Chapter 5

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Holy shizz, he didn't reject me! Phil actually agreed to see me again!
I do my shirt buttons up and reach for my bow tie, today I don't want to screw things up, I mean- Phil and I are kinda going on a date..
No Dan, Just friends!
I slip on my black work shoes, and lift my coat off the peg which is attached to the wall.
I double, no triple check I have my wallet, Oyster card, keys and phone before setting out and hailing a taxi.

"BBC please" I direct quickly, sliding down in my seat so no passing paparazzi can photograph me,
"Your Mr.Howell aren't you!" The taxi driver remarked, I give him a quick nod and look down at my phone screen, I have Phil's contact name up on my screen,
"So are you planning on making anymore clothes sir?" The driver asks, and I shrug, I really can't be asked to talk to this man.
We pull up outside the familiar building labeled BBC, and I instantly spot the Starbucks placed neatly on the road.
It's tempting just to skip the radio interview and go straight to Starbucks to meet Phil, but I know he won't be there yet, we agreed to meet at 12:40am, and it's only 9:16am! Bloody hell it's early.

I hastily walk towards the BBC, and the security guard allows me to pass through.
"DANIEL HOWELL!" A member of the press calls out from behind me as I enter the building, I choose to ignore them and head straight on through security towards the lifts.
I press the button for floor 4, and the elevator whirrs to life, bolting me up towards the sky,
I look through the window in the lift and scan the perimeter for Phil, but alas I can't spot him, with all the people frantically rushing around.

The pinging sound alerts me I have reached my floor, and the doors slide open to reveal the hidden world that is known as BBC Radio.
"I'm here for Scott Mills" I inform a man on reception, who is wearing one of my shirts,
"Mr.Howell!" The man says, a stunned expression over his face. I give him a quick salute for the Lol's and then head down the corridor till I spot Scott talking into a microphone, over a loud speaker Scott's voice can be heard, so I stand and wait till a song comes on to enter.

"And now we'll play 'Crazy in Love' by Beyoncé for Skye and Dom" Scott announces, and the song kicks in.
I slowly creek the door open, and peep my head through the crack,
"Dan! Come in, come in!" Scott welcomes, and I push the door further until the gap is big enough for me to pass through.

Scott talks me through the basics, and just as he finishes explaining, the song cuts off,
"Right, that was Crazy in love and this is Scott Mills, with special guest-" Scott introduces and points to me, shoot I have to talk
"Dan Howelllllllllll" I coo sarcastically, performing jazz hands as I do so,
They can't see you you complete and utter twit
"And Dan what are you famous for?" Scott asks,
"Being lazy" I joke, and then I burst out laughing, the room around me is silent,
Stop trying to be funny, your making a fool of yourself you waffle!!
"I wouldn't really say I'm famous, my clothes are the ones that are famous" I recover myself with a slightly better statement.

The interview goes on for what feels like an eternity, and I recognise the questions being related to ones Phil asked me yesterday,
"Thank you Mr.Howell, now just before you go, is there any song you'd like to request?" Scott asks me, and I consider
my choices-
I could go back to my teenage self and choose 'Bring me to life' by Evanescence, or maybe some 'Dance Dance' by Fall out Boy, NO, 'This is Gospel' by Panic!At the Disco... Wait...
"Can I request Toxic by Brittany Spears please" I grin, satisfied with my song choice,
"Certainly! You are listening to Radio One and this is Scott Mills" Scott speaks as I leave the studio.

"I'm addicted to you don't you know that your toxic" I sing along, while walking down,
Finally- I get to see Phil.

I exit the BBC and head towards Starbucks, the paparazzi instantly recognises me, and I get cameras thrusted into my face,
I blank them all while a nearby Police officer barricades them away from me while I make my way into Starbucks, were I spot Phil, at the front of the queue ordering a drink.

I decide to sneak up on him, so I crouch down onto my knees and using all the stealth I had in me, I spring up and ambush Phil,
"Gaahh!" Phil let's out an adorable little squeal, clutching his heart as he does so.

"Sorry" I laugh, and Phil joins in with the laughter, poking his tongue out the corner of his mouth as he does so, which he instantly covers with his hand,
"Don't cover that up, it's cute" I smile, referring to his tongue pokey out thingy, and Phil's cheeks turn red,
"I hope you don't mind, but I ordered you a drink, is Caramel Creamy Cooler okay?" Phil changes subject, and I nod,
"Sounds perfect"

"I was listening to you on the radio" Phil giggled, as we traveled down a flight of stairs, and now it's my cheeks that heat up,
"I laughed" Phil smiled, which made me feel a bit better,
"That was so embarrassing" I sigh, and Phil nods in agreement,
"But you requested the greatest song!" Phil added, and I let out a small chuckle,
"Toxic is the way forward really" I laugh.

"Baby can't you see, I'm calling a guy like you should wear a warnin' it's dangerous I'm loving it" Phil starts to sing, and I join in,
"There's no escape, I can't leave, I need a hit, baby gimme it, your dangerous, I'm loving it"


I'm addicted to Phil, does he know that he's toxic?

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