Chapter 39

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"Oh absolutely" Dan smirks, pulling me on top of him, and I smile at the boy as I reconnect our lips. YES! LESTER-1 JONAS-0.

A few minutes past of Dan and I playing a filthy game of who can give the other the most hickeys without the other one moaning (which I'm sad to say Dan won, after he found my weak spot and refused to let go), then we decided to slow it down a bit by just seeing who can put up with the others affection for the longest.

It was half way through Dan and I's tongue battle that his phone rung,
"It's the office, do you mind if I get that?" Dan asks, and I nod, thankful for the breather this is giving me.
"Hello?" Dan pants down the line,
"It's me, how are you? I'm in California dreaming of who we used to be" I sing, and Dan slaps my arm, causing me to flinch back in agony,
"Dan!" I hiss, and the boy holds his finger to his lips to silence me, this call must be important.

"What do you mean!?" Dan snaps down the phone suddenly, and I jump lightly at his speech,
"I don't care! Why is this an issue?" Dan repeats, and I look at Dan worried,
"Well if it's not an issue why are you calling me?"

"Fuck no." Dan snarls down the phone, and I glare at him for swearing,
"I'll be down there as soon as I can, don't do anything stupid without me Pj" and with that Dan hung up.

"Pj?" I ask, and Dan sighs,
"Nick Jonas turned up threatening to post pictures of us dancing together all over the internet, which wouldn't really matter as the video is already viral,  but Pj said that wasn't the issue, the issue was that Nick's request was to be hired as one of the models, or he'd do something to the office, but Pj couldn't seem to be able to explain it. I'm sorry Phil I have to go down there" Dan sighs, and I nod,
"I'm coming too" I smile, and Dan shakes his head,
"No Phil, it-"
"I'm coming." I snap, clambering off the sofa and waking over to the front door to collect my shoes.

We walk out in silence, and trudge down my road, the cold winter air licking our faces, as if we're ice lollies.
"Taxi!" I yell, holding out my hand to signal to the black taxi that it's assistance is required,
"Where to lads?" The driver asks,
"Howell's clothes industries" Dan instructs, and the taxi driver beckons for us to get in the back of the car,
"What does Nick have against us?" Dan mutters, and I'm not sure if he's aiming the question to me or if it's just a general statement, so I decide to rest my head on Dan's shoulder, trying to reassure him everything will be alright.

We pull up outside Dan's building, and I quickly pay the driver, as Dan leaps out the vehicle and storms into the building,
"Dan wait!" I shout, jogging to catch up with my friend, who has a scowl engraved into his face.

"Where is this little shit head" Dan yells, and I cover his mouth, because some of these people look important, I wouldn't be surprised if the queen walked around the corner,
"Dan!" I hear Nick's voice cheer, and we both spin round to see Nick Jonas making himself comfortable on one of the settees, with Pj sat opposite him, watching his every move like a hawk.

"Nick follow me, Phil, you stay here with Peej" Dan orders, and I shake my head,
"No Dan, I'm coming with you" I snap, and Dan glares at me,
"Phil, do what I say" Dan hisses, and I take a step closer,
"I said no, Dan" I growl, and Dan looks up at Nick,
"I'd let him come with us Dan, both of your hickeys are proving the affection between you two" Nick smiles, and I feel my face heat up from embarrassment,
"SECURITY!" Dan screams, and Nick's face drops, as two buff looking men run over to us,
"If you get me kicked out Dan, I'll do what I threatened" Nick warned, and Dan scoffs,
"What did you threaten then?" He snaps,
"I'll only tell you if you agree to listen to my terms" Nick smiles, and I look at Dan.

"Security, remove this man" Dan orders, pointing to me,
"What!?" I gasp,
"Dan, don't" Pj warns, and I look at the security guard staring at me,
"I SAID REMOVE HIM!" Dan spits at me, and the security guard leaps at me, pulling me to the floor at great speed.

"Phil!" Pj yells, rushing over to me, but only to be restrained by another buff security guard.
"Dan, what the fuck are you doing!?" Pj cries, trying to squirm out the mans grasp,
"Take them outside" Dan nods to the men, and both Pj and I are dragged out and literally thrown onto the hard concrete outside the building.

I pull myself up, my whole body aching, and I look back into the building, to see Dan and Nick walking off, Dan doesn't even turn round to check I'm alright.
I look back at Pj who is sat on the floor, dusting off his suit and I begin to feel tears prick into my eyes,
"Why didn't he trust me Pj?" I sniff, and the curly haired man comes over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist in a comforting manor,
"Dan is a very confusing human, Phil. When something gets in his way he will do anything to move it out his way, he's stubborn like that. Don't take it personally, Dan just thinks of Nick as an obstacle between you and him" Pj explains, and I nod, wiping away the tears from my eyes.

"Come on, let's go get a drink, it's on me" Pj suggests, and I smile at the boy,
"Thank you" I grin, as we both walk off towards the closest pub we could find.

Lester-1 Jonas-1

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