp Rock reunion!" I giggle, and Nick slaps me, causing my lip to bleed as I accidentally bite down onto it.

"Shut it" Kevin hisses at me, and I slowly nod, slightly taken back at the newest boys tone,
"I'll tell you what's going on in here Kev, Joe foiled our whole fucking plan and now Dan doesn't know where to go" Nick shouts, his face turning bright red with anger.

"Shit" Kevin muttered, and Nick nodded,
"Well we have Phil, let's just kill him now and then we can sort Dan out later" Joe suggests, and Nick shakes his head,
"It's not worth it now, let's leave it over night, in the morning we can find Dan and kidnap him too. Kevin, you know what to do" Nick orders, and Kevin nods, running out the room. A motorbike engine can be heard revving, and then the bikes noise deteriorates into the background, leaving me alone with Nick and Joe.

"I swear, if you hurt Dan..." I threaten, and Nick smirks, stroking my face,
"You'll what?" He sneers, "you look a little tied up there buddy, I don't think you'll be able to help"

Nick and Joe begin to leave the room, quietly laughing to themselves, and I look around the dark abyss desperately,
"You can't just leave me here like this!" I call after the boys, and Nick stops in his tracks,
"Phil's right, we can't leave him ere like this, Joe?" Nick nods at his brother, who spins around and charges towards me, punching me in the face.

Darkness again.


Two updates in two days? It must be Christmas! (Either that or I'm procrastinating like a pro) 😂

-Llamaandlion =•=

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