Chapter 51

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My chest clenches, I feel my heart beat speed up, Dan's body is hunched into a ball in front of me and I can't bring myself to respond.

"D-Dan...?" I manage to splutter out, my knees beginning to buckle from underneath me. Nick throws the knife onto the floor and turns around, beginning to walk into the darkness of the room, and I start to loose sight of him,
"Dan!" Pj gasps, running to my boyfriend's side, Chris following him,
"Becky, Jessica, can one of you call an ambulance?" Chris asks the girls, who nod and both trot out the room to get better phone service.

"Where's Phil? Phil! come here please, I need you to stay calm" Pj calls out to me, but my eyes are fixed on the shadow of Nick walking away. No fluffing way was I letting him get away.
"You fucking idiot!" I scream, running after Nick, screaming. This was one of the first times I've ever sworn, but I just couldn't keep it inside me, I was just so.. so... angry.
I leap into the air, and tackle Nick, which catches him off guard, and he goes sprawling to the ground. Instantly, Nick's reaction was to roll over so he was lying on his back and grab my arm, pulling me head first down onto the floor.

I tuck my head into my neck, and I roll over as if doing a head over heels, except I land on my back with a loud thump, and I arch my back in pain.
"Phil!?" I hear Pj call out for me, but I don't reply. Nick pulls himself up onto his knees, and grabs my neck, yanking me to my feet as he stands up. I clench my fist, and spin round, so Nick looses his grip on my neck, and as I spin I smash my hand into Nick's face, and I hear a crack, which I'm sure is my hand.  I scream in pain, grabbing my (now broken) hand. I look at Nick's face, and his nose is dripping with blood, but I obviously came out worse in the punch.

I back away slowly, whimpering in pain, as Nick storms towards me, his hand and sleeve covered in blood from where he just wiped his face.
"PHIL!?" I hear Pj call out again, but it is too dark to see where he is,
"Pj!" I yell out in fear, backing up faster and faster, until I have to actually turn and run to get away from Nick's speed.
"PHIL! Where are you?" I hear Pj call out again,
"HELP!" I reply, "I don't know it's dark and-"

Nick cuts me off by grabbing the back of my shirt and jerking me back. I elbow Nick in the rib area continuously, but it doesn't seem to effect Nick.

The man spins me round and sends me a sharp blow in the stomach, and I loose my breath instantly. I stand gasping for air, as more punches are thrown into my front until I collapse onto the floor in pain.

"Don't make me kill you too, Lester" Nick mutters to me, and I see him raise his hobnail boot above my head, ready to stomp down. I get my breath back, and I lay there, breathing slowly waiting for the foot to drop. I know there's no point in fighting back. Jonas-3 Lester-1.

"SLAMDUNK!" I hear a voice scream, the voice that belongs to Chris Kendall, and I see a pair of what look like legs wrap around Nick's neck, and the man is dragged down onto the floor.

Coughing and spluttering, I pull myself up so I'm sat up slightly, and watch in surprise as Chris wrestles Nick, punching the poop out of him. I see Nick cower back in fear, as Chris towers over him.
"Don't ever come near my friends again, understand?" Chris spits, and Nick nods quickly, causing Chris to release his grip on Nick, who scrambles away.

Once Nick is out of our sight, Chris turns to me, and smiles as if nothing happened, while I just sit there, with my mouth hanging open in shock.
"You'll catch flies if you leave your mouth open like that" Chris giggles as he helps me to my feet, allowing me to wrap my arm over his shoulders to use him as a support.

"How... Did you..." I wheeze, and Chris shrugs,
"My mum paid for me to have self-defence classes when I was a little girl, because I was an ugly little shit who was bully material" Chris smiles sarcastically, and I lie at his sarcasm of A) being a girl, and B) being ugly.

We hobble over to where Dan is in the room, and I kneel by his side,
"Dan?" I whisper, but there isn't any reply,
"He's still breathing, don't worry" Pj reassures me, and I nod, stroking Dan's face slowly.

"The ambulance is outside" Jessica struts into the room, and Chris thanks her.
"We need to carry Dan down" Pj instructs Chris,
"I'll help" I volunteer, but Pj shakes his head,
"It's okay, Chris and I have got this, you're already in enough pain as it is" Pj motions to my hand, which I try to hide.
"It doesn't hurt" I lie, and Pj raises his eyebrow at me in disbelief,
"I can see it's broken just by looking at it, Phil" Pj smirks, and I decide not to argue, as I just want Dan to get to help as soon as possible.

Jessica and I lead the way, as Chris and Pj follow behind carrying Dan by the feet and armpits. When we get outside my eyes feel as if they're burning as I've been inside for such a long time, they'd adjusted to the darkness.
"What happened?" A paramedic asks, and I explain how Dan got stabbed, leaving out the details of my kidnap and the knife barer being Nick Jonas, instead I blame the injury on a piece of machinery. I don't want to dig anything deeper with Nick.

The paramedic allows me to sit in the back of the ambulance with Dan, while the others follow in the car.
"You seem to be a bit battered up as well, laddy" the other paramedic examines me, as I sit in silence next to Dan, while the ambulance jolts over speed bumps in a rush to get to the hospital.
"I got in a fight at the pub" I chuckle awkwardly, trying as hard as possible to cover up my lie, which the paramedic seemed to have bought.
"Well we'll get you checked out too at the hospital" the paramedic smiles.

Just as long as I'm not far from Dan...

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