Chapter 8

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I'll be honest, I wasn't exactly expecting Dan to show me a Delia Smith shrine hidden behind that door, but I didn't want to upset or disappoint Dan so I agreed to bake with him.
"We could make pancakes?" I suggest, my stomach starting to crave the silky taste of pancakes,
"That's a good idea! after all- there not just pancakes, these are FRICKIN' DELIA SMITH PANCAKES" Dan speaks in a new Jersey accent, which causes me to laugh, clutching my belly as I do so (Just like Santa).

Dan picks up a few recipe books, while I follow my nose to the kitchen, where I start to get the necessary ingredients, and display them on the work surface.
"What do you like on your pancakes?" Dan asks me and I just shrug,
"I'm easy, what do you want?" I smirk, and Dan starts to raid his cupboard,
"NUTELLA!" Dan shrieks, holding up the jar, as if it was a flag.

Once everything is set up, I read the first instruction aloud,
"First of all sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl with the sieve held high above the bowl so the flour gets an airing." I read, and Dan stares blankly at the recipe,
"How high?"
"Probably doesn't matter" I laugh, and Dan glares at me,
"IF DELIA SAYS IT, THEN IT MATTERS" he screams, and I burst out laughing.
"Sifting, sifting yeah" Dan sings, as he knocks the sift with the palm of his hand,
"Now make a well in the centre of the flour and break the eggs into it. Then begin whisking the eggs using an electric whisk or a balloon whisk - incorporating any bits of flour from around the edge of the bowl as you do so" I continue to read, and Dan follows the instructions carefully.

"Pass the whisk" Dan smirks at me, and I lightly chuck him the utensil, Dan stares at it for a few seconds before smashing it into the mixture, spinning it round and round the bowl, until this thick substance has been formed.
"What's next?" Dan inquires, and I brush the flour off the book so I can read the next step,

"When the mixture starts thicken, gradually add small quantities of the milk and water mixture, still whisking but don't worry about any lumps as they will eventually disappear as you whisk" I quickly read and Dan finishes the mixture,
"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Dan screams at the pancake mixture as he hits it with the whisk, which splashes me with the thick substance.

"Dan!" I scold, wiping the pancake mixture out my eyes,
"Oops sorry, here let me get it" Dan smiles, bringing his face closer to mine, wiping the mixture off my nose,
"There" he smiles, and I can smell his minty toothpaste breath,
"Thank you" I smile, but Dan doesn't move his face away in any hurry and I start to feel awkward,
"Your breath smells nice" I smile, and Dan quickly snaps his head back,
"Sorry, uh thanks, so does yours" he blushes, and I'm pretty sure my face has gone a shade of red (not grey).

Dan and I carry on making the pancakes in silence, apart from me letting out the odd horrible squeaky- scream I have when it was my turn to flip the pancake.
"Here's the Nutella" Dan nods, handing me the jar, and I thank him, spreading the chocolate spread all over my pancake, before returning to the living room to find Dan.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Dan suggests, and I nod my head,
"You choose" I grin, and Dan raises his eyebrow at me,
"I choose a lot when I'm with you, come on- pick a movie" Dan pouts and I unwillingly agree,
"Just tell me if you don't want to watch whatever I pick though!" I make Dan promise, and the boy laughs at me,
"Phil, these are all my DVDs! If I didn't want to watch one, wouldn't own it!" Dan giggles, and I realise what he's saying is true,
"Okay" I smile,
"Okay" .

I rummage through Dan's selection of DVDs, and finally settle on the Lion king.
"Lion king?" Dan laughs, and I slowly nod,
"WE CAN CHANGE, IT'S FINE!" I whimper, but Dan stops me just before I return the disk.

"No it's fine! Just a bit random" Dan chuckles and I look down,
"Lions are my favourite Animal" I let out a small laugh,
"My favourite animal is a Llama," Dan smiles at me,
"Llama!?" I giggle, and Dan blushes,
"They're cute ok..."

"Phil, do you have a nickname?" Dan asks randomly, just as the movie starts up, and you hear the birds cheeping,
"No, well- the bullies used to call me emo freak" I shudder, flashbacks of school come hurtling back at me,
"Well, is it okay if I call you..." Dan starts to blush, "little lion?"

I grin at Dan,
"only if you let me call you bear" I chuckle, and Dan looks at me confused,
"Well you see, a bear is at first terrifying and scary to the eye, but when you really get to know them, they're actually the sweetest, calmest most placid animal you could ever meet" I explain, and Dan nods in approval.

"Well then my little lion, thank you for coming round" Dan grins,
"Thank you for inviting me bear" I smile, before nestling up into the side of Dan to watch the movie.

The part of the movie were Simba and Nala are reunited comes on, with the song 'can you feel the love tonight' and the room suddenly becomes full of tension.
"Hey Phil..." Dan mutters, and I turn my face so I'm looking into his eyes, just in time before Dan smashes his lips into mine...

Can you feel the love tonight?



Thank you so so so so so much for reading this! I love you all <3
I had two ideas, one just for the Lol's and the other to get to know me!
My ideas are-
1) I could have a name for you guys? (Like Philions or Danosaurs, but something else? Idk if that's a good idea or not but if you have any ideas comment below!)
2) If you have any questions to ask me, can be anything! I will answer them! (As long as they aren't my address, cos nope don't want you guys stalking me ;D )

Those were just some ideas, I reply to all comments!




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