Chapter 52

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(Still Phil's POV for obvious reasons 😂)

I refuse to talk for the rest of the ride to the hospital, which the paramedic respects, and she focuses on Dan, making sure he remains conscious for the journey.
When we arrive, everything goes in fast motion, the doors swing open, and Dan is pulled away from me onto level ground, and pushed by the doctors with clipboards into the hospital.

I come to my senses, and hop out the back of the ambulance, following Dan's trolley bed through the corridors.
"So this is twenty four year old Daniel Howell, he obtained a knife wound to his upper back roughly twenty minutes ago, and he's still conscious, but isn't able to respond" the paramedic who was in the back of the ambulance briefs the other doctors who are pushing Dan.

I see the paramedic whisper something to a curly haired doctor, who nods then looks at me.
"Um, hey, I'm nurse Chiltern, or you can call me Lofty if you like, can I take a look at your hand please?" Lofty asks me, and I shake my head,
"I have to be near Dan" I growl, trying to walk on, but the nurse grabs my arm and he gently pulls me back.
"Please, I really think it would be a good idea if-"
"I said no!" I spit, swatting my hand away from Lofty, and chasing after Dan.

"Phil!" I hear Pj call out, and I turn around to see the others all walking into the clinic in a much more orderly fashion than how I rushed in.
"Go with the hot nurse babes, I'll look after Dan" Becky winks at Nurse Chiltern, who smiles nervously, looking down at his feet as he blushes,
"That's what I'm afraid of" I mutter, and Chris speaks up,
"Phil, just go, your hand looks like a baboons bottom, it's all red and puffy"

I look at Dan's cart being pushed away, then back to the rest of my friends,
"Just make it quick" I sigh.

I'll stay with Phil" Jessica tells the others, who follow after Dan's trolley,
"We'll text you where Dan's ward is" Pj shouts back to us, and I nod.
"If you'd like to come this way" Lofty beckons to a bed in a room on the left hand side, which I perch on, handing my hand over to Lofty who examines it. My leg begins to twitch impatiently, as Lofty looks at my hand.

"What happened here then?" He chuckles, and I try to think back to the lie I told last time,
"Pub fight" I grunt, and Lofty looks at me unsteadily,
"Okay, now how's about you tell me what really happened" he cocks his eyebrow at me, and I scowl at him,
"That is what happened" I spit.

Lofty quickly bandages up my hand, and another doctor walks in,
"Ah, Cal, this is Phil. Phil, this is Doctor Knight, he'll take you over to Dan" Lofty introduces,
"Omg hi" Jessica flirts, going to lean on a tray, which gives way, smacking her in the head.
"Ouch" she giggles, trying to pull it off cool, and I roll my eyes to Doctor Knight, to prove I don't have much to do with her.

"Right, Phil, I want you to keep that hand rested for a week, then come back so we can have a check on progress to see how it's healing up, just keep that bandage on, and try not to get it wet" Lofty instructs, before dismissing me to go find Dan.

Jessica and I follow Doctor Knight across the hallway, and into a desolate area of the hospital.
"Dan's in here, but we can't let you in I'm afraid, not until the operation is over" Doctor Knight tells Jessica and I,
"Operation..." I squeak, looking in the room to see Dan's body laying there, circled by a group of doctors and nurses.

"Don't worry, it's only a minor surgery, but we need to close the wound" Doctor Knight reassures me, before walking into Dan's operation room, leaving Jessica and I alone outside.
"Where's Becky, Pj and the one that looks like a beaver?" Jessica asks me,
"I don't know?" I reply, looking around for the others, "I'll text Pj"

'Where are you??' I quickly type to Peej, then press send. The reply comes almost instantly,
'Hey Phil, sorry Becky's heel snapped and she fell over, making a massive scene and Chris and I had to take her outside as she was disturbing people' Pj's text read, and I chuckle lightly,
"So where are they!?" Jessica snaps at me, and I stop laughing immediately,
"Just gone... Outside.." I tell Jessica, looking back at Dan's body.

"Hey, can I help you two?" A male doctor asks us, and I shake my head,
"That's my boyfriend in there, I'm waiting for his operation to be over" I tell the doctor, who follows my line of sight to Dan,
"Ah, yes the tall one with floppy hair" the doctor nods understandingly,
"I'm Doctor Keogh, and I'll be looking after Daniel while he recovers. Can I ask you to possibly step this way into the family relations room?" Doctor Keogh asks, and I shake my head,
"No I'm staying here near Dan, besides, some friends are coming and they won't know where to find us" I retaliate, and Doctor Keogh sends a ginger haired girl in a nurses outfit a nod.

"Robyn! Take these two to the relations room please," Doctor Keogh asks the girl, "I promise to come get you the second Dan is able to see visitors, and when your friends come I'll tell them where you are"

Hastily, I follow Robyn away from Dan, as I don't want to make a scene,
"Do you want a drink at all?" Robyn asks Jessica and I, a bright, friendly smile plastered on her face,
"Yes, I'll have a large chardonnay, with a slice of cake please babes, oh and btw- that blue so doesn't work with your hair colour" Jessica orders, and I glare at her for being so rude,
"We don't have alcohol..." The nurse replies, "I can get you some water?" She offers,
"Urgh, you're no good, get out please bitch" Jessica scoffs,
"Jessica!" I hiss, "sorry about her, we're fine thank you" I thank the nurse, who sends me a pathetic smile, before walking out.

"What was that for!?" I ask Jessica, "Dan is possibly dying and you're sat here worrying about alcohol?" I shout, running out the room. I just need to be alone.
"Phil wait!" I hear Pj call after me, but I refuse to stop.

Something rams into the side of me and I land on the floor in a heap.
This is all Nick's fault...

Did anyone see where I got the doctor and nurse's names from? No? Okay 😂

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