Chapter 15

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I am still paranoid about the intruder in my house, and I keep waking up certain I heard a noise.
Dan has his arm snaked round my waist protectively, pulling me into his body.
I can hear light snores leaving Dan's lips, and my urge to kiss him is off the scale. He is asleep, maybe he wouldn't realise?
NO PHIL! Don't be ridiculous, you can't just kiss your friends as they sleep, imagine if he stirred and realised what I was doing, he'd storm out my apartment, and leave me here to fend for myself, plus I couldn't loose Dan, he's too special to me.

I let out a deep sigh, aware that my face is inches away from the crook of Dan's neck,
"your scent its like a drug to me, its like you're my own personal brand of heroin" I quote Edward Cullen to Dan, even though he can't register the fact I'm quoting vampire stories to him,

"When I say, 'I love you,' it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy" I continue to quote, this time using Buffy the vampire slayer as my source.

"Phil?" Dan mutters, twitching in his sleep, and I freeze immediately like a rabbit in the headlights.
"Y-yeah?" I stutter, and Dan props himself up with his elbow,
"Are you alright?" He whispers to me, and I can smell his minty breath as it meanders in and out my nostrils.
"I'm fine thanks, I just can't sleep" I chuckle nervously,
"Is something preventing you from sleeping?" Dan asks concerned, and I smile at him,
"It's just my thoughts catching up with me" I explain, and Dan stares at me shocked,
"Have we switched lives? Normally it's me having the existential crisis!" Dan laughs, and I join in, deciding to play along with Dan's thoughts, so I don't have to humiliate myself with the torture of knowing I'll never have Dan.

"I think I need some fresh air" I lie, standing up and heading towards the window,
"Me too, let's go to the park" Dan perks up, and I stare blankly at him,
"It's nearly 5am Dan" I explain, and Dan looks at me blankly,
"It will be fun, plus no one else will be there" Dan grins and I feel myself getting turned on with the thoughts my brain is processing.

"I'll come down for five minutes" I sigh, and Dan leaps out of bed and rushes out my bedroom door,
"Dan!" I hiss, worried the intruder will still be in my house,
"Phil it's alright, no ones here" Dan reassures, and I can hear the genuineness in his voice.

I quickly open my wardrobe and pull my lime green and black checked shirt, slinging it over my shoulders, and push my arms through the sleeves.
I slowly creek open my door, and I can see Dan stood ready at the front door,
"Just coming" I chuckle nervously, pacing out the door way, and jogging down the stairs.

"Your shoes" Dan presents me with my blue trainers,
"Thanks" I grin, sliding my huge feet into the shoes, and remembering to pick up my keys as we leave the apartment.

Dan and I walk next to each other down the road, to the little park at the bottom of my road, our hands lightly brush past each other and I look down at them, and smile softly to myself.
The park is in sight, and my hand brushes Dan's almost to close for comfort, but instead of flinching away, Dan just intertwines his fingers with mine, which catches me off guard, holy shampoo what do I do?

I slowly wrap my fingers into the empty areas of Dan's hand, squeezing it tight, and I see Dan's face maintain a grin.

We walk into the park, and Dan instantly rushes over to the play park, dragging me behind him to the swings,
"I need to talk to you" Dan says seriously, and my smile quavers,
"What's up?" I ask, and Dan looks away from me, as if afraid to keep eye contact with me.

"In the words of Carly Rae Jepsen, I really really really really really really like you and I want you, do you want me? Do you want me too?" Dan stutters, his whole body physically shaking.
I sit on the swing stunned, Did Dan fluffing Howell just admit he likes me?
"Can I reply in the words of Olivia Newton and John Travolta?" I ask, and Dan looks at me confused, his cheeks are bright red,
"Well, your the one that I want, you are the one for ooh ooh ooh honey" I sing in a cheesy voice, and Dan's mouth literally drops down,

I place my hand over Dan's mouth to hush him,
"OohOohOhh Shut up and Dancce with mee" I sing, and slowly Dan lifts his hand up, pulling my hand off his lips, and Without thinking twice I smash my face into his, and kiss his soft, pink lips.
To my relief Dan kisses back, and starts to wrap his arms around my back.

I get off my swing and perch on Dan's lap, so I'm straddling him on the swing, and Dan begins to moan, tightening my jeans. I quickly snap my head back and leap off Dan's lap, trying to cover my erection.

"Don't hide it" Dan smirks, "I have one too"
I look down at Dan's crotch and sure enough his black skinny jeans look like their at the point of ripping,
"Let's get back to yours, I wouldn't want to waste this" Dan points to his area, and I instantly know wha he means.
My penis makes the decision for me,
"Let's go" I growl aggressively, grabbing Dan's hand.

Phil, welcome to fifty shades of Phan...

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