Chapter 13

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I hear a faint mumbling coming from downstairs,
"Hello?" I call,
"oh yes, hello Philip! I am a robber/ murderer and I'm in the kitchen, feel free to call the cops!" I reply to myself sarcastically, still slowly pacing out my bedroom onto the landing.
I peer down and see a figure curled up on the sofa, and maintaining eye contact with the figure I slowly reach out my arm and grabbing the first item I can reach, which turns out to be a stuffed lion...

"WHO'S THERE?" I shout, my voice trembling in fear, and I see the figure shoot upwards, and look up towards where I am. I quickly duck behind my cabinet, cradling the lion in my grasp, the room is too dark to make out what the intruder looks like, and the light switch is downstairs,
"I need Dan" I whisper to myself, glancing at my phone which is placed on the coffee table in my room.

I crawl with as much stealth as possible into my room, then slam the door shut, barricading it with my body weight,
"Pick up, pick up, pick up" I cry, tears threatening to spill,
"Phil?" Dan whispers down the line, he too sounds panicked,
"Dan help me, I think there's someone in my house" I explain, my body trembling with fear,
"I'm sure there's no one there" Dan try's to calm me down, and I hear a crash,
"Shhhi..." Dan whispers,
"Did you hear that?" I squeak, and Dan replies quickly,
"Yes! Down the line, that's why I nearly swore for your benefit" Dan spoke quickly,
"What should I do?" I whimper,
"STAY IN YOUR ROOM! DON'T MOVE OKAY" Dan panics causing me to fret.

"Dan I'm frightened" I admit,
"Phil, I promise you you're safe. Now, could you possibly tell me all the possible exits this 'intruder' could use to escape with out being seen?" Dan asks me,
"There's a fire escape out my bedroom window, and that's the only way really" I explain, glancing at my window,
"Okay- Phil, the intruder is going to need to come into your room to escape, when I say three, be brave and run into a bathroom or something, DON'T PEAK AT THE PSYCO IN YOUR HOUSE, and stay there till morning, when I'll come and get you" Dan instructs,
and I squeak as a reply.

"1..2...3!" Dan whispers, and I slam my door open, charging into the bathroom like a little girl, flailing my arms around making a 'eeeeee' noise as I sprint into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"I'm in" I pant, and I hear footsteps outside the door charge past and into my room,
"Dan?" I whisper down the phone, "yup!" Dan speaks, a lot louder than the last few minutes,
"Are you outside?" I question, thinking I heard a bus drive past in the background,
"No... My windows open" Dan speaks, but he sounds as if he's gasping for air,
"Dan, are you running??" I ask, and I hear Dan gulp,
"No, I thought now that I'm up, it would be a good time to practice my Rosemary Conley fitness scheme"

"Your doing exercise?" I giggle, my mood slightly lifting,
"Yep" Dan laughs, and I hear him make a light moan, probably from an exercise stitch,
"You okay?" I chuckle,
"Yeah" Dan smirks.

I glance at the clock on my bathroom wall, 3:15am,
"Dan, I'm going to go to sleep now, do you think my bedrooms safe?" I ask, and I can almost hear Dan's smile,
"Yes Phil".

I slowly slide the lock back and creek open the door, peeping out through a small crack I created, there was no sign of anyone.
"Dan, I'm still scared" I squeal, as I tip toe out, and back into my bedroom, engulfing myself in duvet.
"Phil you don't need to be scared" Dan promises,
"Um, Dan- do you think there's any chance you could stay here with me tonight, I'd feel a whole load safer" I mutter nervously, worried my inner gay towards Dan was shining through,
"Of course you dork" Dan laughs,
"Thank you" I squeak, "my address is 22 Sekforde street in Islington" I instruct,
"I know" Dan grins,
"Wait what?" I ask, startled he knows where I live,
"I said I know.. That road?" Dan repeats, and I nod, even though I know Dan can't see me.

"I'm on my way, I'll be there as quick as possible I promise. In the mean time, leave a light on in your room and I'll use the fire escape to get in" Dan instructs, before saying goodbye and hanging up.
I reach over and turn on my bedside lamp, then curl up into a ball, staring patiently at my window, knowing Dan will be here as soon as he can.

About twenty minutes later, I see Dan's face appear at the window, he sends me a light wave, and I dive out of bed to open the window a crack more for him.
"Thank you bear" I whisper, throwing myself into Dan's arms, hugging my friend.

"I'll go find a blanket and a pillo-" Dan starts and I interrupt him,
"NO! You can share the bed if you want?" Phil shyly offers, and Dan re-wraps his arms around me,
"If that's what keeps my little lion safe, that that's what I will do"

I awkwardly return under my crisp covers, and Dan clambers into the other side of the bed,
"Goodnight Dan" I smile into the boys hazel eyes,
"Goodnight Phil" Dan grins, and I nestle into Dan's chest,
"Just say if anything is too weird!" I insist, and Dan grins at me,
"It's perfect" Dan replies, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer into his shirt.

Dan's right, This IS perfect...

What would Becky and Jessica think? This could be the start of a whole new Fanfiction, or should I say PHANfiction?
We better not tell those two crazy girls about tonight.

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