Chapter 60

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After what felt like an eternity of driving, we finally arrived in Brighton's territory. Phil had slept throughout the whole journey, which had made it 99.9% more boring for me, as I couldn't talk to him and instead I had to listen to Chris and Pj flirt with each other or have to bare Chris' crap DJ skills as he continuously took the aux cord and started playing songs from either Shrek the musical or the fifty shades of grey soundtrack.

"First one to see the sea gets to touch my penis for ten seconds" Chris announces to everyone in the car, and the volume of his voice wakes Phil up with a jump.
"That's not fair to Pj though," I exclaim, "he's had it inside him for longer periods of time than that!"

Pj glares at me through the rear view mirror, while Chris stifles a soft chuckle at my remark. I look out the window at all the buildings, they were tall and mostly all painted white, but in the distance I could see a crap load of colourful houses which looked a lot like that town from the children's show Balamory. #childhood.

We arrive at the beach, and neither Phil or I dared speak up when they saw the sea incase Chris was actually being legit about his 'prize', and Pj was so busy concentrating on the road he didn't see the sea until we literally pulled up into the road alongside it.

"If anyone sees a car parking space, please tell me" Pj asks, as he slowly drives down the road alongside the crowds of other cars polluting the road.
"What about that spot there?" Phil suggests, as he points to a space on the side of the road in the middle of two other cars.

"Perfect!" Pj exclaims, and he switches the car's indicator so the rear lights is signalling to the right, and drives into the narrow gap.
We all climb out the car, and wait for Pj to lock the car behind him.

"Last one to the water is a pussy!" Pj exclaims, and both him and Chris race down to the water,
"Wait, what!" Phil giggles, beginning to chase after the two boys, but I just follow after them all at walking pace.

"Come on Dan!" Phil calls up the beach to me,
"I don't run when it isn't necessary!" I call back, and Phil plods back up the beach to the point I'd got to.
"Come on you lazy little bum bag" Phil giggles, as he grabs my hand and runs down the beach, and I was forced to run or I'd fall flat on my face.

When we get to the water's edge I was panting like a dog who'd just had to run through the whole of the Sahara desert. Chris and Pj had already ditched their shirts, trousers and shoes on the beach, and were paddling about five metres out in the deep water.

"Dan, I don't think I can go out that deep" Phil whispers to me, and I wrap my arm around him,
"You can choose how deep we go, I won't force you out of your depth" I smile at Phil.

Phil slowly removes his shirt and trousers, leaving them in a pile on top of Chris and Pj's clothes, and I do the same.

We walk down to the water, and leave our shoes in the same place the others had left theirs, which was just past the pebbly bit on the beach so we didn't injure our feet on the rocky surface. I stand there in my black 'Howell' boxers (basically the new Calvin Klein, and at a unbeatable price of £32.99! For designer quality you wouldn't want anything else! Go to #Spon *boxers available in black, white and pink* Sizes vary, always read the label), and I let the waves lick at my toes as I test the water's temperature.

"You two getting in or not?" Chris calls out to us,
"yeah, sorry" Phil laughs, and slowly he begins to wade in towards Chris and Pj. I follow Phil, making sure I stay behind him so I don't force Phil to go further out than he wants.

We get about a metre or so away from Pj and Chris, where the water is up to our hips,
"I don't want to go any further Dan, you can go over to where they are, I'll just splash about here" Phil smiles at me, and I shake my head.
"Nonsense my dear Philly, I'm not going to leave you! Besides, you're about a thousand times more exciting than those two love birds"  I chuckle, kissing Phil on the cheek.

Phil blushes as I pull away, and I pretend I didn't see the fact his face is bright red. Suddenly a cascade of water goes over my head and onto my hair, my mouth drops open in shock, and I slowly turn to my right to see Pj squatted in the water smirking at me.

"Hey there curly twin" Pj teases me, and I glare at him,
"Did you just..." I manage to cough out,
"Oh, I just" Pj grins, and my glare turns to a evil smile.

I dip my hand into the water and with all the force I could, quickly bring them up, which splashed a load of water in Pj's face. I hear Phil's squeaky little laugh erupt from next to me.

I smirk at Pj, who dives at me, pulling me under the water with him as he dives into me. Instantly once we're under the water he begins tickling me as I desperately struggle and kick to get away.

When I finally get up from under the water I grin at Pj.
"You're gonna pay for that" I growl at him, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice so he knows I'm not that annoyed, but with enough anger so he knows that he will die tonight because of that.

"Pj can pay for the rides on the pier, come on my nipples are getting cold" Chris whiles, as he grabs Phil's hand and starts dragging him out the water with him.
"If I take your boy I know you'll follow me Howell" Chris calls back to me and I chuckle.

"Alright, alright I'm coming" I call out, and I awkwardly doggy paddle back to shore,
"I think you should save the coming for tonight with Phil" Pj smirks at me, and I roll my eyes at his sexual comment.
"Yeah, sure, whatever- just get out the sea Liguori, I want an ice cream" I respond to Pj,
"Make that three ice creams" Chris calls out from the shore as Pj and I walk up onto the dry sand.

"So where's the nearest ice cream shop then?" Pj sighs, "it looks like my credit card is about to take a pounding"

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