Chapter 37

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I look between Dan and the figure who I don't recognise, 
"You're in London?" Dan asks, pulling a shocked facial expression, and I instantly know something's up,
"Hey buddy" The figure grins.

"Dan, who is this?" I ask Dan, who's eyes are still transfixed onto the person stood in front of us,
"I'd of thought you'd of recognised me, seeing that I am famous and all" The figure chuckles, and I look at Dan confused,
"It's Nick Jonas" Dan growls, "I was once a massive fan of his, but not any more" 
Nick Jonas, that name rings a bell... WAIT,
"Wait, so you're THE Nick Jonas, as in the guy from Camp rock with the curly hairstyle that sung that song about not liking cheese?" I ask, and Nick nods,
"That's me all right, and Dan, When did you decide you didn't like me?" Nick asks, a fake injured tone clung to his deep voice,
"As of about five minutes ago" Dan snarls,  "What gave you the right to film us and tweet it?" 
"I'm Nick Jonas, I can do what ever the hell I want" 
"Except create a decent song" I mutter, and Nick snaps his attention from Dan to me.

"Well young Philip, I do believe your lover boy Danny over here has something different to say about that, I remember he used to be a pretty big fan of mine, and well the last time we met we shared some pretty intimate moments together" Nick glares at me, and I feel my heart sink,
"We hugged one time! That's not half as intimate as how Phil and I are!" Dan screams, instantly regretting what he just admitted. I stare at Dan, my eyes wider than London bridge, and I see Dan mentally shoot himself in the penis for having that outburst.

"So you two have a little thing going on between you? Now that I didn't know" Nick winks, and I roll my eyes, 
"Look, this is Becky and Jessica's party, how's about us three take this somewhere else, so the girls can enjoy themselves?" I attempt to rationalise, but Nick was being stubborn,
"Don't bother on their account, they both fainted when they saw me" Nick giggles, and I am as tempted as I've ever been to punch someone in the throat, and Nick is looking like a pretty good target right now.

"Phil's right, outside" Dan stares at Nick, who opens his mouth to talk,
"OUTSIDE" Dan snaps, pointing to the door, and Nick struts out, with Dan and I close behind,
"Can someone get Becky and Jessica some water? or maybe a book of fanart and fanfictions? I don't know just get them concious again" I plead the room, and various people dash around trying to supply things to help.

I step out into the cold London night, and I hear Big Ben chime 10pm, 
"Big Ben can be heard here? Now that's impressive! You British people have actually achieved something!" Nick sneers,
"Actually, Big Ben can be heard as far as nine miles away from the bell itself, this is Islington, which is about 4.4 miles to be precise. So yes, England has made something impressive, which I have to say does beat your cheese in a can and vegimite, which can I just say is a total rip off of our thing called 'Marmite'" I sass, and Dan looks at me impressed.
"You really are the feisty one aren't you?" Nick laughs, and I smirk at him,
"I learnt from the best" I grin, quickly flashing a look at Dan, who smiles at my remark.

"Whatever, I don't see why you're ganging up on me, what's done is done, you can't change the past, we're not in doctor who or anything now are we, otherwise I'd more than happily step into the TARDIS with you and untweet it" Nick cackles me, and Dan groans loudly,
"That's not the point! Why don't you just understand for one bleeding second that you had no right to video us, and we want you to delete your tweet, so less people see the video! Please!" Dan begs, and Nick shrugs,
"I don't really want to waste my 3G..."
"WELL YOU SEEMED FINE WASTING IT ON OUR PRIVACY A FEW MINUTES AGO!" Dan screams, shoving Nick backwards, and he stumbles into a lamppost, hitting his head on the pole as he does so,
"Arrghh" Nick winces, grabbing the back of his head as he slides down onto the floor,
"Dan!" I hiss, looking at Dan's beautiful face, which is now scrunched up in anger. I rush to Nick's side, and slowly tilt his head forward, inspecting his injury, there is a light bump, but nothing to serious.
"Why are you helping him Phil!?" Dan bellows at me and I turn to face him,
"Because he might have needed medical attention! He hit his head pretty hard!" I reply, and Dan sighs,
"But he doesn't deserve our help, he-"

"He doesn't deserve to die either Dan!" I glare, and Dan looks to the floor,
"I guess you're right, I'm sorry" Dan mutters, and Nick smirks up at Dan, 
"I guess you aren't as tough as you think you are Howell" Nick chuckles, and I look at Dan, who's anger is rising back up again,
"Dan." I warn sternly, and Dan looks at me with pleading eyes,
"He's not worth it Dan, he's just an idiot who still gets jealous" I laugh, proud of my joke and Dan snorts, doing his adorable grin where he looks up shaking his head.
"You are such a dork" Dan laughs, and I smile at him, as I stand back up, leaving Nick propped against the lamppost. 

"don't pretend you don't like me for being the biggest dork" I chuckle, and Dan kisses my cheek lightly, 
"I wouldn't have you any other way Mr.Lester."

I see Nick Jonas start to gradually pull himself up back to his feet, and I subtly pull Dan back, just in case Nick sets him off again,
"Get out of here Nick" I snarl, and Nick starts to saunter down the road, continuously looking back at Dan and I with a disgusting smirk plastered on his face,
"If I ever see him again I swear that I'm going to kill him" Dan growls under his breath and I laugh,
"Hopefully we'll never see that jerk again" I sigh, and Dan looks me in the eyes,
"But he never deleted the video?" Dan tells me and I sigh,
"I know, but I'll see if I can get someone from the BBC to let me interview OK! Magazine and I'll delete the tweet or something" I tell Dan, who shakes him head,
"It's too late, so many people have seen it, saved it, retweeted it ETC, there's no point" Dan argues against me, but I shrug,
"I'll think of something, but let's not worry about that now, let's go back to mine, I can't cope going back in there again, and I don't think I can survive any longer with Becky and Jessica for a while" I giggle, and Dan laughs.

"I like the sound of that Mr.Lester, I like the sound of that a lot"


I just want to apologise to all my American readers! I personally think you aren't useless, I mean you made McDonald's so come on!  I also like Nick Jonas so please don't hate on me for either of those things, and if I offended you then I am seriously so sorry! :(

-Llamaandlion = •=


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