Chapter 6

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He sang along with me, Dan Fluffing Howell sang Toxic with me in the middle of Starbucks, and is laughing, WITH ME!
I finish my Caramel drink, and wait for Dan to finish his, I try to resist laughing each time Dan crinkles up his face, trying to get rid of the brain freeze,
"Uurrggh! Motherr ..." Dan hesitates, realising that there is a baby on the table behind him so he can't carry on his sentence as planned.
"Jesus on a boat..." Dan adds, blinking the tears from his eyes, from where he'd screwed them shut to much and his eyes were readjusting to the sunlight.

"You ready for a tour?" I grin excitedly, and Dan nods, grinning at me as I leap up off my seat into a standing position.
We walk back up the stairs, Dan slightly behind me so we can actually fit up the stairway.
"So do I need a ticket for this tour or something?" Dan questions aimlessly as we wonder along the courtyard into the BBC, I turn round to face Dan and start to step backwards,
"I take Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs as payment" I wink, and turn back round the right way, enjoying the sounds of Dan's laughter behind me.

I quickly flash my ID card to a member of the security team, who nods and unlocks the door beside him, allowing Dan and I into the magical world of British Television and Entertainment.

"This way" I instruct, leading Dan towards the lift, I plan on taking him to the top floor and working our way down.
We load into the lift and I press the button for the top floor, slowly the doors slide shut.

"OMG BECKY LOOK!" I hear a voice scream, I instantly recognise it as the vocals which belong to Jessica, as sure enough, I spot the two girls on the 3rd floor pointing at the lift that Dan and I are currently riding in.
The next thing I know is that they're running at the greatest of speeds, shoving people out the way, slamming worksheets and folders out people's grip, trying to get past.

"Who are they.." Dan asks hesitantly, eying up Becky and Jessica, who are darting around the building, towards the lifts,
"That's uh... Becky and Jessica..." I reply, "there the ones that... Shipped us"
Dan starts to laugh, but in a much friendlier way than I expected,
"Amazing!" Dan laughed, clapping his hands with glee,
"Your okay with the shipping?" I asked surprised, and Dan just shrugs,
"I kinda like it" Dan winks, "No Homo Howell, eh?" Dan adds before bursting into fits of laughter again.

I'm slightly taken back by Dan's remark, but I just shrug it off, I'm sure he meant it in the joking way, after all- he is a walking Troll, and he did add no Homo at the end.
"So, is that why Becky and Jessica are freaking out, trying to get to the elevator, and causing Chaos and distruction as they go?" Dan asks, as if it's a completely normal everyday matter,
"Yeah" I reply, eyes still fixed on the two nut cases getting closer and closer to the lift.

There is a buzzing sound and the doors drag open,
"This is us!" I call, shoving Dan out the lift so he is stood on the floor he was on only this morning, I'd taken him to the Radio floor.

"I know you've seen most of this but it's a good place to start" I smile, and Dan looks around, unimpressed written all over his face,
"I really wanted to see your Office area Phil- I mean, the areas you go" Dan asks, and I'm surprised by his strange request,
"So you want to see boring people like me sat on their butts looking at porn websites and eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts pretending to work?" I ask, and Dan smiles,

Dan and I renter the lift and I hesitantly press the button for the ground floor, where my office is.
I lead the way to the glass doors, and I tap my ID card onto the pad, opening the doors in front.
"PHIL!" Jessica squealed,
That's the first time she's ever been excited to see me,
"You brought Mr.Howell!" Becky hissed, excitedly pointing to Dan, who was stood awkwardly behind me, hands in pockets, staring at the floor,
"Yeah..." I smile meekly, trying to walk past,
"WAIT" Becky and Jessica screamed in unison, and I freeze on the spot,
"Will you sign my bra?" Jessica pleads to Dan, who stares at her stunned,
"Excuse me?" Dan asks,
"I said, will y-" Jessica starts, but I cut her off,
"OH MY GOD IT'S CHANNING TATUM!" I shout, pointing to the office behind the two girls,
"WHERE?" Becky squeals, and I grab Dan's hand, pulling him off into the main office area, locking the doors behind me.

"I'm so sorry about them" I apologise, and Dan chuckles lightly,
"So there the shippers?" Dan asks, and I nod,
"What's are ship name?" Dan continues, oddly interested in this subject,
"Phan" I reply smoothly, surprised at how casual were making this convocation.
"I like it, it has a good ring to it" Dan grins.


I gave Dan a tour of the BBC, and soon he decided he needed to get back home,
"Phil," Dan called after me, as I walked towards the taxi I just hailed,
"I have this... Room which I'd like you to see, come to my house soon to see it? I'll text you my address" Dan offers and I nod,
I wonder what this room is?

The second I reach my house, I feel my phone vibrate, it's a text from Dan, containing his address and One attachment, which is a video.
I press play and Dan dressed as A woman appears on my screen,
"Oh my gawd Jessica I just saw this SUPPEERR HOTT GUYY" Dan said in a Essex accent, just like Becky's,
"Was it Dan Howellllll?" Dan says again, but this time he's in a different outfit.
I laugh hysterically at the video, realising that Dan is impersonating Becky and Jessica,
I quickly type a reply once the video has ended,
'you have way to much spare time Dan!-Phil :'D'

I wait for Dan to reply, but I get nothing, so I decide to go to bed, knowing I have a weekend lie in to look forward to, and a night full of dreaming about Dan.

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