Chapter 16

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"Let's go" Phil growls, and I let out a light chuckle, finding sexual Phil extremely arousing. Phil grabs my hand and aggressively drags me out the play park and back down the road.

The strength Phil is putting into getting me to his house I'm guessing he's got the same tingling feeling in his crotch as I do right now.

"Phil, there's no rush" I smirk, but the black haired man completely ignores me and fumbles desperately in his pocket for his front door keys.
I stand patiently looking at my boner while Phil swings open the door, and shoves me in, so I fall onto the ground of his house.

Phil seems to have completely forgotten about his intruder worries earlier, as he whisks into the house, kicking the door shut behind him.

I look up at him mischievously, and my eyes caress his face,
"What are you waiting for?" Phil grins down at me, and that's all the persuasion I need.

Leaping to my feet I dominate Phil, pushing him against the wall behind him, and I start to grind against him. I quicken my pace and I start to see my innocent little friends other side, the side that stays hidden.

"Stop teasing me already" Phil snarls, and I look into his eyes,
"Why don't you take over then?" I tease,
"With pleasure Dan" Phil winks, and before I could even realise what was happening, Phil shoved me backwards onto the sofa, and clambers on top of me, straddling my waist.
"Do your worst" I mutter into Phil's ear, and he laughs lightly,
"If you insist"

Phil gets straight into it, instantly removing his shirt, and I copy his actions.
"Hurry up already" I spit, as Phil returns his weight onto my chest, nibbling random spots on my neck, desperate to find my sweet spot.
I attempt to hold in my moan of pleasure when he finds the place on my neck that craves to be treated like a gazelle to a lion.

"Come on Daniel, I know this is the spot" Phil groans, sucking on my neck right on my pressure point, and that's the moment I meet the climax, I let a moan escape from my lips and I feel Phil smirk against my neck,
"Thank you" he whispers, trailing his tongue down to my hairless chest.

"Your turn" I interrupt, feeling over powered by Phil's sexual activity. I roll Phil round so he's under me, and copy his actions so he's left with three bulging hickeys on his stomach.

"Stop playing dirty Dan" Phil giggles, still poking out his tongue which reminds me of the little innocent boy who I am tempted to fuck.
After a while of Phil and I switching dominance, I decide to move things on a bit, I slowly slide my trousers down so they're half way round my shins.
"I need to feel it" I wince, cringing at my awkwardness, Phil nods in agreement and slides down his trousers, and his nuts feel so much closer, it's still soft?

"Dan?" I hear Phil whisper,
"Yeah?" I smirk up at the boy,
"Dan???" Phil repeats,
"What!?" I reply angrily,
"WAKE UP!" Phil shouts, and my eyes smash open, I am no longer riding Phil, I'm curled up on his bed.
"W-what?" I stutter in disbelief, how can a dream be so graphic?
"You were moaning in your sleep" Phil smiles meekly, of course- Why would Phil do any of that with me? I'm a ugly looser who can't even admit my sexuality to Phil.

"Was it a nightmare?" Phil asks, and I shake my head,
"Just a very graphic dream I guess" I sigh, rolling off the other side of the bed and hitting the ground with a loud THUD.
"Are you alright!?" Phil concerns, and I nod, feeling too depressed to talk. Why do I keep having sexual dreams of Phil happenings?

Part of me wants this to all be a déjà vu, but I don't think it will, Phil is about as innocent as a raspberry covered in sugar and double cream with rainbow sprinkles, while I on the other hand am like a fricking hamster!! I could probably repopulate the earth if I wanted too with the amount of need my sausage requires.

"Thank you for staying the night with me" Phil thanks, as he pulls me back up to my feet,
"Anytime" I reply, the lack of enthusiasm running through my veins,
"You don't sound to sure" Phil squeaks, and I sigh latching my eyes onto Phil's gaze,
"No Phil, I DID mean it- I'm just, tired" I lie, hesitating before I say the word 'tired'.
"Okay" Phil smiles, "would you like to go back to sleep for a few more hours?"
I glance over at the digital clock on Phil's desk, the time 10:35am is printed in green on the slim clock face,
"No, I'm fine" I smile, exiting out Phil's bedroom.

My clothes still stink from where
I've been wearing them for twenty four hours, and I'm almost desperate to go and get changed out of them, the only thing holding me back is Phil.

"Do you want a shower while I cook breakfast?" Phil offers, and I contemplate his offer for a few seconds before declining,
"Not really much point, I'll just be putting smelly clothes back on"
Phil looks over to his wardrobe,
"You can borrow some of my clothes if you want?" He offers, "I mean, we're basically the same height and size"

I open up Phil's wardrobe and am almost blinded by the brightness coming from his clothes,
"WHERE IS THE BLACKKK" I hiss, as I dramatically drop to the ground,
"I only own colourful clothes sorry" Phil laughs.

I pull out a blue t-shirt with Nyan cat on it and some black jeans before following Phil into the bathroom.
"I guess you borrowing these clothes will give you a reason to come and see me again?" Phil chuckles nervously, and I stare at him confused,
"You think I wouldn't come see you again?" I ask confused, and Phil's eyes trace away from mine,
"Of course I'd come see you again you silly goose" I continued, but Phil kept his gaze diverted from me.
"Alright, Phil- I'm going to be honest with you, I never had a best friend before, and I guess you're the only person who's ever taken interest in me for being well, me. I've only ever had friends that liked me because I was famous and because I'm rich, but you wouldn't believe how desperate I am to give that all up so people would treat me like a normal human being, not a celebrity. Philip Michael Lester, you are the first person who has ever cared about me in that sort of way, you make me feel like a human being, not a fashionista.
So, I'm going to have to admit that this is the reason why I class you as my best friend, because you like me for who I am, not who people expect me to be" I admit, and Phil's eyes shoot up,
"Dan, you're my best friend too" Phil grins, pulling me in to a bro hug,
"so shall we get bracelets now or something?" I joke.

Maybe we SHOULD get bracelets?

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