Chapter 38

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When we arrive at Phil's apartment, I face palm his white, fluffy carpet, allowing a loud exasperated sigh escape my lips.
"Are you okay Dan?" Phil asks me, and I 'mmph' as a reply,
"Are you still mad about Nick?" Phil questions, and I slowly nod, my chin getting carpet burn as I do so.

"What's done is done, there is no need to speak to Edmund about what has passed" Phil bellows, and I look up at him with a pathetic glint in my eyes,
"Did you actually just quote Narnia to me?" I sigh, and Phil nods enthusiastically,
"Aslan to be precise" he winks, and I roll my eyes, as I pull my self up so I'm sat looking at Phil,
"You have to be the saddest person I know for quoting Narnia to me" I laugh,
"You have to be pretty sad also to know it was Narnia" Phil smirks, trotting off into his dining room,
"THE EDMUND GAVE IT AWAY A BIT" I yell after Phil, who pokes his head round the door,
""Figures" he winks.

I manage to gracefully stumble back to my feet, and I follow Phil into his kitchen, where the boy is stood wielding the Narnia DVD,
"Talking about Narnia..." He smiles cheekily at me, and I furrow my eyebrows at him,
"You keep your DVDs in the kitchen?" I ask Phil,
"Only Narnia, as when I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band, he said son when you-" Phil starts and I stop him there,
"TOO SOON BUDDY!" I yell, and he giggles, 
"Sorry, but as I was saying, when I was younger I used to be such a picky eater, and I'd refuse to eat unless there was a picture of Aslan of the TV and someone was pinching my nose, so for old times sake I sometimes like to watch Narnia when eating" Phil explains, and I nod,
"Oh okay, what sort of age did you grow out of that? 4? 5?" I question, 
"Oh about 18-19ish" Phil shrugs, and I stare at him,
"I'm totally kidding, I was about 5" Phil laughs, poking his adorable tongue out the comer of his mouth.

I pace into Phil's living room, and dive onto the sofa as Phil slides the disk into the DVD slot before cuddling up to me, loosening his tie as I wrap my arm protectively around his neck,cradling his body into mine.
The blitz scene fires up and Phil looks up at me,
"Don't you think it's weird that just over one hundred years ago that was all actually happening above us?" Phil asks me, and I twist my face in thought,
"Kind of, I guess the war was just part of history though. The Blitz is a literal fragment of London's history,  let alone the whole planet's history, everything is history, even Becky and Jessica's party is history, it happened in the past, only some pieces of history have been documented, in comparison to what we know of history, masses has happened, and we only know a minimal fraction like 0.01% of it" I explain to Phil who grins up at me,
"That went deep Mr.Howell, I only asked you a simple yes or no question" he cackles and I roll my eyes,
"yeah whatever, Just watch this film you dragged me into"

Phil and I sit in silence watching the movie, only the occasional rearranging of the body, so are arms didn't go to sleep, or we didn't have to face pins and needles in any particular body spot, in fact it wasn't till Aslan was walking to the stone table that Phil spoke up.
"No! I can't watch this part!!" Phil whimpers, burring his face into my chest,
"What's wrong with this part?" I ask Phil who quickly looks up at me,
"It's so sad!"  Phil complains, and I reach out to the remote control, 
"do you want me to fast forward?" I offer, and Phil shakes his head in my chest,
"YOU NEVER FAST FORWARD A MOVIE DAN!" Phil scolds me, and I hold my hands up in defence,
"Okay! okay! I understand you don't want to watch this, but maybe I can think of something to entertain you" I wink.

Without warning Phil climbs onto my lap, so he's straddling me, and he violently grabs my shirt, tugging me towards his lips, as they dace around, almost like a salsa or a pasodoble dance, yes- Phil could be the matador and I could be the bull. Yes, I know in a pasodoble the woman is the matador's cape not a bull but let's be real, I'd be an awesome cow, and I could take Phil to the MOOOOOvies. 

I massage my hands into Phil's messy black hair, running each individual strand through my fingers as Phil bites down on my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I instantly grant and our tongues cosplay as Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, in the fight to death for dominance. The battle in our mouths continues, as Phil engulfs me with his legs, wrapping them around my torso, bringing our bodies even closer and I can feel Phil's unintentional light grinding.
I remove my hands from Phil's locks, and bring them to my tie, quickly undoing it and sliding it off my neck, making sure I didn't break the lip contact between Phil and I. 

I begin to unbutton Phil's shirt, and I run my hands under his shirt, over his shoulders and down his back, feeling away at his back muscles arching, and I smile to myself when I make Phil buck his hips in surprise as I ping his boxers against his lower spine. 
"Dan!" Phil giggles, breaking away our lip contact, which I take as a victory on the Howell team, WHAT TEAM?

I kiss up and down Phil's jawline, as Phil sucks my neck like a vampire, except leaving a bright blue bruise instead of a set of fangs and a glittery skin tone, 
"I'm guessing you're over Nick Jonas now?" Phil smirks, and his breath tickles against my neck as he whispers,
"Oh absolutely" I grin, pulling Phil on top of me...



I'm so sorry that it's been ages since I updated, I had a case of writers block which made me want to scream as this chapter has literally been rewritten 17 times (I counted being the saddo I am XD) 

ANYWHOO< It's December! Merry Christmas! Listen to lots of Michael Bublé for me please, as he is just the

Sorry this chapters been a bit of a filler in, but I'll see you all soon!  ^_^

Llamaandlion    =•=

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