Chapter 26

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Picture by emily1danielle

When we get back to my house I just want to engulf myself with Phil's body, but he's practically falling asleep on the spot so I decide against coming onto him tonight.
"Is it cool if we share a bed?" I ask Phil as I lead him up the stairs into my room, 
"Well it's not like we've never done it before" Phil chuckles, and I smile to the boy as I open my bedroom door, displaying an array of blackness.

"welcome to my room of sleep, this is where I try to do magic" I wink, as I point to my magic set in the corner of my bedroom,
"It's very inviting Mr.Howell, you won't mind if I just-" Phil starts before face planting  my bed, letting out a soothing 'aahh' as he lands.
"budge over" I poke Phil in the rib cage, and he rolls over so he's on one side of the bed, giving me space to clamber in next to him.
"Hey Phil, do you think that tomorrow we could-" I begin talking to Phil but the boy is already allowing soft snore to escape his lips,
"goodnight Mr. Lester, sweet dreams" I gently kiss Phil's forehead, before changing into my pyjamas and getting into bed next to Phil. 

"Good morninggggg" Phil sings into my ear and I groan, swatting my hand around trying to turn off what I was an alarm clock, but instead punched Phil in the face,
"it's good to see you too Dan" Phil greets sarcastically, and I groggily prise my eyes apart, to see Phil holding his nose in pain,
"Come on get up it's 10am!" Phil pokes me, reminding me of a child on Christmas day, and I let out an even louder groan,
"The photo shoot isn't till like 12 Phil" I moan, rolling back over so I'm facing away from Phil,
"Yes I know that, but you have to get up, have a shower, get dressed, brush your teeth- your breath stinks by the way- eat breakfast, and get there!" Phil lectures me.

"I know how to get ready Phil, I've been doing it for quite a few years, 24 to be precise!" I exclaim, 
"Well I've been doing it for 28 years which means I WIN, so get up before I burn all your black items" Phil teases me and I scramble up off the bed, 
"I hate you sometimes you know" I glare at Phil as he skips around my room while I enter the bathroom,
"yeah of course you do Danny boy" Phil winks as I shut the bathroom door,
"Call me that again and I'll have you fired, and fed to the hamsters" I call through the door before turning the radio on and jamming to Frank Ocean's Thinking about you.

"A tornado flew around my room before you came, Excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn't rain" I sing, 
"YOU HAVE A LOVELY VOICE!" Phil shouts through the door, and I roll my eyes, as I apply the shampoo to my now damp hair, 
"When I'm thinkin' 'bout you" I sing
"ooh, no, no, no" Phil joins in and I giggle slightly
"I been thinkin' 'bout you" I warble, doing my best impression of an opera singer,
"you know, know, know" Phil mimics my singing style, and I burst into fits of laughter at how surprisingly good Phil is at opera style. 
"Phil go make me some toast will ya?" I plead through the door, and I hear Phil sigh,
"I might have things I need to do!" Phil protests,
"Yeah, like standing outside my bathroom eavesdropping on me having a shower?" I grin, and I hear Phil walk off,
"Thank youuuu" I sing.

Once I've had a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed and ate some breakfast we got our shoes on ready to go as Phil had been complaining for the last half hour he was ready.
"Here we go!" Phil impersonates Mario as he leaps down the stairs from my house, I smile at his excited personality, I mean this is normal for me and I really don't see the excitement of having my photo taken but I guess for Phil this is a whole new experience.

"Howell's clothes industry please" I instruct the taxi driver that Phil booked earlier,
"Certainly sir! Your him aren't you!" The taxi driver exclaims as we pull out, and Phil giggles softly,
"Yeah I'm Dan" I chuckle, I'm always awkward when someone recognises me, I guess I'm just still  not used to fame.
"Who are you then?" The driver asks Phil, and my head snaps towards the hot boy perched next to me,
"Oh I'm just Phil" Phil smiles meekly, what does he mean 'Just Phil'? 
"This is Phil, he's our top model" I grin to Phil, who looks equally as surprised as the driver,
"oh is that so?" The driver asks, inspecting Phil in his mirror,
"yes it is" I push my head into sight of his mirror and his eyes divert from Phil to mine,
"very well" He sighs, returning to the view of the road.

The rest of the ride was silent, which is what I usually make them because I hate strangers knowing too much about me, Phil was the first person I allowed into my life easily, and I'm not going to let him leave easily either.
"Here we are" The taxi driver pulls into the lay by outside my office, and I pay him before he even has time to tell me how much I owe him.

"Come on Phil" I growl, as we leave the taxi and enter the building,
"I haven't even had one photo shoot and I'm already your top model, that must be saying something about your employees Dan" Phil giggles, and before I have time to explain someone from behind me replies to Phil,
"Yes it must, Dan explain?" A deep British accent rings through my ears, Phil and I spin round to see Pj Liguori stood behind us,
"you must be Philip, I'm Pj" Pj shakes Phil's hand, and Phil smiles,
"Just Phil please sir, it's only my mum who calls me Philip and that's if I've been bad" Phil giggles and Pj joins in with the laughter,
"My apologies Phil; Dan, I'm going to have to steal Phil here away from you, but don't worry you'll get him back, we just need to get his make up on" Pj smiles, grabbing Phil's hand and rushing off towards the studio.

"Break a leg Phil" I whisper, watching my friend scuttle off with Peej. Resisting Phil is going to be harder than I thought...

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