Chapter 69 (oi oi)

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FINAL CHAPTER-please read A/N at end

"You're so sexy beautiful, and everybody wants a taste, that's why, I still get jealous" Nick's lyrics blast through the house.
It's been two months since Nick's arrest and the world finally seems peaceful for Dan and I.

I've started listening to Nick's music again without feeling anger in my heart, and Dan's been able to say the word 'buddy' without internally cringing. But something still doesn't seem quite right.

Pj and Chris are currently moving in together, so Dan and I have been helping them both pack, which is strange as I almost feel as if they're both moving away for good, even though they're literally just moving down the road from Pj's old gaff.

I walk into the living room, and spot Dan sleeping peacefully on the sofa, and I smile softly to myself at the beautiful man snoring softly, his belly rising and falling slowly.

I'm interrupted by my admiring, when I hear my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull the device out and read the text from Chris,
'Meet me for a drink in Starbucks? Need to chat'
Concerned about what's happened, I quickly respond saying I'm on my way and dash out the house. Quickly planting a soft kiss on the top of Dan's head as I leave to make sure I don't wake him.

After a brisk walk to the local Starbucks, I swing open the door to see Chris sat in the corner of the café, cradling a warm cup of coffee in his hands, as he stares off into the distance.

"Hey" I grin, as I stroll over to Chris' table, making him snap out of his trance.
"Phil!" Chris exclaims, a bright beam plasters his face, and I look at him in confusion.
"What's up?" I ask, and Chris sighs,
"Nothing, don't worry it's just I felt like I needed to chat to you about something, but it's stupid now, so don't worry" Chris sighs, and I sit myself down opposite him, and scoot my chair closer to show interest.

"Tell me" I insist, "is everything okay with you and Peej?"
"Oh yeah, fine fine!" Chris quickly reassures me, "I basically just wanted to ask you, ummm..." Chris mumbles, as he looks down at his coffee, and begins to stir it with the wooden stick he has left in his beverage. I start to grow a little bit impatient with him.
"Chris, just ask me, I'm here for you it's okay" I speak, and Chris let's out one more final sigh.

"Can you mix colours with whites when using a washing machine? I don't want to ruin Pj's clothes when we move in together and I didn't want to ask him as he might not want to move in with me as I'm not capable" Chris speaks quickly, before looking away in embarrassment. 

For a few seconds I'm silent, as I comprehend Chris' question. I have sometimes wondered why a few of Chris' shirts that I could have sworn were white had turned pink, but I just always assumed I was going crazy.
"Um, no" I manage to stutter out, "whites and colours need to be washed separately, and it's also a good idea to separate lights, from darks" I explain, and I watch as Chris types notes down into his phone eagerly.

"Thank you so much Phil, you're a life saver!" Chris sighs in relief, "I didn't want to ask Pj as then he might think I'm not capable of anything"

Chris quickly downs the remainder of his coffee, and then quickly stands up,
"Right, I better get back before Pj wonders where I've snuck off too" Chris smirks, and I blink a few times in disbelief,
"Is that it??" I hiss, and Chris nodded,
"Yeah, sorry I probably could have asked you that over the phone" Chris giggled.

The two of us walk out the café together, and begin to head back in the direction of our apartments. Luckily for us, you have to walk past Dan and I's place to get to Chris and Pj's new apartment, so Chris and I could walk back together as far as my front door.

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