Chapter 20

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(Still Phil's P.O.V)

"Reservations for two have changed to reservations for four" Becky smirked at me, and I feel anger welling up inside me. This was meant to  be a special night for JUST Dan and I, not with Becky or Jessica intruding it like they have the authority to do so.
"How did you get my phone!?" I glare at Becky tapping my pocket which originally stored my phone that's now empty,
"I reached into your pocket and took it Mr.30-0-1" Becky grins slyly, well that's the last time I use my birthday as a password.

"Give me that" I snatch the phone out of Becky's grasp,
"What time was it again Becky?" Jessica asks her partner in crime, and Becky looks down at a piece of paper in front of her,
"6:35pm at 152-154 Bethnal Green Rd, London E2 6DG, United Kingdom" She quotes, and I feel my heart sink as she tells the address of the café.
"Please I'm begging you, Don't come" I plead, but Jessica stops me,
"Begging isn't good enough" 
I start to wish that I was godzilla and could rip Becky's head off and step on Jessica, but sadly I'm only 6'2 Phil Lester who couldn't hurt a fly, even if I tried.

I look down at my phone and see I have an email, I click the envelope symbol and it's from the cat café;
"Dear Mr. Lester,

My deepest apologies but the table for four you have requested is no longer available, and we only have a table for two remaining.
If necessary I can reschedule to the 24th when we are having a 'hands on' day with the cats where we even allow you too clean put their litter boxes and pick up the vomit of our new kittens! The time will still be the same, but It's not for the faint hearted, as you will be expected to shovel up poo!

I am extremely sorry if this has ruined your plans for this evening and I hope you make alternate arrangements.

Yours sincerely,

Lady Dinah"

I smile to myself, this may be a way out of Becky and Jessica coming along,
"It's from the cat café," I start, and I see the girls look more interested, "Dear Mr. Lester, My deepest apologies but the table for four you have requested is no longer available, and we have moved the date to the 24th. The time will still be the same, and I can't wait for you to come, Yours sincerely Lady Dinah" I make up, changing the information to suit Becky and Jessica's requirements, 
"I should go text Dan" I smile, and I Becky's face light up,
"WHAT'S HIS NUMBER?!" She screeches,
"It's 07564 Piss off you ugly whore" I sassed, except I said it in my head, as I couldn't bring myself to be rude out loud.

"07348 927494" I lie, making up random numbers in my head
"REALLY!?" Jessica coos and I nod, 
"Write it down" Becky snaps at Jessica, and she starts to scribble the number down. Then I decide I need to try and get Becky and Jessica out of London tonight, just to make sure they don't find out about Dan and I's date. I open up ringtones and stealthily click the top ringtone,
"One second please" I pardon, cancelling the sound effect,
"hello?, Oh hey Dan," The two girls eyes widen,
"Your not able to come tonight? Oh don't worry! The café cancelled on us anyway" 
I see Becky excitedly tapping her fake extended fingernails on the table in anticipation to know what we're saying
"Your going to Jedburgh for the night?" I try and sound shocked, 
"Google it, Google it" Becky mutters to herself, drumming vigorously on her phone screen as she searches the random town in Scotland I thought of.

"Your there all night and on the plane now? Okay i'll see you soon, bye!" I pretend to hang up the call,
"SIRI BOOK TRAIN TICKETS" Jessica orders her phone using siri, 
"Well girls I have to get back to work, but I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I smile sweetly, 
"Yeah whatevs Phil, loves ya kiss kiss" Becky mutters, grabbing her gucci handbag and her vogue magazine.
I decide not to reply in the cheesy way Becky did and I head back into my office, trying the best I could to refrain from laughing when I see the girls running out the building to go to the train station. Wait till I tell Dan about this.

I return to my office chair and quickly type a reply to Lady Dinah,

"Dear Lady Dinah,

I understand how you are busy and if still possible we would like to book the table for two tonight, and another table for two on the 24th- which if possible we would love to have the messiest most disgusting jobs possible.

See you tonight!

Philip Lester"

I press send and it takes almost 30 seconds for a confirmation email that we have made reservations for two tonight, an two on the 24th. without hesitation I accept, and relax back in my chair knowing Dan and I's date can't be ruined by those Essex chavs.

I glance up at the clock on the wall, I've only been at work for half an hour, and I've spent all that time fooling Becky and Jessica into thinking their beloved vogue star is on his way to Scotland, when in reality he's probably on the 69th floor of a tall matt black building staring out his window looking at the view of London. 
"Lester, less day dreaming more working please!" My boss orders over the loud speaker, and once again all eyes fall on me,
"sorry" I mutter to myself, logging onto the computer, 
"time to watch Porn and eat krispy kreme" I quote to myself, remembering the time I brought Dan for a tour of the BBC.

The day moved progressively slowly, and by the end of the day, I was literally counting the seconds till I was free. The second the clock chimed 5pm I rushed out the building, remembering to quickly log out as I stood up, Now where is Mr. Howell waiting for me again? 

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