Chapter 48

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"And it calls for a trip to the BBC" I tell Chris and Pj, and they look at me blankly,
"Are we going to get help from Louise Minchin and Charlie Stayt from BBC Breakfast?" Chris asks me as we leave my home, and I chuckle lightly,
"No, I have some other people on my mind" I sigh.

We all clamber into Pj's car, me in the back, while Chris sits next to Peej in the front of the car. Pj was behind the wheel, tapping nervously on the steering wheel as he pulls out my drive. I nervously tap my fingers on my knee, like Pj was doing as we pull out my driveway and out speeding towards Phil's place of work. All I could think about was the possibility of Phil's bleeding body crumpled on the floor in a dying heap.

Pj catches a glimpse of my horrific state in his rear view mirror, and gives me a weak smile, which I gratefully return,
"We're going to find him Dan, it's okay" Pj comforts me, and I nod, even though I have little trust with what he's saying.

After the longest, most agonising car journey I've ever had to face we finally arrive at the BBC, and my ears are spared from Chris singing along to the radio trying to brighten the mood, which only made the matter worse as I can now no longer enjoy Adele in the same way.

I don't bother to wait for Pj and Chris to get out the car, instead I race over the courtyard into the glass building, where I spot the same security guard that stopped me last time I was here to see Phil.
"Daniel Howell!" A member of the paparazzi shouts at me, as I run into the building with sweat pouring down my face.The sound of a camera shutter clicks away, and I bring my hand up to my face to shield myself from the camera. When I reach the revolving doors, the security guard smiles at me mischievously,
"Oh, so you came back eh?" He smirks, and I slow my pace down as I stand in front of him,
"Look," I try to rationalise, "My name is Daniel James Howell, I am the founder of Howell's clothing and I need to get into the BBC to talk to someone!" I beg, and the security guard crosses his arms,
"I wouldn't care if you were the queen of England sonny, I'm not letting you in without any ID or a pass!"

Just as the security guard finishes speaking Pj and Chris jog into the BBC behind me,
"And who are they?"  The security guard sighs, and Chris bows,
"My lord, I am Chrios Kendallas, and this is my humble servant Peejamin Liggers" Chris speaks as he bows his head at the startled looking guard. Pj and I stare at each other, with the same fed up look on our faces.
"I'm calling for back up.. " The security guard sighs,
"WAIT!" I scream, catching someone's attention in the background,
"Dan?" A voice asks calmly, and I spot Scott Mills walking towards the café with a tall, elegant looking lady,
"Scott! Thank God! Can you please persuade this man to let me in, Phil's in trouble!" I beg, and Scott nods understandingly,
"Of course! Marcus! Leave these boys alone, they are allowed in the BBC whenever they need" Scott orders Marcus the Security guard, who nods stepping aside and allowing us to pass.

Chris, Pj and I all thank Scott as I lead the way past him and start running down the corridor towards Phil's office block, 
"Becky? Jessica?" I call down the hallway, and the stench of nail polish is already strangling my nose,
"Dan, how is this going to help find Phil?" Pj asks me as we all slow our speed down to a brisk walk,
"Becky and Jessica are like the MI7 of fangirling, if anyone can find Nick Jonas using elements of stalking and lurking, it's them" I explain, as I turn the corner so that their little reception desk is in view.

"DAN!" Becky squealed, standing up to embrace me, but Jessica pulls her down,
"Shut up Becky no ones talking to you... omg Dan, hi" Jessica flirts, and I roll my eyes.
"Listen girls, I need your help finding someone for me" I ask the two ladies sat in front of me, and they look at each other,
"Who is it then babe?" Jessica asks, and I mentally cringe at the word 'babe',
"Nick Jonas" Pj steps in, and Becky lets out a groan,
"Eww no, we don't care about him any more, he's so last week" Becky scoffs, and I feel my heart sink as I feel I have lost my last chance to see Phil.

"You don't understand..." I have to pause to restrain myself from crying, "He's... he has Phil.." I choke back the tears, and I feel either Chris or Pj's hand pat my back supportively.
"Phil as in, our Phil?" Jessica asks and I nod,
"Phil as in MY Phil" I reply, and the two girls send each other a knowing cheesy smile.
"I FUCKING KNEW PHAN WAS OTP! Omg Becky hold me, I think I'm dying" Jessica pants, as she fans her face with her hand, and Becky dips her fingers in a glass of water, then flicks the liquid on Jessica's face, trying to cool her down, Jessica screams at the water touching her face.
"Oh my god Becky why do you have to be so stupid!?"
"I'm sorry Jessica.."
"YOU RUINED MY MAKE UP YOU POISONOUS BITCH" Jessica growls, and Chris steps in,
"Ladies, ladies," Chris calms the girls down, "We came here for your help, not to see you whimper about your make up"    

Becky and Jessica sigh before looking at me, then to each other, and then back to me again.
"Dan, babes, we've decided to help you out... now give me your phone" Becky demands, and Jessica glares at her,
"Shut up Becky, Dan give her the phone" Jessica repeats Becky's demand, and I step back,
"How the fuck will that help tho-"
"Do you want our help or not? If so give her the phone" Jessica tells me and I sigh, giving in.

"My password is.." 
"1538" Becky answers without hesitating,
"How do you know!?" I ask in shock and Jessica smirks at me,
"The fingerprints on your phone show where has been pressed the most, that's why you always wipe your phone sweetie" Jessica giggles, and Chris and I nod at each other to show how we're impressed. 

After what feels like an eternity of waiting, Becky lets out a squeal of delight!
"Found him! He's in warehouse 12 down in Robert Street" Becky smiles triumphantly, and I smile in relief,
"Robert street, that's only like ten minutes from here by car right?" I ask, and Pj nods,
"How did you find out where Phil is?" Pj asks, you can tell he is impressed by Becky's stalking skills, and Becky giggles,
"Dan must have forgot he has a find my friends app on his phone" Becky chuckles, and I mentally face palm myself for forgetting about the app,
"We don't have time to properly explain though" Chris cuts in, and I nod,
"Yeah, I need to see Phil, thank you girls, honestly" I thank, giving Becky and Jessica a quick hug each.

"Dan, wait!" Jessica shouts after me, and I turn to see the two girls tottering down the hall in their 6" heels,
"Yes?" I ask impatiently,
"You're going to need all the help you can get, we're coming too" Becky grins proudly, and I open my mouth to protest, but Pj speaks first, 
"Sure, whatever, we don't have time to argue, just keep up" Pj speaks, and the girls nod.

I'm coming Phil, I promise.

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