Chapter 7

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I wake up on Saturday morning and pull my black curtains back, allowing the light to come into my room,I let out a hiss as the sunlight blinds me.

I walk down into the kitchen and that's when reality strikes me, invited Phil to see the room. What was I thinking!? He'll think of me as a freak, a weirdo, a creep!
But I know that this room was perfect for Phil, I can't wait for him to 'experiment' with it.

'Hey Philly! ^•_•^
Like I promised- my address is 62, West Wallaby Street. Maybe you can come tonight? I'll order a Chinese :D- Danyull'
After a few minutes I get a reply,
'Don't call me Philly! It sounds like a girls name :D
Also I'd never turn down a Chinese, so I'll be at yours by 5? Do I need to bring anything? -Phil'
I grin mischievously at my Phone, even though Phil can't see,
'a blindfold, Whisk and a box of Maltesers- Dan'
I laugh at the thoughts of tonight's happenings circling through my brain,
"This is gonna be sooo good" I smile to myself, as I catch a glimpse of my hideous reflection in the kettles stainless steel surface.

I open the fridge and get out the milk, pouring myself a bowl of Shreddies, eyeing up each of the squares as they fall into my bowl.
I return the milk to the fridge once I've drowned the cereal to the extent I can no longer see them, and carry my overflowing bowl to the living room were I switch on the TV.
I notice that F.R.I.E.N.D.S is on Comedy Central, and seeing that there is nothing else on, I decide that Monica, Ross, Joey, Pheobe, Chandler and Rachel will be my entertainment for the morning (or late afternoon- it depends what you class 4pm as)
"PIVOT! PIVOT!" Ross shouts as he, Chandler and Rachel attempt to get a sofa up the stairs, I burst out laughing at this scene, realising the struggles of moving furniture.

Once the episode comes to a close I realise the time, Phil will be here in half an hour, and I'm still sat here in my hello kitty boxers and llama t-shirt!
I quickly gulp down the remainders of my cereal and dash up the stairs, catching a quick glimpse of the room.

I look through my wardrobe, trying to find the blackest thing I own, pulling out my black leather t-shirt I inspect it carefully,
"It might get a bit sticky tonight, better not" I mutter to myself, and replace it with my black t-shirt that has white stars around the rim.

I pick my trousers up from the floor and a clean pair of leopard print boxers before charging into the bathroom and getting into the shower.
"Near, far, where EVERRRRR YOU ARREEE" I sing the titanic theme tune as the warm water trickles down my body, tickling my sides,
Ding Dong
The door!!

I quickly stop the stream of water and wrap a towel around my waist,
"One second!" I shout, panic shooting through my body, oh my god Phil's early!!!
Ding Dong, Ding Dong
Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong
"OKAY FINE!" I yell in defeat, I trudge down the stairs and with one hand holding the towel up, I open the door, glaring at Phil.
But it wasn't Phil,
"Girl scout cookies for sale!" A little ginger girl smiles at me, my eyes shoot open, and I look intensely at this little girl who is now staring at my nipples.
"Custard cream sir? Or maybe a chocolate fudge?" She offers,
"JESUS CHRIST I THOUGHT YOU WERE PHIL!" I scream at the girl who shudders into a ball in fear,
"I ANSWERED THE DOOR PRACTICALLY NAKED TO A BLOODY GIRL SCOUT SELLING COOKIES!!" I yell, annoyed with myself for loosing so much dignity,
"Sorry sir I'll go no-" the girl starts,
"Wait" my mood changes, and I smile sweetly at the girl, " do you have any Cupcakes?"
The Girl Scout slowly nods,
"£1.35 each" she barters hesitantly,
"Deal, I'll take two" I agree, one for me, one for Phil.

I quickly fetch my wallet and pay the Girl Scout £2.70 , while take the rainbow sprinkle covered muffins before slamming the door in her face.
Right, let's get dressed!

I come down, actually decent this time and I see Phil's figure through the glass appearing towards the door,
"Hello!" I smile, opening the door, an there Phil is stood holding a whisk, box of Maltesers and a blindfold.
"I'll take that" I smoothly whisper, snatching the Maltesers off Phil.

I step aside and Phil walks into the house, I giggle slightly at his reaction to the house,
"Dan this place is so posh!!" He exclaims, and I look around,
"I'm owner of the biggest clothes wear in the whole of Great Britain, it normally doesn't surprise people that my house is big" I chuckle, and Phil laughs along with me.

"So, what's this room you want to show me then?" Phil asks, and I smile shyly,
"Okay, I'm kinda nervous showing you this, and if you don't want to do it that fine! I've never showed anyone this, but it's kinda my hobby..." I explain, avoiding eye contact with Phil as we speak,
"Let's see it" Phil smiles, a reassuring one, and I know I can trust him.
"This way"

I lead Phil through the living room and I reach behind a photo frame on the mantel piece, were I receive a key, I carry the key over to the room and slowly unlock the door,
"Blindfold on please" I instruct, and Phil does what he's told,
For a few seconds I stand holding the door handle for a second...
You can trust Phil, Dan it's him

"Tadaa" I awkwardly introduce as I swing the door open, and Phil removes the blindfold,
"Oh. My.God" Phil gasps at the room, eyes wide with shock, I've made a mistake showing him,
"I shouldn't of shown you! I'm sorry please don't judge me" I cry,
"What is this?" Phil asks, entering the room...

"My life collection of Delia Smith cookbooks" I whimper, "I wanted to try some recipes with you",
"So that explains the whisk, and you used the blindfold to make this room a surprise, but why the Maltesers?" Phil questions,
"I just REALLY like Maltesers" I sniff, looking down at the floor as I spoke,
"Daniel James Howell, I'd love to bake Delia Smith recipes with you" Phil smiles, and my head shoots up shocked,
"You will?"
"Of course" Phil grins, "NOW LETS BAKE!"

(Insert Phil wave here)
So thank you so much for reading this story! I honestly can't thank you enough!
Thank you to everyone who votes and comments, talking to you guys honestly makes me so happy :)
Shoutout to Ms_QueentasticTori Who actually gave me the idea for the Delia smith room, which I personally find hilarious!

See you all soon!

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