Chapter 34

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Phil kisses my lips softly, reminding me momentarily of the innocent man who my heart enlarged for back at my office all those weeks ago when he came to interview me for my clothes, oh how times have changed.

I lay still as Phil works his magic, covering every inch of my body with his own, smothering me in his love, and allowing slightly more force into the kiss.
"Down boy" I whisper into Phil's ear, as he grinds into my hips, like a goat using its horns to scrape away the wood on the gate.

"You're not the boss of me yet Mr.Howell" Phil teases, as he kisses down my neck lightly towards my small Adam's apple, which he circles with his tongue.

I giggle lightly as Phil props himself up with his hands, reattaching our lips together as I coil my arms around his waist, pulling his body closer.

I slide my hands under Phil's shirt, and run my cold hands over his back, feeling all the muscles tighten as he moves his waist on top of me.
"Just take it off" Phil spits, almost sounding menacing, and I do as I'm told, chucking the blue shirt Phil was wearing onto my bedroom floor.

I remove my hands from Phil's back, and run them through his soft hair, brushing the loose strands out his eyes, so I can see the blue stars gazing at me.

Phil leans into my neck and starts nibbling and sucking, and I feel a moan approach my lips, but a Howell never quits, and I won't give in that easily. I have to bite the inside of my gum to prevent myself from moaning, but Phil can tell I'm giving in so he starts to chew and suck harder.

"Come on Dan, I know this is the spot" Phil whispers in my ear, and I grin mischievously to Phil, who slows down his grinding, looking at me in confusion.

"Dan...?" Phil questions, but I move fast, like a cat pouncing on a bird, I spin Phil round and straddle him on the bed, quickly attaching my lips to Phil's throat, and sucking as hard as I possibly could, enjoying the sensation of Phil squirming under me.

"You forgot something..." Phil manages to force out without moaning, and I remove my lips from Phil's now bright red hickey,
"What's that?" I question,
"I'm JOHN CENNAAAAA!" Phil yells, and I smirk as the boy over dominates me, sliding down to my erect 'stick'
"Oh, and Phil tops" Phil whispers, which makes me laugh, my typical hyena cackle.

"Hey Dan, did I ever tell you what I don't like about zoos?" Phil asks me randomly, and I shake my head,
"I hate to see wild animals kept in captivity, it would be a shame to not free this one don't you think?" Phil smiles innocently, stroking the area by my penis.
"You Lester, are a filthy little boy" I giggle, and Phil grins up at me,
"But sir, I'm older than you!" Phil protests, using his innocent school boy voice whileundoing my trousers, and sliding them down, just leaving me in a very tight pair of leopard print boxers.

Slowly, Phil runs his thumbs around the waistline of my boxers, pinging the elastic against my thighs,
"Bloody hell Phil" I mutter,
"Is there a problem Dan?" Phil chuckles, and I glare at him,
"Yes there fucking is! You need to stop teasing me and give it to me already!" I growl, and Phil laughs,
"Sir, you know how I feel about swearing" Phil pretends to cry, and I roll my eyes,
"You really will be crying in a minute if you don't hurry up" I laugh, and Phil lifts his left eyebrow at me,
"Is that a threat?" Phil smirks,
"More like a challenge".

Phil looks down at my boxers, and I can see the longing in his eyes,
"Make it quick though Phil, I have other plans for us tonight" I wink, and I can almost see Phil's heartbeat rapidly increase out of pure excitement,
"Well I wouldn't want to fail the challenge now would I?" Phil smirks, "Say I had it over and done with in.. hmmmm... seven seconds? Is that quick enough for you? We could call it the seven second challenge!" Phil grins and I mentally face palm,
"If you're considering sucking me off in seven seconds then you have a lot to learn Philly" I protest, and Phil smirks up at me,
"Another challenge is it Danny?"
"More like a threat" I tease.

Slowly, Phil runs his fingers under my waistline, pinging the elastic against my body, and my boxers feel like they're about to explode as they're so tight,
"Phil if you don't remove them I think my dick will do it for you" I beg Phil, already feeling my hips begin to buck from under Phil.
"Your wish is my command sir" The boy simpers, ducking his head down to my boxers and with one brisk movement, slides them off my legs and attaches his mouth to my tip.
"Who are you, Genie?" I question Phil, chucking my head back in pleasure, and Phil 'mphs' as a reply.

I feel the moan vibrate against my lips as Phil begins massaging my tip with his tongue, and I begin to feel my desire to come turn into a reality,
"Phil I'm about to-" I try to warn the boy, but without warning the white sticky substance ejaculates into Phil's mouth, and the boy shoots upwards in shock.
"Phil I'm so sorry, I didn't have time to warn you and..." I begin, but Phil just starts to giggle, his mouth still full of come,
"Dan, you don't realise how long I've been waiting for you to do that" Phil smiles, swallowing the come, and I momentarily gag in my mouth.

"Did you just swallow that?" I stare at Phil, who nods,
"Phil you do know that come is the semen that comes from my penis as I orgasm?" I explain to Phil who shrugs,
"I know what it is Dan, my boxers are drowning in it right now, but I don't care, I will always have you inside me now" Phil chuckles, and I roll my eyes,
"That's very creepy Phil"
"So's having intercourse with a boy who came to interview you, but I don't complain" Phil winks, and I laugh,
"You're such a dork" I laugh, kissing Phil's lips, and I feel him smile.

Slowly we break apart, and rest of foreheads together, taking the time to admire each other.
"Phil, I don't mean to break the mood, but what time is the party?" I ask Phil, who suddenly leaps back,
"HOLY SHAMPOO, DAN THE PARTY! I COMPLETELY FORGOT!" Phil panics, leaping up and rushing to my wardrobe, chucking two suits onto my bed next to me,
"We have ten minutes Dan, you go have a shower, I'll brush my teeth and we can meet back here in five minutes, can I borrow your toothbrush?" Phil asks, and I nod,
"We don't even like Becky and Jessica that much, can't we just skip the party?" I suggest, and Phil shakes his head,
"I made a promise we'd be there, I'm not up to breaking that, even if it is for Becky and Jessica" Phil refuses, and I see there's no point me trying to convince him to return to bed for an extra five minutes.

"We carry this on later?" I ask Phil, as we enter the bathroom,
"Yeah, sure, whatever" Phil panics again, quickly drowning my toothbrush with toothpaste,
"I'll hold you too it" I laugh.

Oh yes Mr.Lester, I'll defiantly hold you too it, just you wait and see...



How was everyone's Halloween? I hope it was SPOOKTACULAR.... Sorry.
I hope you all enjoyed this smut scene, I couldn't take it seriously for ages and kept adding 'JOHN CENAAAA' at times.... and yes I did leave it in once #Sorrynotsorry

Alsooooo, I went to The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire and it was literally amazing (LIKE PHIL), SO if anyone is going to see it/has seen it I hope you have/had a great time, and for the people who weren't able to get tickets to go, I know Dan and Phil are filming it so you shouldn't miss out!

Anywho, I hope you're all as excited for Christmas as I am, I feel as it's November I'm legally allowed to mention Christmas now... It's not like I've been listening to Michael Bublé since March or anything... *COUGH*

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