Chapter 3

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I stand looking out my window, and I hear the door click shut behind me. To give a dramatic effect I decide to not turn round immediately, but just to speak,
"Please take a seat"
Looking out the window also hides the sweat which is still pouring down my face.

"Good morning sir, my name is Phil and I'm from the BBC" the figure behind me introduces, he sounds nervous and innocent, I am intrigued to see more.
I turn round, and see the boy that I accidentally knocked into when I was running past, there is tea stains all down his suit.

The man sees me looking at his ruined suit,
"I'm really sorry sir! One of your employees knocked into me, and I spilt drink" the man confessed, I feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment,
"What a shame..." I sigh, avoiding eye contact, "I'll find out who this employee is and have them fired immediately"
I see the mans eyes widen,
"Please sir, it's fine, that won't be necessary at all" the man barters and I pretend to give in.

"So, is it okay if I start the interview Mr.Howell?" The man asks,
"Please, call me Dan- what did you say your name was again?" I ask the attractive person, sat in front of me,
"Phil" Phil blushes, and I grin,
"Go ahead.... Phil"
I take a seat in my comfy office chair, as Phil proceeds to sitting in the less comfortable chair the opposite side of my desk.

"How did it feel when 'Howell' clothes became the most fashionable clothes wear in the whole of the United Kingdom?" Phil reads of his little notepad, and I chuckle lightly at his adorableness,
"Well Phil," I start, leaning back in my chair as I thought about the answer,
"I was ecstatic obviously, but I'm just pleased my clothes are actually wanted" I reply, flashing Phil a smile as we catch eye contact.
Phil's bright blue eyes shine as he quickly scribbles down a few notes on his pad.

"Was Howell industries a long term plan for you, or a fairly mutual decision?" Phil trembles, and shrug,
"Can I ask you some questions now?" I ask Phil, who is a bit taken back from my plea,
"That's not really the idea of this interview sir, your the famous one that everyone loves, and then there's just well... Me, look at me" Phil sighs.
I stand up from my chair and crouch down by Phil, who looks up into my eyes,
"I am looking" I smile, and slowly Phil's head lifts up, so his twinkling eyes are gazing into my Nutella brown ones.

"You don't really want to know" Phil speaks softly,
"I really do" I wink, and Phil leans back a bit, obviously uncomfortable with my natural sexual personality,
"Well.." Phil starts, hesitating to think of some facts, "My whole name is Philip Michael Lester, I work for the BBC and I live in London"

I'm slightly disappointed by the lack of interest in Phil's answer, but I don't want to upset him so I just smile and return to my seat.
I think Phil can see my disappointment and he turns even more shy, which starts to turn me on.
"Well, I'm Daniel James Howell, I work here and I also live in London" I chuckle, and Phil's mood brightens slightly.

I answer the rest of Phil's necessary questions, not taking long to think of answers,
"That's the last question" Phil wraps up the interview, scribing down the last bit of information I gave him.
I hold out my hand for Phil to shake, which he gladly accepts, I smirk at the awkward boy as he leaves my office, and that's when I realise...

"PHIL WAIT!" I shout, I jog after Phil and manage to catch his attention,
"Is there a problem sir?" Phil asks feebly, and I once again smirk at him,
"Well, I was wondering if I could get your number? Maybe we can meet somewhere casually, and have a non formal chat?" I offer, now it's my turn to be awkward.
Phil's smile grows rapidly and he nods excitedly, reminding me of a little toddler being offered an ice cream from the passing van.

I scribble down my number and pass it to Phil, who quickly enters it into his Phone, I have succeeded in my plan to see Phil again,
"I'll text you my number, one moment" Phil explains. He taps the screen to his phone a few times and my text alert sounds,
'My number- Phil :)'
I quickly type in a reply,
'Phil? I don't know any Phil!! WHO ARE YOU IMPOSTER??- Dan ;)'
And press send, I watch Phil's facial expression as he reads the text, and a cute little snort comes out his nose.

"I need to get back to the BBC, my taxis waiting outside, but I'll text you" Phil smiles, and I nod, watching as the attractive man steps into the lift, the doors slowly start to close, and we maintain eye contact till the slither of an opening is completely sealed.

I walk back into my office and watch out the window as Phil climbs into the back of the taxi,
"So fricking hot" I whisper to myself as the Taxi pulls out and away into the distance,
"100% bangable"

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