Chapter 27

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Pj takes my hand and leads me off into what seems to be a dressing room,
"Everyone this is Phil Lester, he's our newest model" Pj introduces me, and a bunch of ladies and gentlemen crowd round me,
"Phil, you will be working in sector 4, these are the members of your team" Pj introduces and four men step forward,
"I'm Chris, Chris Kendall" the tallest introduces, holding out a hand to shake, he has a northern accent and brown hair and I can tell he is in charge of sector 4.
"I'm Will, Will Scarlet" a man around my age introduced, he has black hair and a slight moustache,
"I'm Robin Locksley" the oldest looking man nods, he has a scruffy stubble, and piercing green eyes,
I lock eye contact with the last man, "Allan" he states simply, "Allan A Dale"

I can tell that Allan isn't keen on having me on the team, but I shake it off and follow Pj over to a lady,
"Phil this is Mary Morstan, she'll be doing your make up for you"
I flinch slightly at the thought of me having to wear make up.

"It's alright Phil I make it look natural, not like a drag queen" Mary smiles and I nod, slightly relieved that I won't look like a girl.

"Scarlet? Lester?" A man walks in holding a clip board,
"Yes?" Will speaks for both of us,
"Your both up first, your shoot is in ten minutes".

I follow Will back over to where Mary is and I take a seat next to him in front of a large mirror,
"So Phil, how did you get into modelling?" Will asks me, as some powder was brushed onto his face,
"Well I'm not actually a model, I'm a journalist in some ways. I work at the BBC and I collect information for the radio presenters and news anchors, so when they're on they know their facts. I went to interview Mr. How- Dan, and we got talking and became friends, he offered me a chance to be in a photo shoot and well here I am" I chuckle nervously, deciding to leave out all the details about our date and kiss.

"All done!" Mary smiles at me, and I admire myself in the mirror, I look completely normal.
"Have you actually done anything?" I laugh, and Mary joins in,
"Yes I have Phil, but like I said, it's a natural look, but on the cameras your face won't look so bland" she smiles at me and I thank her.
"Phil here's your clothes, and give this to Will when you see him" I am handed two zip up clothes bags, with both of our names written on the front by Chris, and I nod in appreciation as the man scampers off.

I open my bag and out flutters a note, along with a medieval looking costume, I pick up the note and skim read it.
Meet me in the men's toilets by reception,
Dan xx'

I feel my heart skip a beat and I want to start 'fangirling' as Becky and Jessica call it, but Will walks in,
"I've been informed we're just the background people for this photo shoot, which might explain the clothes?" Will smiles at me, and I hand him his zip bag,
"Well my outfit seems to be a medieval peasant's attire, I'm not sure about yours" I reply.

Will opens his bag and the same outfit as mine unravels out.
"I'm just going to use the bathroom if that's all right?" I ask Will who nods,
"I'll be back in a minute" I grin, whizzing off through the corridors before Will can reply.
I see a storeroom cupboard open up ahead and a very flustered Chris and Pj stumble out, their hair all messed up, and Pj's top three buttons on his shirt are no longer attached.

I scoot past them, and into the bathroom, where an impatient looking Dan is sat on the sinks shelf.
"Took your time" he winked and I rolled my eyes,
"You wanted to see me?" I ask, and Dan smirks, pulling me into a kiss,
"Stop! You'll ruin my make up!" I squeal, and Dan giggles,
"You sound like a girl" he chuckles and I glare at him,
"I have to get back, I'm not in costume yet!" I hold up my clothes that I need to put on,
"Perhaps I can help you get changed?" Dan winks, and I feel my heart skip a beat,
"Dan we're in public" I hiss, and he shrugs,
"We can go into a cubical?" He suggests and I sigh,
"You can help me get dressed, but that's it for now! I need to go in front of a camera in like three minutes, and Will's going to be waiting for me!" I lecture Dan who gives in,
"Urgh fine" he smiles.

Dan runs his cold hands under my shirt and with one brisk movement slides it off my head, he starts to trail kisses down my stomach, until I swat him away,
"Not now Dan" I growl, pulling my pauper shirt over my head, and slinging the cloak over my shoulders, doing up the buckle at the front.
"Now for the fun part" Dan giggles, as I slide down my trousers displaying my boxers. I decide to tease Dan, by pulling him close to me, so our bodies are touching,
"Mud" I whisper in his ear, before quickly pulling up the cargo like brown trousers and wrapping a belt around my waist,
"Mud?" Dan asked confused and I smirked at him,
"I talked dirty to you" I wink, then continued to strut out the bathroom leaving Dan alone.

"We can continue this tonight" I grin at Dan just before I shut the door behind me, and dash back down the corridor to find Will.
"There you are!" Pj scolds me, as I run up to the studio, "Where have you been?"
"I was in the bathroom, I got lost sorry" I chuckled, and went to stand next to Will. Just then Dan walked in looking extremely irritated, and I smiled secretly to myself while getting positioned by Pj.

Tonight is going to be a night to remember.


Hello again!
Thank you so much to everyone who's reading this story, it honestly means so much to me, you have no idea :D
I am just clarifying that the next chapter will include smut, (HORAYYY) and I'm also apologising for all the references in this chapter, I possibly went slightly overboard this time..
Cookies to all! and to all a good baking session...
(Was that a spin off to that Santa thing in the night before Christmas? Sorry not sorry)

-LlamaandLion =•=

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