Chapter 54

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(Back to Dan's POV- yay!)
My eyes flutter open, and the light comes seeping into my view, temporarily blinding me. What feels like a distant sharp pain whizzes around my back in a circular motion, like a circuit board powering electricity. My thoughts travel instantly to Phil, my Phil. Is he okay?
"Nurse...?" I mumble, and the outline of a person is stood over me, it looks like it's a man.

"Hello Daniel, I'm Felix Kjellberg, how are you feeling now?" The figure lurking over me asks. For a second I just sit there staring at the man, still processing exactly what's happening right now,
"I-I'm good, I think... Where's Phil?" I question, and Felix looks at me in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I don't know a Phil, is he here?" The doctor asks, and I shrug,
"I don't know, the last time I saw him was at the.. The..."
I can't say warehouse, that would seem far too dodgy. Felix looks at me in anticipation, waiting for me to finish my sentence.

There's the expression saved by the bell, except this time I was saved by the door. A doctor walks in, carrying a clipboard, and notices I'm conscious,
"Ah, you must be Daniel" The doctor stood by the door reads off his paper work, and I nod,
"Do you know where Phil is?" I ask the doctor stood at the door who nods,
"Um yes, Philip's fine. Can I suggest you get some rest, and I'll tell Phil you're allowed to have visitors now"

Both the doctor stood at the door, and Doctor Kjellberg leave the room, so I'm alone with just a few nurses cleaning up from the operation I must have just had. I close my eyes again, and cuddle back down into my pillow. Whatever pain killers they gave me here make you freaking sleepy!
"Dan?" I hear Phil's voice from the door,
"You can come in" The nurse next to me smiles, and I hear footsteps approach my bed. I feel to weak to lift my head or open my eyes, which is probably a combination of both the drugs they supplied me with here and my pure laziness.

"Hey Dan" Phil whispers, and I know that I'm going to have to prise my eyelids apart to at least see Phil.
"Phil.. I-I" I begin to speak, but the nurse scrapes in,
"I think it's best for Dan to get some rest, you can sit here if you like, but maybe let him have some sleep?" She suggests, and I sigh in annoyance as apparently I'm not allowed to speak for myself here.
I close my eyes again, and hear the scraping of wood against the rubber floor, and realise that a chair is being pulled over for Phil, who is currently stood holding my hand.

I wait patiently for Phil to sit down, and allow my eyes to drift back open again, just in time to watch the nurse leave the room, leaving Phil and I alone in my hospital ward.
"Phil?" I mumble, and Phil hushes me,
"Shh, the nurses told you to rest" Phil reminds me, and I chuckle weakly,
"I'm a big boy Philly, I can look after myself" I smirk, and Phil smiles lightly back at me.

My eyes trail down to Phil's arm, which is wrapped up in a cast.
"Well what did you want?" Phil asks me, in a slight impatient tone, which I know is just concern for the fact I'm not resting as the nurse advised,
"What happened to your arm?" I question, and Phil looks down to his injured arm,
"I got in a fight with Nick after he stabbed you and he broke my arm" Phil speaks quickly, trying to make it so I don't catch everything he says. But I heard fucking enough.
Fight, Nick and broke.
That piece of shit.

I lift up my hand, and brush the loose strands of Phil's fringe which were dangling in front of his eye, and push it gently back with the other bit of his fringe. I then slowly run my fingers along the cuts and scratches on Phil's face, wishing that my fingers could glue them up as I stroke them.
"If he ever touches you again I'll kill him" I promise Phil, who chuckles.
"Last time that happened it was you he nearly killed, don't forget why we're here Dan" Phil giggles, and I shake my head,
"next time will be different" I mutter,
"There won't be a next time," Phil reassures me, "Chris gave him a run for his money".

I have to admit I was slightly jealous that it was Chris who saved Phil, I mean I'd planned to run in, beat the shit out of Nick, then rescue Phil and we'd live happily ever after like in one of those cringy Disney movies, but I had the minor set back of being stabbed in the back. Quite literally.
"Can you play some music on your phone? I left mine at home" I ask Phil, using music as an excuse to change the thoughts in my brain. Phil nods, and reaches into his trouser pocket, pulling out the black iPhone.

"may be a small problem..." Phil giggles awkwardly, and I look from the ceiling to him,
"What's the problem?" I ask in a concerned tone of voice, and Phil shows me the remnants of his iPhone. I instantly feel like I'm responsible for Phil's phone, which is now smashed so badly, it makes MCR look whole again.
"Nick's the problem" Phil chuckles, and I groan out loud,
"I'm so sorry Phil, it's my faul-" I begin to speak, but the boy cuts me off.

"Don't even think of blaming yourself Dan, it's Nick and only Nick to blame" Phil reminds me, and I nod, deciding now's not the time for an argument. The room goes silent again, until Phil begins to quietly sing,
"Humidity is rising, barometer's getting low" Phil sings, and I look up at him.

"According to our sources, the street's the place to go" Phil carries on, getting louder as he sings,
"Phil what are you singing?"

I don't get an answer from Phil, but I realise pretty quickly what song he's singing when the boy carries on,
"Cause tonight for the first time, just about half past ten, for the first time in history, It's gonna start raining mennnn"Phil practically shouts, and I burst out laughing,
"IT'S RAINING MEN, HALLELUJAH IT'S RAINING MEN, AMEN" Phil yells, and I have to silence him.

"Please, any song but that" I manage to choke out between my hyperventilating and crying. Phil shrugs innocently, and I know he's planning something.
"okay, if you insist" Phil smirks.

"Oooh, we're no strangers to love, you know the rules and so do I, A full commitment's what I'm thinking of, you wouldn't get this from any other guy" Phil starts singing again, and it takes me a second to realise what Phil's singing.

"STOP! JUST STOP" I laugh, and Phil giggles,
"don't ever Rick Roll me again, understood?" I growl sarcastically, and Phil beams at me,
"Okay" he agrees, "But now that you're expecting it.."

"NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN, NEVER GONNA RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU" Phil sings in what can only guess was his best Rick Astley voice that he could possibly do, and I let out a  loud groan.

"You were the one five minutes ago saying I needed to rest" I teases Phil, who just shrugs in reply,
"I'm making you feel better!" Phil protests,
"By singing It's raining men and Never gonna give you up..."I question,
"It worked didn't it" Phil asks, and I grins at the man sat next to me.

"Anything to do with you cheers me up little lion" I flirt, acting like the twelve year old girl I am, and Phil chuckles, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Just promise to be careful, bear"

That means I love you in dinosaur

It's me
How are you
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over

I'm sorry, that wasn't funny.

You might have seen on my Wattpad account I posted a message, but if you didn't see it I'll post it here anyway.
Basically, I'm doing my GCSEs at the moment, which for anyone who doesn't know are some exams British people have to do which are really important.
Because of this, I won't be updating as frequently, but I will still try to update as often as possible! Expect an update every other week roughly :)
Thanks for understanding;)
-Llamaandlion =•=

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