Chapter 21

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I pull up outside the BBC in the surprise limousine I hired for Phil and I to get to the cat café in style.
"I'll be back in a second" I inform the driver, and I step out the limousine, where a lot of the paparazzi have circled my door in anticipation to see who gets out.

"Excuse me" I barge past a camera man, as he clicks his shutter continuously getting horrible mug shots of my face,
"That angle was terrible, if I see it on any magazine I'll get you fired" I scold a photographer, who thrusts his camera under my chin.

I glance at the clock on my phone, 5:30, right on time! Phil should be out any second, and hopefully he's ready for tonight.
"Dan!" hear Phil gasp, and I spin round to see that handsome boy, in a sexy tight shirt,
"Is that limo for us?" He gasps and I nod, not able to unfix my eyes from Phil's chest,
"You didn't have to spend money on a limo Dan!" Phil hisses, and I snap my eyes back up to Phil's blushing face,
"Shall we?" I tease, completely ignoring Phil's last statement and offering him my arm.

"Thank you for this" Phil whispers into my ear as I open the door to the limousine,
"Anytime little lion" I wink, and Phil giggles at his nickname.

Phil takes a seat in the limousine and I perch next to him as close as I can possibly get without sitting on him,
"Carry on driver" I instruct, and the driver carries on the pursuit.

"So how has your day at work been?" Phil starts to make small talk between us,
"Boring" I laugh, "yours?"
"Eventful" Phil smirks, and I raise an eyebrow at him,
"Well basically Becky and Jessica accidentally found out about the date, they stole my phone and booked four seats on our table which cancelled our reservations for tonight, but there wasn't any tables left and I got our old table back, but told Becky and Jessica it was on a different day our date had been moved too, which just so happens to be a day where you pick up poo and all that nasty stuff, and as we speak the girls are probably on a train to Scotland as they think you're there" Phil explains quickly, and I erupt into a fit of laughter, clapping my hands in glee.
"Amazing!" I laugh, and Phil grins showing all his teeth, I love his smile.

"Here we are, you boys have fun tonight" the driver smiles,
"We will thank you" I smile, following Phil out the car,
"Look at that kitten!" Phil squeals, pointing excitedly to a little ginger kitten, who is playing with a mans shoe laces,
"Name please?" A lady asks,
"Lester" Phil replies, and the lady scans a clipboard held in front of her,
"Right this way boys" she smiles.
We get walked over to a small table in the corner of the room, and the second Phil sits down, a black and white cat jumps on Phil's lap nestling into his stomach.

"I think you've made a friend" I laugh, as I take a seat in the chair opposite Phil,
"Can I keep him do you think?" Phil asks hopefully,
"I doubt they'll let you take a cat home Phil" I stare at my friend, who is now caressing the cat with kisses.
"What can I get you boys?" A waiter asks, and I browse the menu,
"I'll have a strawberry cheesecake and tea please" Phil orders,
"Certainly, and for you?"
"I'll have a chocolate cake and latte please" I smile and the waiter nods,
"Okay, I'll bring those right out"

After about five minutes of me getting jealous of a cat as it rubs it's face over Phil's, the waiter returns with a tray of our cakes and drinks,
"Sorry, that's Bam Bam, he loves
People" the waiter refers to the black and white cat, making a fuss of Phil,
"It's fine" Phil wheezes, his eyes turning bloodshot,
"Phil are you alright??" I concern, and Phil shakes his head,
"I can't breathe" he whispers,
"CAN SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE PLEASE??" I shout, diving off my seat to Phil's side, scaring Bam Bam away,
"Here use this" a man offers a paper bag, and Phil starts to breathe in and out the bag.

"An ambulance is on the way" the man on the table next to us informs and I thank him,
"Phil what made this happen?" I ask, trying to stay calm,
"I'm allergic to cats" Phil's gasps, and I mentally face palm,
"Then why did you bring us here!?" I scream,
"I like cats" Phil giggles, even though he's struggling to breathe, he still manages to have a laugh.

The door swings open and a paramedic rushes in to Phil's aid,
"Let's get you to the ambulance son" The paramedic reassures Phil, who nods. I assist the paramedic to get Phil into the ambulance, but when I start to climb in the man stops me,
"Sorry, your not allowed in" he apologises,
"Why not!?" I snap,
"There's no space, but we're taking him to St.Guys hospital, you can come visit him there if you want" the paramedic speaks before slamming the door and driving off.

"Phil!" I scream, chasing after the ambulance, there's no way in hell I'm letting them take Phil without me. People snap pictures as I charge after the ambulance, I notice that there is a step on the ambulance, which if I get close enough to it I could stand on the step and hold onto the door handle for dear life.

Up ahead the ambulance gets held up in a congestion, and I use the last of my speed and strength to pull myself onto the door and clutch the door handle,
"Holy shit this thing is fast" I mutter to myself, clenching my eyes shut as the ambulance whizzes past Londoners.

After what feels like an eternity the ambulance pulls into St.Guys and my hand slips, so I fall off the ambulance into the road. I quickly scramble to my feet and dart out the road into the hospital.

"I'm here to see Philip Michael Lester"


How's everyone's summers so far?
I thought I should tell you guys I'm going to be away for ten days so I won't be able to update my story (no wifi! *cries*)

Anyway, I haven't abandoned the story, but there won't be an update for a while :)
Sorry :D

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