Chapter 46

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It's been ten minutes since I got out the shower, and Phil still hasn't come back up stairs with Chris and Peej,
"Phil?" I call down from the landing, but there's no reply, when suddenly I notice a small red stain on my white tiled floor. Blood?

I quickly jog down the stairs, squatting by the stain to see that it is defiantly blood,
"Phil!?" I call again, now in a more panicked tone of voice,
"Phil this isn't funny, come out!" I start whimpering, as I quickly leap to my feet and rush round the ground floor of my house. No one's here.

Tears start streaming out my eyes as I collapse in a heap while the panic sets into me. What could have happened to him? I probably could have persuaded myself to believe Phil had just popped out to get something, but because he didn't tell me at all I couldn't believe it and also why weren't Chris and Pj here? The blood on the floor didn't settle my nerves either.

The chime of my doorbell rings throughout my house, and I bolt upright in hope,
"Phil?" I call expectantly, as I swing my front door open to see a excited looking Chris, accompanied by a less enthusiastic looking Pj.
"Where's Phil?" I practically spit, and Pj looks quite taken back by my tone of voice, while Chris still has the same goofy smile plastered on his face.
"It's fantastic foursome time!" Chris cheers, in a Mexican accent, and I slap him round the face, as the tears roll down my face.

"Dan what the hell?" Pj snaps at me, giving me a light shove back as he wraps his arm around Chris,
"Phil's gone" I manage to stammer out, and Peej's line of sight spots the puddle of blood on the floor.

"Dan... Is that.. blood?" Pj asks in a horrified tone of voice, and I stay silent, my whole body quivering in fear,
"What have you done Dan..." Chris asks suspiciously,
"I've not done anything!" I snap, "The doorbell rung, and Phil went to answer it thinking it was you, but you never came upstairs, so I went to investigate and I saw the blood and I panicked and I..." I begin to whimper again, but Pj hushes me.

"Dan it's okay, we're going to find him" Pj reassures me, and I shake my head in despair, as I look at the floor,
"Dan, look at me" Pj orders, and slowly I tilt my head up so I'm face to face with my curly haired friend,
"When I make a promise Dan, I don't break them. Ever." Pj promises, and I nod, feeling slightly more relaxed about trusting Chris and Pj.

"Do you have any idea who could have taken him?" Chris asks me, and I shake my head,
"No idea, no one has anything against Phil, he's a sweet innocent cinnamon roll, with rainbow sprinkles and fairy dust on to- WAIT!" I suddenly exclaim, my head bolting upright,
"Nick fucking Jonas, that's who!" I growl.

Chris and Pj send each other the same confused look, before bursting into a fit of laughter,
"Dan, do you mean THE Nick Jonas, as in the one from the Jonas Brothers, who was in Camp Rock?" Chris snorts, as he finally calms down from laughing,
"Yes!" I sigh, "It's all so clear now, I was supposed to answer the door, not Phil! Nick wants me, not Phil, but now that he has Phil he knows that he's got basically the best bait he could possibly get for me" I try to explain, but Chris and Pj still look confused.

"What does Nick Jonas have to do with this anyway?" Pj asks me, and I let out an exasperated sigh,
"Pj, do you remember when Nick was at the office?" I ask, and Peej nods, so I carry on my story,
"Well basically, it all started when he filmed Phil and I dancing and the party, and posted the video online. Even though we were mad, he didn't get the full reaction he wanted. He didn't get me. Nick persisted, he came to my office trying to get a job out of me so we could be closer, but that wasn't going to happen. Nick wants to get to me so he came to my house, attempting to kidnap me, but Phil answered the door instead! That changed his plan, and now he knows that if he so much touches Phil, I will kill him" I tell the story to the boys, who start to show more understanding.

"Well surely if Nick has taken Phil wanting you to come find him, he'd of left a clue or an address of some sort as of where to go?" Pj suggests, and I look around the area of house I can see from the lobby in front of my door,
"I-I didn't see anything" I sniff, and Pj stops comforting me, and begins looking around my home.
"Dan's right, I don't see anything" Pj calls from my kitchen, "though you did leave your backdoor open" Pj chuckles, and my head shoots up,
"No I didn't?" I remark, "I always lock it"
Pj walks back into visibility to Chris and I,
"Well it's wide open now" he states.

The three of us rush into the kitchen, where sure enough my back door is wide open,
"That's impossible, I always check it's locked before I leave the house, Phil and I went straight upstairs when we got here" I speak softly, as I inspect the door,
"Perhaps Phil opened it?" Chris suggests, but I shake my head,
"He can't of done, he doesn't know where I store the key, besides, there's no reason why he would" I shake my head.

Chris gently pushes me out the way, and inspects the hinges to the door,
"I'm no Sherlock guys, but this door has been forced open" Chris points out, and Pj pulls out his phone,
"I'm calling the police" Pj sighs, but I stop him,
"NO!" I squeal, taking both boys back,
"If I get the police involved Nick will never keep Phil alive, I know what I have to do... But I need your help, are you in? It will be dangerous" I explain, and both Chris and Pj nod in excitement,
"Danger is my middle name" Chris grins,
"I thought it was Lesley?" Pj replies sarcastically, and Chris slaps his arm.

"I'm also going to need the help of two other people" I add, "and it calls for a trip to the BBC."


Phil's POV, is coming up next so stay tuned for that :D

Also, 10 points to your Potter house if you saw the Flushed Away reference XD

FINAL THING- on my account you can see I wrote a book called 'About me' (Original af, I know 😂) but it's a short little chapter that tells you a bit about me so you know who it is writing this shit XD

Anywho, next chapter will be up soon :D

-Llamaandlion =•=

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