Chapter 23

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I start to stir, about five or six doctors are crowding my body,
"W-Where's Dan?" I stammer, my face feeling boiling hot from where I most certainly have a throbbing rash coming through.
"He's outside in the waiting room, I suggest you wait to see him, you need time to recover" a nurse smiles at me,
"No I'm fine," I lie "go fetch him please"
The nurse sighs and nods to another nurse who is stood by the door,
"I'll be just a second" she nods, and then leaves the room to collect Dan for me.

About two minutes later Dan dashes in, shoving the doctors out the way and embracing me with the biggest hug I've ever received ,
"Bears always do give the best hugs" I tease Dan who chuckled
"Little lions always know how to scare the rest of the pack" Dan retorts and I giggle,
"We'll leave you to it" a doctor smiles, and all the paramedics leave my hospital room so it's just Dan and I alone.

"So, how you feeling?" Dan asks me and I smirk at him,
"I'm good" I grin,
"THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT" Dan yells, slapping my arm, I erupt with laughter, covering my tongue as it pokes out my mouth.
"I told you not to cover that!" Dan scolds me, and I smile up at him, "sorry mum" I wink.

Dan and I talk for a little while about general randomness when I start to shiver,
"Are you cold?" Dan asks me and I nod,
"These bed sheets aren't very thick" I smile meekly, and Dan looks around and spots a blanket tucked into a wardrobe on the other side of my room.
"Here, try this" Dan hands me the knitted blanket, and I drape it over my legs,
"I'm still cold" I complain, "do you think you could?" I start, but I didn't need to say more, as Dan had already clambered in next to me on the single bed we were now both sharing, and he cuddled up under the blankets with me.

Dan was supplying a generous amount of body heat, and for some reason I had no problem as using his body and a human hot water bottle, it didn't even feel odd when Dan tries to get comfortable, and my head flops onto his stomach.
"I'm sorry the date had to end like this" I apologise to Dan,
"Don't apologise! I'm liking this part of the date" Dan smiles, and I giggle,
"What?" Dan asks looking down at me,
"I can hear you speak through your belly and you sound like a storm trooper or Darth Vader" I laugh and I hear Dan lightly chuckle.

For a while I just rest my head on Dan's tummy, enjoying the sound of his heart beat slowly pounding in his chest.
"So do you think we can go on another date?" I ask Dan hopefully, and he grins,
"I'd love to, but perhaps no cats this time?" Dan suggests and I nod,
"Probably best" I grin.

"Sir, I'm allowed to let you go home if you would like?" A nurse enters the room, and Dan leaps up looking extremely flustered, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit disappointed that I don't get to cuddle Dan for longer, but I know it wasn't really appropriate in a hospital.

"I'd like to go now please" I smile, lifting myself of the hospital bed, and stretching my legs as I stand.
"That's fine, I have a few contracts I need you to sign Mr.Lester, and I have been advised to warn you that the medication we gave you has a strong side effect of feeling floppy and weary, it's a good idea to keep an eye on him" The nurse instructs both Dan and I, and we each nod.

"You can stay at my house tonight Phil" Dan offers as we exit the ward, and enter the reception
"I don't want to be too much trouble though" I decline, and Dan gives me the 'are you actually serious right now?' look. 
"besides, I won't have any of my clothes with me" I tell Dan,
"well that didn't stop you when I stayed at yours" Dan teased me, and I sigh
"are you sure?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes as I really want to enjoy some more company with him,
"Of course!" Dan grins, and I thank him.

In the taxi ride home Dan offered me one of his ear buds, and plugged the headphones into his phone,
"Pick a song" He offered, handing me his phone, and I press shuffle so I'm not sat scrolling for hours admiring Dan's music taste. The song American Boy comes on and Dan lets out a soft squeal,
"KANYEEEEEEE" Dan fangirls, and I stare at him secretly admiring his attractiveness, I guess I don't have to be so secretive about it now, I mean we did go on a date.
"Just another one Champion sound, Yeah Estelle we about to get down, Who's the hottest in the world right now, just touched down in London town" Dan mouths along to the song, moving his hands around pretending he's scratching a DJ Jockey disk.

I watch Dan for the duration of the whole song, and I start to zone out~ he's so perfect, why does he agree to even know me, let alone want to date me?
"Is this song okay?" Dan asks and I snap out my trance, returning to listening to the song, which I can't decipher,
"What song is this?" I ask, and Dan grins at me,
"Don't worry, I'll put some muse on instead" Dan laughs, and he puts Supremacy on. The fact that Dan wouldn't tell me what song he had playing irritates me a bit, as I like knowing all the facts when possible.
"tell me what song was playing?" I ask, and Dan grins at me,
"I'd of thought you'd of known toxic when you hear it" Dan smiles, and I look at him confused, 
"That was way to slow for Toxic though" I state, and Dan chuckles,
"It's Melanie Martinez's version, I really like how she's slowed it down as I feel like she's pulled the romance out of the song, over the sexual desire" Dan winks, and I blink, startled at how he winked at the word 'sexual'.
"Let me her it" I smile, and Dan nods, let me be the judge of how romantic it really is Mr.Howell.

I wake up with the tingling feeling of where Dan is kissing my forehead, 
"You fell asleep listening to Toxic" he laughed, "But we're at my house now, so you can go lay down on my bed and sleep if you want" Dan offers and I thank him, my eyelids feel extremely heavy and I just want to collapse in a heap on the ground and order Dan to carry me in.

"Dan will you carry me in?" I beg, and Dan laughs,
"Are you actually serious?" He sniggers and I shrug, to tired to actually reply with anything that would be understandable to Dan,
"Very well then" Dan grins, whisking me up bridal style, and I snuggle up into his neck...

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