Chapter 25

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Dan's kissing me, Dan's kissing me, Dan's kissing me, Dan's kissing me, Dan's kissing me, Dan's kissing me, DAN'S KISSING ME!!!
I start to kiss back and I feel Dan relax slightly, he wraps his arms around my torso, pulling me closer to him, and I slide my hand up to his face, holding it in position.

I know this sounds cheesy but I swear I felt fireworks as Dan and I kissed. Imagine a jigsaw puzzle, there are hundreds even thousands of pieces, but only two slot perfectly together, and with those two pieces becoming one, you are one step closer to finishing the entire puzzle. That's exactly how Dan and I's lips feel together. After a while I slowly break our connected lips apart,
"We're missing the view Mr.Howell" I grin, resting my forehead on Dan's,
"I've got the only view I'll ever need in my arms" Dan smiles, kissing my nose.

"I would love to kiss you all night Dan but I didn't drag you all the way to Manchester just for you to kiss me" I chuckled, and Dan pouted at me,
"I'm not complaining" Dan winks cheekily, and I quickly kiss him one more time before pulling out my camera and taking a picture of the view,
"Selfie for Instagram?" Dan asks and I nod,
"Are you sure you want to be seen with me?" I ask, and Dan looks at me smiling softly,
"Phil stop putting yourself down, I love being seen with you, having the knowledge that people associate us as a pair makes me ecstatic" Dan kisses me on the cheek.
I had no idea how to pose in the picture so I just did my dorky open mouth smile, I was about to change to a normal pose when I see Dan just smile normally but he'd already taken the picture,
"Dan no! Retake that I look like a troll" I complain, and Dan glances down at his phone,
"You look beautiful" he smiles.

"I have always naturally hated pictures of me with my glasses on, I just feel... Ugly" I tell Dan and he looks down at the picture again,
"The only ugly people are the ones that don't realise beauty comes from within" Dan winks at me, as he posts the picture.

I get a notification come through on my phone,
'Had a great night with this boy, give him some love guys!' Dan had wrote tagging my Instagram name 'amazingphil' on the picture.

I cringe at my Instagram name, it's the name I made up when I was 16 and going through the random faze, I mean I guess I should be grateful, it was either going to be that or 'HamsterBoy'.

I look over Dan's shoulder and see he's gone onto my Instagram page,
"It's a good thing to be strange, normalness leads to sadness" Dan reads my bio, and I smile sheepishly at the boy,
"That's true, who's quote is that?" Dan asks me,
"Um mine" I giggle awkwardly and Dan smiles at me.

I press the unlock button and my phone has blown up with follow notifications from Instagram, 
"Dan..." I stare at my phone amazed, and Dan looks into my eyes,
"you're welcome" he grins before returning to his photography, and I just stare at my phone screen, for once people are actually noticing me.

The pod reaches the ground and the door slides open, 
"Thank you, come again soon" The man who Dan paid tries to sound happy, and Dan grabs my arm, pulling me out the pod.
"Where now?" Dan asks me, and I look around to see what's around,
"I don't know, everywhere will be closed" I shrug, and Dan pulls me into a hug, kissing my forehead,
"what was that for?" I inquire,
"just because I finally can" Dan grins at me and I can't help but allow a small smile creep onto my face.

Dan and I walk arm and arm down the path, the street lights glowing to show us our way, 
"So Phil," Dan breaks the silence, "do you think you'll be able to make it to a photo shoot at my office block tomorrow at 12:30pm?" 
"I'd love to but I can't, I have work and if I don't turn up my boss will kill me, literally" I giggle, and Dan looked at me smugly, 
"You really do under estimate me sometimes Philip" Dan smirks, and I raise my eyebrow at him,
"I do?" 
"yes, you see I think of everything. when you were asleep I called your boss and he's given you the day off tomorrow, but it gets better, as I even managed to persuade him to give you paid leave" Dan winks at me and I stare at him in amazement, I can't even to persuade him to let me have the day off when I'm sick!
"Dan, are you serious??" I gawk, and Dan nods looking as pleased with himself as a puppy who just found out where the dog biscuit tin is kept.

"I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow then, the theme is international" Dan informs me,
"I don't own any 'international' clothes though" I clarify, 
"Oh don't worry, we supply you with the clothes, all you have do is turn up looking as beautiful as you always do" Dan smiles, and I blush. Gosh Phil, you're such a teenage girl talking to her crush! "Come on, let's go back to my house, you need to catch up on your beauty sleep!" Dan takes my hand and walks me to the train station, where our train is conveniently sat in the platform waiting. We board the train just in time as the lady on the station waved the flag and blew her whistle signalling  the train it can pull out safely.

Neither of us slept on the train ride home, we just cuddled, which I like as I feel that cuddles are better than kisses sometimes. I kept replaying the moment when Dan kissed me on the wheel, and how perfect the whole moment was, even if One Direction was the song choice that Dan kissed me too.
I allow my brain to wonder to different places, Will Dan's customers like me? I mean, I'll become one of the faces of his company, quite literally, and if I don't pull off what ever clothes Dan forces me into I could ruin the whole thing and loose Dan's company hundreds, possibly thousands of pounds. Is this really a good idea Phil?

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