Chapter 67

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The car ride back to London felt even longer than the journey we had earlier, mainly because of the complete silence echoing throughout the car, and the only noise that could be heard for the whole trip was Chris' phone plugged into the auxiliary cord.

Unfortunately for Dan and I, who were cramped into the back of Pj's tiny car, Chris' music isn't the most varied, and we had to listen to 'But it's better if you do' at least 20 times, and I was starting to wonder if walking to London would be less painful.

When we finally arrived at the Metropolitan police station, Dan and I jumped out the car and stormed towards the entrance. I like to think our walk made us look like Sherlock and Doctor Watson, but in reality we probably looked more like Mr. Blobby and Mr.Tumble rolling into an ice cream shop.

"We're here to see Inspector Lassiter" Dan informs the police station's receptionist, who slowly looks up from her computer screen.
"Do you have an appointment?" She enquires, and both Dan and I shake our heads.

"We don't need one, we're here about Nick Jonas" Dan growls, gritting his teeth as he speaks, and the woman shakes her head.
"You're not one of his fans are you?" she sighs,
"Yes-NO!" Dan quickly yells, and I flash him a quick glare at his slip up.

"We're the people who got Nick arrested, I'm Philip Lester and this is my boyfriend, Daniel Howell" I introduce, deciding to step in after Dan seemed to only be able to make things worse.

The receptionist types something into her computer, and then nods happily,
"Righty-o. You're actually expected. I'll inform the inspector that you're here" she smiles, before pulling out a walkie talkie and gently speaking into the radio asking for Inspector Lassiter to come up to the reception.

After a few minutes of silent loitering, Inspector Lassiter pops his head round the door,
"Dan, Phil?" He asks, and I flash him a smile, "follow me please" the inspector demands, and Dan and I do as we're told.

The inspector leads us into a room separated by a wall with a thick window in the middle with two police officers either side of the glass.
"Nick's going to come in on the other side and you'll have five minutes to ask him questions before he's going back to his cell" Inspector Lassiter explains before leaving the room, and Dan and I take a seat on the chairs facing the window.

As soon as the door shuts on our side of the room, the door the other side of the glass opens and Nick is marched in by two police officers.

"Daniel, Philip, what a pleasant surprise" Nick smirks, and I see Dan's fist clench in anger,
"How did you get away the first time Nick?" I ask, seeing that Dan will probably only start shouting in a minute if I don't start the conversation.

"No comment" Nick grins, and Dan leans across the table from where he was sat so he was closer to Nick.
"Answer my boyfriend's question you fucking prick" Dan snarls, and I quickly kick him under the table for snapping.

Nick let's out a dramatic sigh,
"Well if you must know.." he huffs, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, and I notice that the police officers behind Nick are suddenly paying attention to our conversation, which must mean that they don't know how he escaped either.

"It was simple really, people just don't pay attention to details so getting away was like stealing candy from a baby, easy and entertaining" Nick smirks, and Dan furrows his eyebrows in confusion,
"What do you mean 'people don't pay attention'?" Dan quotes, and Nick smiles.

"There was one key problem Dan, I was always one step ahead of you and Phil, always have been, always will be" Nick continues to rabbit on, and I begin to grow impatient,
"Just tell us how you did it, Nick" I sigh, and he rolls his eyes.

"I want you to figure it out!" he exclaims, and I shake my head,
"No, just tell us, we have about two minutes left in here, and we're not going to guess" I speak out, but Dan holds his hand out to stop me from carrying on talking even though I'd finished.

"I've figured it out" he quickly gasps, and both Nick and I turn our attention to Dan in anticipation,
"Go on then" Nick grins.

"Nick said that we weren't paying attention, and that's exactly it. Remember what happened when Nick was arrested? Inspector Lassiter took us for investigation while the other two officers took Nick to the car, now that would be all great but we didn't pay attention, we didn't look and because of that we missed a vital part of Nick's 'great' escape" Dan explains, and I look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask, still not catching on to his deduction,
"Did you see the two police officer's faces?" Dan asks, and suddenly everything makes sense.

"Well, no.." I stutter, and Dan smirks,
"Exactly! Remember inspector Lassiter told us that it was two new trainee police officers, first day on the job, well that wasn't any 'trainee officers' it was Joe and Kevin! They 'arrested' Nick and drove him off away from the scene and made it seem like an abduction, and that the two trainee police officers were murdered so it wouldn't seem suspicious that they never returned" Dan explains, then looks to Nick to see if he's right.

"I'm impressed Daniel the Spaniel" Nick nods, "you should become a police officer instead of your stupid fashion brand"

Dan smiles at my impressed facial expression,
"If I didn't have my 'stupid fashion brand' I'd never have met the best thing that's ever happened to me" Dan mumbles, while grabbing my hand from under the table and squeezing it gently.

"Times up!" One of the officers from behind Dan and I calls out, and Nick grins at us as he's marched out the room.

"I'll see you two soon, don't think this is over" Nick chuckles as he leaves the room.
Dan and I stand up and walk out the other side of the room, where Inspector Lassiter is stood waiting for us,
"Dan, how did you figure that out? Our officers have been trying to work that out all night!" The inspector exclaims, and Dan shrugs.

"Maybe you should just hire some better police officers" Dan suggests before leaving the station, closely followed by myself, who was smirking like an idiot at how impressive Dan was.


Don't worry this isn't the end of the book

I'm so sorry about how slow updates have been, my life has been a bit shit recently and I've just needed a bit of a break.
But I'm back bitches
-Llamaandlion =•=

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