Chapter 22

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"I'm here to see Philip Michael Lester" I pant, and the lady on reception looks up at me,
"Who now?" She asks bluntly,
"Phil" I hiss, I don't have time for any of this,
"Phil what?" She snaps, and I glare at her,

The lady types in Phil's name and I watch as her eyes scan the screen in front of her,
"he's not on here, when did he come in the hospital?" The lady enquires and I glance at the clock on the wall,
"about 45 seconds ago" I beam at the lady, who is giving me the face of a tranquillised rhino,
"Was he the one who was struggling to breathe, black hair, kinda hot?" She asked, and I felt my body fill with anger, how dare she call Phil 'Kinda hot', has she seen him properly!?

"Yes that will be him, but when you said 'kinda hot' I got confused, as he isn't 'kinda hot' he's fucking adorable, and I would rather you don't call him attractive, hot or even cute as he's mine so back the fuck off sister and go find your own Phil shaped dildo as the real thing is reserved for me" I smile sweetly at the now flabbergasted receptionist who was doing a very accurate impression of a goldfish. I wish that was all true.
"I think they took him to the Borough wing room 6 or somewhere around there" the lady stutters, and that's all the information I required from this lady. I speed walk down the corridors towards Phil's room, itching to run, but there are to many people around and I don't want to face the risk of getting kicked out before I even get to see Phil.

"Phil?" I whisper, peeping my head around the door, and I see a bed surrounded by doctors and nurses, with my Phil laying helplessly being prodded and poked by the doctors and nurses towering over his lifeless body.
"PHIL!" I scream, anger surging through my body, I feel the tears prick in my eyes as Doctors run towards me restraining me from getting to Phil,
"Let me go I need to see him" I sob, desperately tugging at my arms as I get dragged out the hospital dorm,
"He's going to be fine son I promise you, but in order for us to keep your pal breathing we need you to keep a bit of distance and cooperate with us so the doctors have some space to do their magic, and In no time Phil will be as good as new!" The doctor who was escorting me smiled,
"I'm not five" I glare at him, hating how I was being treated so immaturely here, "besides, it's my fault he's here, I didn't know he was allergic to cats.. I...I"

The next thing I know I'm resting my head on the doctors shoulder crying bucket loads of tears as he soothingly rubs my back trying to clam me down,
"It's going to be all right I promise" He whispers, and I start to get slightly creeped out by the Doctor who was a bit too close for comfort.

"If you were wearing a fez, wore a bow tie and carried around an electric screwdriver I wouldn't find this as creepy, but your a bit close for my comfort and your really invading my personal bubble" I mutter to the doctor, feeling bad as he was only trying to reassure me.
"sorry" He recoils, giving me a friendly smile to show he meant no harm, which I warmly return.

"Has any one seen Doctor Drake Ramoray?" a voice from Phil's room and the doctor I was talking to looks back startled,
"That's me! Go take a seat in the waiting room, Doctor Regina Phalange will come collect you when Phil is available to be visited by the public" Doctor Ramoray grins, darting back into Phil's hospital room,
"He's not a bloody Dinosaur, this is St.Guy's hospital not the bleeding Natural History Museum" I scowl, somehow I've managed to make what should be the most amazing night turn into the biggest disaster in all mankind.

I trudge back into the reception area, and the receptionist stares at me, I choose to ignore her and just continue over to the plastic chairs where I slump down into them.
"For fucks sake Dan" I whimper, ducking my head so people can't tell that I'm crying, and even if they can, they won't come disturb me.
"OH MY GOSH IT'S DAN!"... well that plan failed. I look up and see a young girl wearing one of my t-shirts standing in front of me eyeing my body up,
"I'm such a huge fan of your clothes! Can I possibly have a selfie?" she begs, and I nod not wanting to ruin another person's day.

"Bloody hell your a giant!" She laughs as I stand up, and even I let out a small laugh,
"It inflicts great difficulty to me being 6'3" I giggle, and the girl lets out another squeaky chuckle. I bend down to the girls level and quickly flash a smile at the camera on her phone, trying to look as jolly as I possibly can.
"If your all right with me asking sir, why are you here?" The girl turns all sheepish, and I smile at how she calls me sir, remembering when I first met Phil he called me that.
"My best friend had an allergic reaction and got rushed to hospital, and what about you ma'am?" I play along with the girls politeness,
"My mum has cancer and I'm just visiting her, luckily they caught it fast so it isn't terminal but she is having to be kept in intensive care" The girl grins, and I nod; feeling relieved that she isn't going to loose her mother at such a young age.

"I should probably go to her now" The girl grins and I nod, I awkwardly open my arms for a hug as that's what all the fans that come up to me seem to want, and the little girl happily accepts.
"sorry, I never got your name?" I asked the girl, once we'd pulled apart from the hug
"It's Polly" Polly answers, and I nod,
"well It's nice to meet you Polly" I reply, and the next thing I'm aware of Polly has already walked off around the corner towards her mums room and I'm left alone in the reception with the awkward receptionist who's still eyeing me up as if I'm about to start flying or something crazy like that, but if she blinks, she'll miss the show. I return to my seat and let out a long exasperated sigh, watching Phil's room impatiently.

After what feels like an eternity a nurse struts out his room over to me,

"Are you Dan?" the nurse asks me and I nod, standing up out my chair,
"Phil wants to see you, come with me please."

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