Chapter 59

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The police pull up outside Dan's office, and I stand up off the green sofa Dan had sat me on, and placed the plastic cup of apple juice which I was drinking on the little oak coffee table next to the sofa.

Nick was still laying unconscious on the floor, and the two security guards that patrolled Dan's office who had kicked me out that one time where stood over Nick's body, and making sure he didn't try and make a run for it if he did wake up.

"Inspector Lassiter" The policeman shakes Dan's hand as he enters the building,
"Daniel Howell" Dan introduces, as he walks the officer over to Nick's body.
"My god, isn't that Nick Jonas?My daughter loves his music!" The officer exclaims, and Dan nods,
"He tried to kill me, and my boyfriend" Dan responds, and I pace over to where the two were stood.

"Phil" I smile, shaking the man's hand.
"Alright, well we'll take him down to the police station, and while he's there I'll get my team to check security cameras of this building and I'll check all his files" Inspector Lassiter promises,
"Thank you" Dan smiles, and I nod in agreement to Dan's statement.

"I'll need both of you to actually fill out some paperwork for this if it's okay?" Dan asks both me and the police officer, "whenever we have any type of incident I have to take record of it, and get a signature from whoever came to resolve it" Dan explains.

"That's fine, I have some boys on their first day of work waiting outside for me, I'm sure they'd love to make the arrest" The inspector chuckles, as he pulls out his radio.
"This is inspector Lassiter to police car Alpha twelve, I'm going to fill in some paper work for Mr.Howell, can I get you two to come inside and drive the suspect back to the station?" Inspector Lassiter mutters into his radio, and a muffled "sure" comes from the walkie talkie as a response.

Dan leads the way into a little room behind the reception desk, and I quickly glance back to see two police officers dragging Nick out the building and piling him into the back of the police car.

Dan opens up a filing cabinet, and pulls out a piece of paper titled 'Incident and Emergency form',
"If you could just both sign at the bottom here, that would be great, and I'll fill this out properly later" Dan asks, and both inspector Lassiter and I take it in turns to sign our names in the appropriate areas.

Once the paper work for Dan was all signed off, Inspector Lassiter said his goodbyes to us, and left both Dan and I alone in the little office. I turn to Dan with a excited smile plastered on my face, which just happened to be the same smile on his face too.
"He's gone" I sigh in relief, and Dan tackles me in a hug, kissing me lightly on the lips,
"we never have to deal with him again!" Dan chuckles, and I nestle my face into Dan's neck, and surprisingly the boy didn't flinch.

"Why aren't you in hospital?" I whisper into Dan's ear, and he giggles,
"I was wondering how long it would be until you asked that" Dan smirks, and I sigh at him,
"You weren't ready to leave yet!" I scold,
"And you weren't ready to die" Dan speaks softly, as he kisses my forehead,
"Touché" I glare at the boy.

Dan and I leave the office, to see Chris and Pj talking to some office staff, when they see both Dan and I their faces both sink in relief and they walk over to us.
"We heard about Nick, thank god you're alright!" Pj exclaims, and Dan smirks.
"We're fine, but thank you for your conce-" Dan starts to speak but Pj interrupts him,
"It's Phil we were worried about, you're meant to be in hospital!" Pj scolds Dan and I softly chuckle to myself, earning a death glare from Dan.

"But what's this about a fire hydrant?" Chris asks, slightly changing the conversation,
"Oh, I hit him on the head with a fire hydrant so he got knocked out" Dan grins, and I see a smile creep up on Chris' face.
"I guess you could say, HE GOT FIRED" Chris jokes, and the three of us stay silent.
"Out of all the shitty jokes and puns you make, I've got to say that was literally the worse one" Pj sighs, and Chris kisses his cheek affectionately,
"You love it really" Chris smiles, and Pj rolls his eyes,
"Sure" he chuckles.

The four of us all exit the office, and amble down the road, towards where Pj's car is parked.
"We should go celebrate" I suggest, as Dan and I climb into the back seats, while Chris gets into the front passenger, and Pj in the drivers seat.

"Sounds good to me, where do you all want to go and celebrate?" Pj asks us all,
"Pub" Dan grins,
"Zoo!" I exclaim,
"Legoland!" Chris cheers, and Dan and I bot stare at each other wide eyed at Chris' request.

"Well we can't do all of those things" Pj laughs, and I suddenly have a idea,
"What about the beach? We can stay in a hotel for the night, and it will get us away from this area for a while?" I suggest, and everyone nods in agreement.
"won't we need to pack a suit case though?" Chris asks,
"Well we can get a toothbrush and toothpaste while we're down there, and as its only one night I'm sure we can just wear our clothes two days in a row" Dan shrugs.

We all agree just to wear our clothes two days in a row, and to smell a bit, and with that we head off to Brighton beach.
"We can go on the pier, go get ice cream, have fish and chips, build sand castles, paddle in the sea, have cake by the ocean, HAVE SEX-" Chris starts listing things to do, but Pj interrupts him,
"Number one, let's not quote any Jonas brothers right now, number two, let's wait till we get to the beach to decide what we do, and number three, DON'T SHOUT SEX SO LOUD, CHILDREN MIGHT HEAR!" Pj laughs.

I cuddle up to Dan in the back seat,
"It's a long ride, get some sleep" Dan whispers in my ear, and I slowly slide my eyes shut.
I relax, knowing I can sleep finally, now that Nick is gone for good.

Just a quick one to say I hope everyone doing their GCSEs got the grades they wanted! I literally had a massive 'WTF OMG' attack when I saw I had actually passed English, and it got to the point where I literally tackled my English teacher in a hug.

-Llamaandlion =•=

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