Chapter 62

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The four of us finish getting re-dressed, then make our way back up the beach, continuously sliding back down the stones by accident as our weight makes them give way under us. I reach the top, and reach out my hand for Phil, who graciously accepts it and I tug him up the last bit of hill. 

The four of us trudge up the steps and over to one of the little kiosk shops which sells ice creams that circle the entrance to the pier, and join the short queue.
"What's everyone having then?" Pj sighs as he pulls out his wallet and removes his credit card from it's little pocket.
"Cherry please" Chris winks seductively at Pj, and I get a disturbing mental image of the two boys involving cherries,
"I'll just have a chocolate please" I ask Peej, who nods,
"Salted Caramel if they have it please" Phil orders.

We reach the front of the queue and Pj orders the cold snacks, each of us greedily snatching our Ice Cream as it's handed over to us and taking them over to a bench on the pier itself. Miraculously, all four of us just managed to squeeze onto the bench, which was probably because Chris was practically sat on Pj's lap,
"This location would be perfect for a photo shoot for the website Dan" Pj speaks up, and I nod,
"We could take some photos now? We have Phil" I suggest,
"Ah yes, your 'top model'" Pj quotes from the first time him and Phil first met, and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not wearing any of Mr.Howell's clothes though" Phil responds, "I mean Dan's" He quickly adds, and I snort lightly at his cock up.
"Mr.Howell? Is that the bedroom name?" Chris teases, "Peej you should start calling me Mr.Kendall"

I decide to ignore Chris' statement,
"It doesn't matter! Last time you were wearing some medieval shit" I laugh, and Pj glares at me,
"THAT medieval shit cost the department our next Christmas party" Pj scowls at me, and I raise my eyebrows,
"We earn more money than Apple, how can't we afford a bleeding Christmas party?" I question, and Pj sighs,
"We normally hire out the whole of Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park for a night, we won't be able to afford that this year" Pj reminds me, and I nod.

I hear Phil choke on his Ice Cream and my head quickly turns to the left to where he's sat next to me to check he's alright,
"You hire out the whole of Winter Wonderland!?" Phil exclaims, and we all nod in unison, not seeing why Phil is so amazed,
"What happened to a lame office party with those cheap Christmas crackers and Mariah Kelly at full volume?" Phil questions, and I shrug,
"We're not like the BBC, we party in style" I wink, and Phil smirks at me.

"You should come to our next Christmas party, Phil" Chris suggests, "It won't be at Winter Wonderland this year, but it should still be better than the BBC's party!"
I nod at Chris' suggestion, looking at Phil hopefully,
"Am I allowed?" Phil squeaks,
"You're dating Mr.Howell himself and you're asking if you'd be allowed to his Christmas party?" Pj chuckles, and we all join in with his laughter,
"Of course you're allowed you spork" I grin, "In fact, I'd be offended if you didn't attend it".

"Anyway," Pj quickly adds, "Are we doing this photo shoot or not? My camera is in the car"
I look at Phil who nods,
"Sure, I'm in if you all want to" Phil smiles, as he stands up and throws his ice cream tub in the bin next to him.
"I'll go get the camera?" I offer, and Pj nods,
"Sure, here's the car keys, it will be in the boot" Pj hands me the keys, and I waddle off down the pier towards where the car is parked.

I get to the road, when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket,  I pull it out and it's an unknown number. I answer the phone anyway, putting the device up to my ear.
"Hello?" I speak down the phone, as I stride towards Pj's car,
"Hello, is this Daniel Howell?" A man's voice asks down the phone,
"Yes it is, can I ask who's calling please?" I inquire,
"Sorry, yes, this is PC. Fletcher from the Metropolitan Police, I have some news to tell you about the incident today involving Nicholas Jonas?"...

=•= =•= =•= =•= =•= =•= =•= =•=

I sprint as fast as I can back down the pier, my heart pumping faster and faster with every step I take, but I won't let it slow me down, not this time. 
I dart over to where the bench was that the four of us were sat at, but there was no sign of my friends and boyfriend anywhere.
"Fuck" I pant, as I carry on sprinting further down the wooden, slippery surface, my footsteps echoing along the pier with every giant step I quickly took.

I run into the first arcade, which was full of people inserting their money into slots and whooping for joy as they won another set of tickets which they'll probably just exchange for a shitty little rubber, and I speed walk through the building quickly eyeing up everybody's faces, looking for Phil, Chris or Pj.

I was unsuccessful to find them in the first building, so I gallop out, and rush over to the second building, determined to find them quickly and inform them of the situation.
"Phil!?" I shout, madly slamming through the next open doorway and charging around the room,
"PHIL" I yell, earning a few glares from random people who are trying to enjoy a relaxing time playing guitar hero or some arcade claw game in peace.

"Have you lost a child sir?" A member of staff cuts me off from running around, and I try to slide past her but she's blocking the walk way,
"No I'm looking for my boyfriend, now step aside please or I'll sue you" I threaten, and the lady stares at me in shock.
"I-I.." she splutters, and I push past her, running out the building, only to collide straight into none other than Phil.

"Dan?" Phil speaks, a concerned tone in his voice, "have you been running!?"
Pj and Chris approach where Phil and I were stood,
"Where's my camera Dan?" Phil asks me, "and are you panting?"
I swallow, trying to get my breath back,
"It's Nick's police car" I splutter out, "It's MIA"

The three boys look at each other in confusion,
"MIA?" Chris asks me, and I sigh,

"Missing In Action. Nick's car never made it back to the station"

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