Chapter 68

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(I'm so sorry it's been ages. I'll explain after the chapter)

I strut out of the police station, Phil tagging close behind me. I know I look like a total boss.
"Why are you walking like a constipated turkey?" Pj sighs, as he hops off the car bonnet, where he'd been sat waiting. Chris was still sat on the bonnet, and he allows his butt to slide down the car so he gracefully 'slips' off the car's nose.

"I just did some motherfucking Sherlock shit back there" I smirk, and Phil sighs,
"Nick's not getting out anytime soon" Phil reworded my speech into their muggle language. Pj opens the drivers seat door and looks over to were the three of us are stood.
"Come on, you can tell us all about it on the way home, I'm knackered and as we're not spending the night in Brighton anymore I might as well go into the office tomorrow and sort out the paperwork for Phil joining the team officially" Pj yawns, and I see Phil's beautiful blue eyes light up like my laptop light at 4:30am.
"You really sure you want me on the tea-" Phil starts, but Chris cuts him off,
"Don't even bother asking that, you know the answer" Chris laughs, as we all step into the car and clip our seat belts in.


We arrive at Phil's house first, I let go of Phil's hand so he can get out the car, but he stays hold of mine and gives it a small tug as if to ask me to get out with him. Instantly I get the message and look up from our hands to where Chris and Pj were sat in the front looking back at Phil and I expectantly.

"Uhh.." I stutter, and Pj raises an eyebrow, waiting expectantly for me to speak,
"I have to finish some paperwork here with Phil, all very technical stuff, I'll make my own way home after so don't bother waiting around for me, I'll see you guys later" I grin, and the two boys exchange the same knowing look.

"We know you're going in to fuck, Dan" Pj states, "we're not stupid"
I look awkwardly back at Phil, then to Chris and Pj,
"Well go on then! Phil's condoms aren't gonna wait all night" Chris hisses, and me and Phil quickly pile out the car and up to his front door.

"STAY SAFE KIDS" Pj screams out his window as he drives off down the road out of sight, and Phil swings open the door.
I step in and turn around, waiting till Phil's in and has closed the door before pouncing on him like a tiger. Smothering his face with kisses, we back up into the living room, and I collapse down onto the sofa, pulling Phil down on top of me, so he covers me like a human blanket.

Phil isn't hasty with his movements, he quickly slips off his top and ties it round my eyes so I am blindfolded.
I feel my shirt removed from my body and then my arms are tied together so I am sat on Phil's sofa with no vision and no hand movement, and what I'm hoping is still Phil straddling me.

"I want to play a game" Phil whispers in my ear,
"Alright jigsaw" I snort, and Phil playfully slaps my arm,
"Dannn, you're ruining the mood" Phil whines in a childish tone, before going back to his 'husky sensual persona'.
"I call it the seven second challenge, we've played it before" Phil whispers, and his voice sends shivers down my spine.

"I didn't like that game, I only got a seven second blow job out of it" I respond, but Phil puts his finger on my lips to tell me to be quiet.
"The games been updated, so Dan, you have seven seconds to name as many sex positions as possible.. GO!"

"But Phil I can't think on the spot!!" I protest, but Phil just responds with a countdown,
"Seven... six..."
"Ummm... sixty nine, doggy..."
"Five.... four....three"
Phil bursts out laughing, completely ditching his countdown,
"The pikachu!?" He laughs, and I groan,
"I told you I can't think on my feet!" I chuckle, and I feel Phil's hand brush against my face.

"Well you still came up with two..." he mumbles, and I use my arms to slide the shirt off my head so I can see.

"I have a feeling we're going to be doing those things then?" I ask Phil, and he shrugs,
"Only if you want to" he smirks, and I laugh softly,
"Of course I do, but I refuse to be blindfolded or tied up, sorry but I get claustrophobic, and I feel a bit like a panda at the zoo right now"

I can sense a bit of disappointment in Phil's face, but he nods untying my arms so I'm free.
"Pandas are cute though" Phil moans, and I giggle,
"Don't resort to beastiality just yet my dear Philly".

I pull down my skinny jeans, and Phil does the same to his own, and the grinding begins. "I love you" Phil whispers into my ear, and I grin like an idiot,
"I love you too, and I promise that now we're safe I will stay with you for as long as you'll let me"

"How does forever sound?" Phil asks, and I'm a bit taken back,
"You're not going to propose to me in your boxers with a semi now are you Phil?" I ask and Phil laughs, shaking his head.

"Afraid not" he chuckles, "but promise you won't leave me?" He asks and I nod my head,
"I've never felt this way about anyone before, don't worry, I'm going nowhere"

Phil reattaches his lips to mine, and pulls himself closer to me by wrapping his arms around my torso.

Shit, it feels good to be in love.


Whoops hi.

It's been a while hasn't it... yeah
Main problem was Wattpad crashing on me so I couldn't access the app or do any writing till literally yesterday.
(I wanted to cry) (and I did)

Also, I've had a lot of drama in 2017 and have decided that it's not my year. Because of this I have decided to make a few small changes to my Wattpad, and I hope that you respect and understand that my choices are there for a reason, but continue to enjoy the book!!

1) Comments- I'm afraid I'm not going to be replying to every single comment like I used to try and do as frankly it just takes up too much of my time and if I'm honest I struggle to keep track of it all, I will still reply to a few comments on each chapter, so if you want to talk to me direct please DM me. My dms are always open and I will reply to you there!

2) SMUT- so I know this will upset a lot of you but I've decided that writing smutty scenes make me really uncomfortable (stupid to be writing a book called fifty shades of phan I know), because of this I've decided that the book isn't going to have anymore sex scenes, but instead I'm going to focus more on humour and suspense so please still read as I have lots of ideas still!!

3) Updates- I won't be updating on a regular basis, I have a job, college course and believe it or not a social life, and I will try and work updates around them but I want it to be something I enjoy doing and don't feel pressured to have to update, so chapters will be thrown at you randomly I'm afraid.

I'm really sorry if I've upset anyone with these things, I love you all and I'm so sorry I've been gone for long

Till next time lads 😏


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