Chapter 17

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Well it's official, Dan and I are best friends,
"So should we go get bracelets now or something?" Dan jokes, and I laugh, well the friend zone officially sucks.
"Or we could get matching t-shirts?" I grin, remembering a pair of 'Mr and Mrs' Jumpers I saw on Facebook this morning. Dan nods, there are a few seconds of awkward silence then I remember why we're in the bathroom,
"Sorry you were going to have a shower" I snap back into reality, rushing around the bathroom, handing Dan a clean towel and some shower gel.

"I'll leave you too it" I chuckle awkwardly, exiting the bathroom and closing the door behind me.
Intruder please don't pounce now, attack the queen or Boris Johnson, they'll have more use to you than me.

"HOLY SHIIIII- PHIL!" I hear Dan scream, and I rush to the bathroom door,
"You alright?" I call through the door,
"It's fricking FREEZING" Dan shouts, and I chuckle lightly to myself at the adorableness of angry Dan,
"Turn the lever to the right for hot, left for cold" I instruct, and I can hear Dan fiddling with the settings,
"Thank you!" Dan coos, and I smirk,
"Don't mention it"

I return to the landing and skip down the stairs, and enter the kitchen.
"Dan what do you want for breakfast?" I call up to him, but I don't think he hears as there is no reply,
Pancakes it is then!
I whip out the ingredients that we used for Delia Smith pancakes and start cooking from memory.
"Eggs, flour, milk and BUTTER" I sing to the tune of Sausage Movement, as I stir the concoction together, and pour it into the frying pan.

"I can smell Pancakesss" Dan sings, as he enters the room, pulling my t-shirt that he's borrowing over his head, and for a split second I get the honour to admire his flat chest.

"Do you need any help?" Dan offers, and I glance over to the almost completed pancakes,
"I think I'm good thanks" I smile,
"At least let me lay the table?" Dan asks, and I smile,
"If you want" I giggle, and Dan rushes to the fridge grabbing some strawberries, raspberries and melon cubes, then proceeds to getting Honey, Nutella and syrup from the cupboard next to my fridge,
"Bananas and apples are already on the table" I remind Dan, and he nods, spilling all the food onto the table so it surrounds the fruit bowl in an untidy tsunami of food.

"Cutlery?" Dan asks me, and I nod towards the drawer under the sink. Dan madly dashes over and tugs the cupboard open, pulling out two forks, knives and spoons out for us to eat with.

"Flipping timee" I sing, and Dan dives behind the table,
"Oh god" I hear Dan sigh, and determined to prove him wrong, using all the force I can, I flip the saucepan into the air.

The pancake does two or three somersaults before majestically falling onto the side of the frying pan so it's hanging off the edge.
I put the pan back on the flame,
"Dan it's safe to come out now" I chuckle, and I see Dan's eyes emerge from behind the clear plastic greeny-yellow chair.

"You didn't get it stuck on the ceiling?" Dan stutters in disbelief, and I nod, feeling accomplished.
"I AM THOR!" I shout dramatically, holding the frying pan up to my face, but I moved my arm a bit to fast, smashing the pan against the heat fan above the cooker. The frying pan cracks in half, and the cooked pancake starts to fall in slow motion. My instincts kick in and I try to grab the pancake as it falls, only managing to swat it away from me and towards Dan.

"MOTHER OF GO-" Dan shrieks, putting a plate up to defend himself from the pancake, which sticks to the plate. Dan and I stare at each other, pulling shocked faces,
"We couldn't do that again if we tried" Dan laughed, admiring his skills of catching the pancake. I looked at my now broken frying pan,
"I guess we're sharing a pancake" I laugh, poking my tongue out the side of my mouth which I try as hard as I can to hide.

I throw away the two halves of the frying pan, stupid Robert Dyas own brand cooking supplies.
"You coming?" Dan asks me, and I nod, pulling up a chair next to him.

"What do you want on it?" I ask Dan, and he looks at me cheekily,
So in the end out breakfast was a mix of nine different toppings on the pancake.

"I'll wash up" Dan insists,
"No you won't" I smile, grabbing the plate, and cutlery,
"You'll probably smash something else" Dan laughed, and I rolled my eyes at him,
"Will not!"
"Surreeeeeee" Dan teases, and I slap his arm playfully, wait- was that too flirty?
"Feisty" Dan teases, and I glare at him,
"Why don't we both wash up?" I suggest, and Dan agrees to my solution.

"EAT BUBBLES" Dan screams, as he throws the bubbles in the washing up liquid into my face,
so far it's been ten minutes and we've only got one spoon cleaned.
"Ergh!" I moan, spitting the foam out my mouth,
"I hate you!" I declare to Dan who grins, showing off his adorable dimples,
"I'll fill your dimples with bees" I growl at Dan, who starts whooping with laughter,
"There as deep as the Atlantic Ocean, I could fit a whole colony in there" I chuckle, pushing the soggy sponge into Dan's face.

"PHIL!" Dan screams, and I wink at him,
"Now we're even"
Dan looks down at the sink and a piece of soggy pancake is stuck to the plate, I can already read Dan's scheme from his facial expressions.
"Dan..." I start to back off, and the boy peels off the pancake mixture,
"Payback time" he grins.

I dart out the Kitchen and into the living room, where Dan dives at me, so I topple onto the sofa, pulling Dan with me so he's laying on top of me,
"PANCAKEEE" Dan screams in a high pitched voice, dropping the soggy food onto my face, I quickly wipe it off and start tickling Dan who is still on top of me,
"NO PHIL STOP PLEASE" Dan pleas within fits of laughter,
"never!" I shout dramatically,
"Please I'll do anything!!" Dan begs,
Kiss me
"What..." Dan stutters, his laughter ending, Shack I said that out loud,
"Nothing..." I try to get out of the conversation,
"You said kiss me" Dan smirked, and I feel my cheeks heat up,
"I stopped tickling you so-"

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