Chapter 49

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WARNING- This chapter could trigger some people

I sit in silence, ever since I woke back up from the second knock out I've had no concept of date or time, I don't even know if it's the day or not, but all I know is that I'm starving. I hear a faint beat, in the background, a musical beat. Instantly I recognise the tune as Nick's song 'chains', and I roll my eyes at the fact Nick is playing his own music,
"Modest much?" I call out, and I hear the sound of a door creak open,
"With her wine-stained lips, yeah, she nothing but trouble" Nick voice can be heard singing, and I hear his hobnail boots clomping on the floor as he takes slow and steady steps in time of the beat,
"Cold to the touch but she's warm as a devil" Nick carries on the song, and I hear his footsteps getting closer,
"Okay, you can stop singing now" I nervously laugh, but Nick persists,
"I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul"
I start to try and push myself away from where Nick was coming from, but I then remembered how the chair was nailed to the floor and I can't move,
"She takes 'til I break and I can't get more" Nick speaks the last line, and his figure comes into view from the dark shadows. The song carries on in the background, but Nick just stands, smiling at me.

"W-What do you want?" I tremble, and Nick cocks his head to the side, as if he's confused, even though he knows exactly what I'm saying,
"my dear Philip, you know what I want" Nick chuckles,
"Dan? Is that what you want!?" I ask desperately, "He's not a possession Nick! You can't just 'have' him!"

My words obviously angered Nick, and his hand slams down into my face, cutting my eyebrow as his watch knocks into it,
"Dan will be mine, and I'm going to get him" Nick hisses,
"But how?" I spit back, "You kidnapped ME, not Dan! You failed Nick! Game over! Now please let me go!" I beg, and Nick chuckles,
"That's what you think, Lester, but it's not over till I say it's over".

Before I have time to reply to Nick's comment, the man pushes himself on top of me, so he's straddling me in the chair. I attempt to struggle free, as Nick slides a piece of fabric on and around my mouth so I can't protest at his actions,
"This, is how I'm going to win, Phil" Nick whispers in my ear, before gently nibbling the lobe of my ear and giving it a gentle tug. I wriggle around in my chair trying to get away, which only makes me grind into Nick, exciting the boy,
"If you really want to then" Nick giggles, and I shake my head quickly,
"Mpph!" I try to protest, but my words can't get out,
"That's right Phil, I am better than Dan aren't I?" Nick grins, as he kisses my neck, leaving hickeys and love bites all over my neck.

Nick starts to slide both his and my shirt off, and I have no choice but to sit still and silently pray to myself that Dan will come and rescue me. Nick carries on biting me, but now trailing down my chest, and I wince in pain as he pulls out some of my chest hairs with his teeth.
"How does it feel Phil? It feels good doesn't it?" Nick asks me, and to be honest it did feel good, but the fact it wasn't Dan made the whole thing feel horrible. I shake my head as a reply, and Nick unties the fabric preventing me from talking.

"Nick, please stop" I beg, but Nick just rams his lips against mine, biting down on my bottom lip, and I can't help but lightly kiss back. Soon enough, Nick's kissing gets more and more sloppy, and I am stuck awkwardly having the outside of my face being licked and sucked quickly by Nick, who seems to think I'm enjoying this.
"NICK!" I hear a voice yell, and the man is suddenly yanked off my lap and onto the floor, Dan is stood glaring at Nick who smiles happily at the sight of him.
"Dan, no!" I yell, "It's a trap, get out of here!" I beg, but Dan just ignores me, his eyes are fixed on Nick.

Pj and Chris run into the room with two other girls awkwardly waddling behind them,
"Becky and Jessica?" I ask, squinting in the dark to make sure I've seen correct,
"Oh my goodness, Phil babes put a shirt on, no one wants to see that hun" Jessica screws up her nose in disgust,
"I'm a bit tied up" I laugh awkwardly, "but how did you guys know where I was? Joe said he forgot to leave the note?"
Becky steps forward to speak, but Jessica pipes up,
"That would be ME" she grins, and Becky looks at her in disgust but says nothing.

"BECKY," Pj speaks,glaring at Jessica, "Used Dan's find your friends app, and we followed it here" Pj explains, and I nod. Chris reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a pen knife, cutting through all my bondages until I am free, and I leap up and away from the chair. It felt so good to stretch my legs.
I look over to Dan, who is still stood over Nick Jonas, giving him an almost challenging look, but Nick doesn't attempt to stand up, he just lays on the floor staring up at Dan, smirking.
"Come on Dan, lets get out of here" Chris suggests, but Dan doesn't move,
"Dan, we've got Phil! Lets go!" Pj hisses, trying not to be too loud, but Dan still doesn't move,
"Dan!" I shout, and he looks up at me, I send him a meek smile,
"Lets go, please" I ask, and Dan slowly nods, giving Nick one final death glare.

"This isn't over, Nick" Dan growls, as he follows us out the door.
We all get to the exit of the room I was stuck in, and I turn to watch Dan slowly pace up behind us, a solemn look plastered on his face. I look to where Nick was laying, but he's not there any more, but where could he...
Dan's eyes widen, and he collapses to the floor, and there's Nick stood behind him holding a now blood covered knife.

"If I can't have him, no one can"



sorry XD

Did Nick murder Dan?
Well I mean he stabbed him but...


lolzor I can already tell you're mad at me


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