Chapter 61

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The car ride was long and boring, I started regretting suggesting going to the beach, as Brighton is so far away, and the hoards of commuters driving around London didn't make our journey any quicker.

When we finally got to the motorway I fell asleep, and didn't wake up until we actually made it to Brighton, and by the looks of everyone else's tired, bored faces, that had been quite a while.

I woke with a jump as Chris suddenly spoke up.
"First one to see the sea gets to touch my penis for ten seconds"
My head shoots up, and I quickly flash my eyes open, unaware that I'd actually been sleeping.
"That's not fair to Pj though," Dan exclaims,  and I look over to where the boy is sat next to me, "he's had it inside him for longer periods of time than that!"

Pj glares at Dan through the rear view mirror, while Chris stifles a soft chuckle at his remark. I smirk at Dan, who's too busy looking out the window to notice me staring at him, and it isn't till I spot Pj lightly smiling at me in the mirror that I stop looking at Dan, which just causes Pj to lightly exhale as a small laugh.

We arrive at the beach, and neither Dan or I actually spoke up when we saw the water just incase Chris was actually being legit about his 'prize'.
"If anyone sees a car parking space, please tell me" Pj asks, as we slowly drive down the road alongside the waters edge, and I look out the window, where I spot a narrow gap.

"What about that spot there?" I suggest,
"Perfect!" Pj exclaims, and he switches the car's indicator so the rear lights is signalling to the right, and drives into the narrow gap.
Slowly, we all climb out the car, and do that awkward stretch thing you do when you've been sat down for too long as Pj locks the car.

"Last one to the water is a pussy!" Pj exclaims, and both him and Chris race down to the water,
"Wait, what!" I giggle, and I begin to chase after the two boys, running like a disabled antelope on  the sand. I turn around to see how far behind me Dan is, but he's just slowly walking down the steps onto the beach itself.

"Come on Dan!" I call up the beach to my boyfriend,
"I don't run when it isn't necessary!" Dan responds, and I let out a huff at his laziness. Slowly I plod back up the beach to where Dan was casually making his way down to the water.

"Come on you lazy little bum bag" I chuckle, as I grab his hand and run back down the beach, forcing Dan to run with me, although he did put a lot of resistance into running, and I felt a bit like I was a shire horse dragging an extremely heavy carriage of memes.

When we eventually got to the water's edge Dan was panting like a dog who'd just had to run through the whole of the Sahara desert. Chris and Pj had already ditched their shirts, trousers and shoes on the beach, and were paddling about five metres out in the deep water.

I look out at where the boys were splashing about, and felt a lump of fear grow in my heart.
"Dan, I don't think I can go out that deep" I whispers to Dan, and he wraps his arm around me in a comforting manor.
"You can choose how deep we go, I won't force you out of your depth" Dan smiles at me, and reluctantly I nod.

Slowly, I remove my shirt and trousers, leaving them in a pile on top of Chris and Pj's clothes, and I wait for Dan to do the same. There are scratches and bruises on both of our bodies from Nick Jonas, and I can still see the wound of the back of Dan's body as he turns round to place his clothes on the pile.

Once Dan has also stripped down to his boxers, and had checked me out (even though I pretended I didn't notice, mainly because I'd just done it to him too), we walk down to the water, and leave our shoes in the same place the others had left theirs, which was just past the pebbly bit on the beach so we didn't injure our feet on the rocky surface.

Dan and I stand right at the water's edge, and watch Pj and Chris splash about in the water.
"You two getting in or not?" Chris calls out to us,
"yeah, sorry" I laugh, and slowly I begin to wade in towards Chris and Pj, my heart beating faster with every step I take.

I can sense Dan's presence a few steps behind me, which slightly calms my nerves,  but it isn't until we get about a metre or so away from Pj and Chris, where the water is up to our hips that I decide that I can't go any further.
"I don't want to go any further Dan, you can go over to where they are, I'll just splash about here" I smile meekly at Dan, who shakes his head at me.

"Nonsense my dear Philly, I'm not going to leave you! Besides, you're about a thousand times more exciting than those two love birds"  Dan chuckles, kissing me on the cheek, and I lightly blush at his compliment.

Suddenly a cascade of water goes straight over Dan's head and I have to hold back the laugh when I see Pj squatted in the water smirking at him, and Dan's hair going into that curly form that he hates which I got to witness at Legoland.

"Hey there curly twin" Pj teases Dan,
"Did you just..." Dan manages to cough out,
"Oh, I just" Pj grins, and Dan's glare turns to a evil smile.

I watch as Dan slowly moves closer to Pj, and then all of a sudden Pj has also been splashed, and now Dan was the one looking smug.

Pj dives on Dan and pushes him under the water, and I'm not going to lie, it did worry me a bit, but I didn't want to be the one who ruins the fun.
Chris swims over to me and looks at the mess that is Pj and Dan, wriggling around under the water.
"Boys" Chris sighs, "they never behave"
I laugh lightly at Chris' remark, just as Dan and Pj resurface, gasping for air.

The two boys are grinning at each other, as they pant to try and get their breath back, and I can't help but feel a bit jealous.
"You're gonna pay for that" Dan growls at Peej, but his tone of voice included a hint of sarcasm in so we could tell Dan's not that mad.

"Pj can pay for the rides on the pier, come on my nipples are getting cold" Chris suddenly speaks up, as he grabs my hand and starts dragging him out the water with him. I can tell Chris was also getting a bit jealous of Dan and Pj, so I lightly giggled at his reaction.

"If I take your boy I know you'll follow me Howell" Chris calls back to Dan who laughs.
"Alright, alright I'm coming" Dan calls out, and I feel my heart sink in relief as I reach dry land.

"I think you should save the coming for tonight with Phil" Pj smirks at Dan, and I almost choke on air and his comment.
"Yeah, sure, whatever- just get out the sea Liguori, I want an ice cream" I can just about hear Dan respond to Pj.

"Make that three ice creams" Chris calls out from where we're stood on the shore as Pj and Dan wade up onto the dry sand where Chris and I are getting dressed again.

"So where's the nearest ice cream shop then?" Pj sighs, as he pulls his t-shirt over his head, "it looks like my credit card is about to take a pounding"

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