Chapter 14

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I hear light trudging, and creak my right eye open a slither,
"Hello?" I hear Phil's voice coo, and I instantly shoot up into meerkat formation.
"WHO'S THERE?" Phil questions, again and I leap to my feet, I look up to the landing, and see Phil's outline glaring down at me, then dive down onto the floor out of my sight, I take this as my opportunity to escape.

I madly dash towards the front door, fumbling at the handle, which to my luck is locked tightly shut, trapping me in Phil's home. I feel my phone begin to vibrate in my pocket, I slide it out to decline it, when I realise it's Phil, I breathe a tight breath in and whisper "Phil?"
"Dan help me, I think there's someone in my house" I hear Phil whimper, and I want to go upstairs and hug the boy telling him it's all going to be okay, but how can I explain to Phil why I'm here? All my confidence in admitting my feelings towards him have been chucked aside after this panicked circumstance.
"I'm sure there's no one there" I try to act cool, and I lean back against a old grandfather clock, which looses balance, and smashes into thousands of pieces,
"Shii-" I start to swear under my breath, that's gonna be expensive, Would my visa cover that?
"Did you hear that?" Phil asks me, and I remember he's on the phone to me,
"YES! Down the line, That's why I swore for your benefit" I reply almost to quickly, still madly dashing around Phil's house, tugging at random windows, hoping they'll budge.

"What shall I do?" Phil asks me,
"STAY IN YOUR ROOM! DON'T MOVE OKAY" I practically scream, instantly fretting Phil would have heard me shout in his house,
"Dan I'm frightened" I hear Phil whimper, and I sigh,
"Phil, I promise you you're safe. Now, could you possibly tell me all the possible exits this 'intruder' could use to escape without being seen?" I ask as subtly as possible, Smooth as fuck Dan.
"There's a fire escape out my bedroom window, and that's the only way really" Phil answers , and I stay silent for a moment, wondering if this really is my best option.

"Okay- Phil, the intruder is going to need to come into your room to escape, when I say three, be brave and run into the bathroom or something, DON'T PEAK AT THE PSYCHO IN YOUR HOUSE, and stay there till morning, when I'll come and get you" I barter with Phil and I hear a soft squeak, which I assume is his reply for all right.
"1...2...3!" I whisper down the phone and I hear Phil's bedroom door slam shut and his footsteps gallop along the landing into another room, when I hear a lock of a door, click into place.

"I'm in" I hear Phil pant, and I take this as my chance, I leap up the stairs, physically dragging the rest of my body up the last four or five stairs, which reminds me of the moment in Lion king when Mufusa is falling off a cliff, and scar is at the top about to push him off... NOT THE TIME DANIEL!
I barge into Phil's bedroom door, and literally dive out his window, temporarily winding myself at the impact of the fall,
I sprint over to the ladder, and slide down it by placing my hands and feet on either side of the ladder, and allowing gravity to do it's thing.

"Dan?" I hear Phil's voice whisper from the phone,
"Yep!" I grin, satisfied that I can talk at a normal volume now, a double decker bus drives past me, as I walk out Phil's road, I hush it as I go past even though I know it won't make any difference,
"Are you outside?" Phil asks me, and I feel my eyes pop out, oh crap what do I do now?
"No... my window's are open" I lie, and I realise my breathe shows how my heart is beating 100 times a second,
"Are you outside?" Phil questions, Bloody hell Phil, this is turning into little red riding hood,
"No, I thought now that I'm up, it would be a good time to practice my Rosemary Conley fitness scheme" I deceit, remembering that awful DVD my mum owned which would mentally scar me for the rest of my childhood, I shudder at just the thought of Rosemary's face.
"Your doing exercise?" I hear Phil giggle, which hearing this boy laugh, makes me happy too,
"Yep" I laugh along, glancing around, I have no clue where the fluff this is, where even am I?

I see a hill coming up and moan in defeat,
"you okay?" I hear Phil grin, and I continue to stare at the hill,

"Dan, I'm going to go to sleep now, do you think my bedrooms safe?" Phil asks me, and I beam at the thought of my adorable little friend being afraid of his bedroom,
"Yes Phil"
I hear a latch click, and Phil's footsteps progress to his bedroom,
"Dan, I'm still scared" Phil worries,
"Phil you don't need to be scared" I promise, even though I know Phil won't trust me, for all he knows there's still a murderer in his home,
"Um, Dan- do you think there's any chance you could stay here with me tonight, I'd feel a whole load safer" Phil mutters, and I feel a warm fuzzy feeling inside me,
"Of course you dork" I grin, turning on my heel and slowly shuffling back to Phil's home.

As I slide to Phil's home he tells me his address, and I tell him that I'll enter through the fire escape so he doesn't have to leave his room, then we hang up so I can continue my journey much quicker, without being side tracked.
Being the procrastinating king, I manage to take twenty minutes to get to Phil's house, and I return back up the fire escape until I return to his window. I decide to knock on the window lightly, just so I don't alarm Phil by immediately clambering into his bedroom, the second my whole body is through the small gap in the window, Phil magnetises his body onto mine, latching on like a little leech.
"Thank you bear" Phil sniffs, and I wrap my arms around my crushes body,
"I'll go find a blanket and pillo-" I start but Phil interrupts me,
"NO! You can share the bed if you want?" and I wrap my arms back round Phil as I'd unattached them to get a blanket,
"If that's what keeps my little lion safe, that's what I'll do" I smile cheesily, and I see a smile creep onto Phil's perfect face.

I awkwardly follow Phil to his bed, and snuggle up next to him in the covers, after a lot of reassuring Phil that I'm comfortable with it, We fell asleep cuddling each other, so if we were any closer we'd be one person...

And that's the night I realised everything I wanted to do to Phil...

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