Chapter 29

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The next day Dan turns up at my door to take me to Legoland at about 10:30, and he hands me an envelope as we get into his car.
"Pj gave me this, it's the picture from yesterday" Dan smiles at me, and I open up the letter to see the most unflattering picture of me possible,
"I look horrible! No, Dan you can't put this online!" I exclaim, and Dan chuckles,
"Phil you look beautiful like always, now come on, I want to get to Legoland" Dan insists and I growl at him under my breath. The picture is truly hideous, and I looked like I've been photoshopped, why did I have to be so ugly??

Dan pulls out of my road and whizzes off down towards the motorway,
"So about yesterday..." Dan starts to create small talk, keeping his eyes glued to the road,
"There's nothing to talk about, it was pretty obvious we were just two horny guys getting laid in your office" I snap, and I see Dan get taken back by my comment. The truth is I was now petrified of being seen with Dan, I have to see Pj again and he saw everything, and considering I was on top it made me look like the needy one.

"Phil, I know you're embarrassed, but Pj won't tell anyone! Besides, he's gay too, him and Chris have had a secret relationship for the past year, which I accidentally stumbled head first into at Christmas when I walked in on them giving each other a BJ at the same time!!" Dan cackled and I wince at the images my mind was processing.

"I did see them stumble out the supply closet when I was on the way to the bathroom to meet you..." I hesitate, starting to put the pieces together.
Dan starts to slide his hand down, towards my side of the car bonnet fumbling it around in the glove box ,
"AHAHAH!" Dan exclaims, pulling out a CD case named 'High School Musical 3 Senior year'.
"High school musical!?" I laugh, as Dan slides the disk into the CD player and Now or Never begins to play,
"GAME ON!" Dan shouts with Zac Efron, as an answer to my statement.

The rest of the car ride went relatively smoothly, except for the odd time when Dan needed to switch lanes, so he would swerve in and EXTREMELY dodgy manner, cutting right in front of another vehicle. Basically, in some words he made Augustus Waters look like a driving nun.

We pull into the entrance to Legoland, and there is a long winding road which twists around as it gets towards the car park. On the way down you can see letters made out of Lego,
"W" Dan reads,
"E" I reply spotting the next letter a bit further on,
"Oh there's a L over there!"
"Is that meant to be a M?"
"And there's an E!"

I rethink the letters over in my head,
"What does that spell?" I ask, and Dan stares at me,
"Are you actually serious?? Welcome you spork!" Dan lectures me and I laugh at how obvious it was in the end,
"Oh yeah" I laugh.

The car park is virtually empty as all the children are at school, so Dan drives through a load of parking spaces to get to one right by the entrance. He does a three point turn into the parking space, and we clamber out his small red car.
"Ready?" Dan asks, as he slings his bag onto his back, and I nod, looking up at the tall black sign with 'Legoland Windsor' scribed on it.
"Two adults please" Dan asks the man on the entrance desk,
"That's £98.40, Would you like a map?" The ticket man asks and Dan nods, inserting his credit card to the pin machine.

Once the transaction was successfully completed, Dan lead the way through the gates and over to a monorail train,
"You know I don't do stairs" Dan shrugs as we climb into the deserted carriage, getting slowly dragged down the hill.
"What do you want to go on first?" I ask Dan as I study the map,
"As a child I always loved that water ride, what was it? Pirate Falls?" Dan beams, and I caress my eyes over the paper in front of me,
"That's right at the back of the park, do you want to go on that?" I offer and Dan nods.

We amble at our own pace along the paths, following the sign posts to Pirate falls, until a large wooden water plummet is in view.
"There it is!" Dan cheers, grabbing my hand and rushing over to the queue. Dan and I were practically the only people in the park, so there were literally no queues anywhere, which was a real bonus.

I climb into the boat first, and Dan clambers in behind me, awkwardly straddling me from the back,
"Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, and remain seated" a voice over the intercom instructs.

I slowly begin to lean back into Dan, and he wraps his arms around me protectively, and I close my eyes, feeling the relaxing movement of the boat bobbing up and down on the mini waves.

"DUCK!" Dan screams, and my eyes fling open in shock, up ahead some small Lego mice are squirting water at the boat, and I just manage to duck in time before the first rodent reaches the nose of the boat. I look back at the now drenched Dan, who apparently wasn't as quick to dodge the water trickle, and his hair had already begun to curl.

"Stop judging me" Dan glares sarcastically, and I kiss him lightly on the forehead,
"I like it! You should have it curly more often" I suggest, and Dan's facial expression mimics a person that has just witnessed the birth of the worlds biggest moth,
"My hobbit hair does NOT go out in public when I can avoid it" Dan protests, and I shake my head in dismay, looking around at the view as the boat gets hoisted up towards the top of the slope.


"That didn't sound good?" I ask Dan, and all of a sudden the boat halts to a stop,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, we are experiencing minor technical difficulties, please stay seated while we resolve this problem" a voice instructs and Dan moans.
"Shall we go up into the hut tunnel thing?" Dan beckons to the stairs,
"But the loud speaker said.."
"The loud speaker said! Come on! It'll be fun!" Dan persists, and he rolls out the boat onto the rickety staircase.
"Dan no!" I hiss, but it's too late, he's already at the top looking down at me expectingly.

I sigh and slowly climb out the boat, making sure no one was watching before dashing up the flight of stairs into the wooden hut.
"So what do you want to do up here?" I ask Dan, looking around at the now pitch black room,
"This" Dan smirks, tenderly brushing his lips against mine. I slowly start to kiss back, and the kiss becomes more heated, Dan pushes me against the wall of the wooden hut, and I gasp as I hear the old building creek against our weight.

"Live a little Philly" Dan whispers in my ear seductively, and I shove him to the floor, straddling his waist sending kisses around his face. Dan giggles and starts to tease his fingers through my hair, knotting the ends in his fingertips, as our lips and tongues fight for dominance. I lean down and start to tug at Dan's shirt, which Dan manages to pull off with his free hand which has been massaging my butt cheeks. I start to grind against Dan as he removes my shirt, and I feel his lips vibrate as he moans, and I smirk to myself at how I managed to make Dan moan first. Dan disconnects his lips from mine, and starts to suck on my neck, leaving big black marks on my skin.

I feel a moan coming on as Dan finds my weak spot, but I try to hold it in, which Dan seems to notice, as he only sucks and nibbles harder on that spot.
"D-Dan" I mumble, as the boy begins bucking his hips underneath me, but he doesn't stop biting so I am left to my last resort. I quickly grab the sides of Dan's trousers and slide them down, and begin fisting the boy through his boxers, and instantly Dan stops.

"So you want to play dirty do you?" Dan winked and I gulped, but before I could react, Dan has managed to pull down my boxers and trousers at the same time and within a split second engulfed my manhood with his mouth. The moan slips out immediately as I throw my head back in pleasure, holding Dan's head in place as he bobs it up and down.

I quickly push his head off me just in time before I come everywhere, I look up at Dan embarrassed, and he's holding a small Lego brick in his hand, my eyes widen with shock as the tall brown haired man shoves the brick up my penis, using his fingers to push it in further.
"Dan that hurts" I squeal, trying to pull out of the sexual touching, but Dan only shoves the brick up further.
"10 seconds Philly, 10...9...8...7...6...5...4.......3.......2............1" Dan counts, and I wince in pain as he pulls the brick out of me and discards it in the stream of running water by the side of the platform we were doing frickle frackle on.

"I'm impressed Phil" Dan congratulates me, as I start to lick Dan's chest, running my fingers up and down his length.
We carry on playing dirty like this for a few more minutes until the lights turn back on and the ride restarts,
"Clothes on quick!" Dan hisses, scrambling to his feet and sliding his clothes back on. I copy his actions and we leap back into the boat just before it reaches the drop.

"We'll carry on with this later" Dan whispers in my ear as we plummet back down to dry land, and I smile sheepishly to myself, covering my now bulging erection with my hoodie.

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