💛 Yongseung- VERIVERY 💛

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

I have always felt insecure about myself and always felt like I'm not going to be loved by anyone. I haven't had a boyfriend and I'm 20 years old. No boys have ever been interested in me before. All my friends have had boyfriends. Apart from one. I feel like I'm never going to have a boyfriend and get settled down in the future. I don't love myself enough to love anyone else. Recently a cute guy has come into my life. My cousin Hong Minchan introduced us. His name is Kim Yongseung. I don't want to get close to him as I know he won't like me in that way. I am genuinely shy around guys. Especially cute guys. I don't know Yongseung well yet. Not to get close to him. I only know him via my cousin. There is a summer festival going on in the park so I'm meeting my cousin Minchan and his girlfriend Sohee. He is talking about bringing Yongseung along with us. I will probably be shy in front of him. Minchan is a good cousin. We were pretty close growing up together. He is always a family member to rely on. I am on my way to the park now and I'm meeting them there. It's definitely a nice day for a festival in the park. It's warm today. I walk into town and then to the park as it's not far. Minchan said meet near the donut truck. I walked around till I found the donut truck and there they were. "Hey, Y/ N. Happy you made it" Minchan said. "Hi, cousin" I say. "Hey" Sohee said. "Hi, girl" I said. "Yongseung is joining us in a few minutes" Minchan said. We walk around till Yongseung joins us. "Hey, guys. I'm here" he waved. "Hey, dude" Minchan said. "Y/ N, hi" Yongseung said. "Hi" I smile shyly. Yongseung looks at me and smiles. We walk around the park browsing at all the different things that are going on there. It's a busy and lively atmosphere and it's a nice day too. I don't really talk to Yongseung. Not just yet

We wonder round the festival for a while. We are getting something to eat and drink now. I'm ready. Sohee was being indecisive about what she wanted to eat but we all settled on something eventually. We get what we want to eat and join the music performances and find somewhere to sit on the grass. I don't really like sitting on the grass but we had no choice if we wanted to sit. "Okay let's tuck in, guys. Before the good goes cold" Minchan said. He hands out the food we bought and we all tuck in. I sat by Yongseung but we stayed silent while we ate. We were all focusing on eating and enjoying the music in the background. Yongseung looked over at me once or twice and I looked back. We eat and talk over the music that was playing. About an hour passed. "Anyone want drinks?" Sohee asks. "Sure" Yongseung said. "Yeah if you all are" I reply. "Okay be and Sohee will be back soon" Minchan said. They go and get drinks leaving Yongseung and I alone. There was silence for a couple of minutes until he starts talking to me. "So are you enjoying yourself, Y/ N?" he asks. "Yeah it's fine. I like festivals" I reply. "Yeah me too" he said. Again there was a silence. "Y/ N, we should get to know each other more since your Minchan's cousin and I'm his friend. We could become friends too" Yongseung said. "Yeah I would like that" I say. "You seem shy, Y/ N but I kinda like that about you. I like quiet girls who seem sweet" he said. I smile and he made me blush a bit. We talk for a few more minutes till Minchan and Sohee come back. "We are back, guys. Hope you didn't miss us" she said. We laugh. They got us coke to drink. That's my favourite drink. We sit back and enjoy the music and events that were going on at the festival. We stayed till the evening and had a really good time. Yongseung offered to walk me home was cute so he did as it was getting dark when I left. "Okay, Y/ N. Today was fun. I wanted to do that. Nice evening" Yongseung said. "Thank you, Yongseung. That was sweet. I appreciate it" I reply. He smiles and he leaves. So maybe Yongseung will get to know each other a bit better. I'd like that

Yongseung's POV

Y/ N and I have been getting to know each other a bit more over the last few weeks. She is a shy and quiet girl but I quite like that about her. I like girls like her. I have known Minchan for a while and he's always been a good friend to me. He's a good guy and he's got a nice cousin too. I want to tell Y/ N that I have feelings for her but I don't know if it's too soon and I would put her off. She's never had a boyfriend before and I've never had a proper girlfriend so I think we would be good together. I can't make her if she's not ready and I understand that. I can't make her be ready if she's not. I know I haven't known her too long either. Y/ N and I are going out with Minchan and Sohee again. We are going out for dinner to a nice restaurant which we are looking forward to going to so yeah we are on our way there now. I am in a taxi on my way to the restaurant. Minchan offered to pick me up but I said it was okay. He and Sohee went to get Y/ N on their way so they are meeting me there. We've been to this restaurant before and we liked it so we are coming again. I get dropped off outside and payed the driver and waited outside for the others to arrive. They pulled up a few minutes later. "Hey" Minchan said. "Hi, guys" I reply. "Hi" Y/ N smiles. She looked really pretty tonight. I couldn't help but look. We go inside to the restaurant and get taken to our table which was reserved for us. I pull Y/ N's chair out for her as I'm a gentleman. "Thank you, Yongseung" she smiles. I smiled back. We all grab a menu and look at it to see what we want to eat. We all decided pretty soon what we wanted to eat. "So how's work going, Y/ N?" I ask. "Alright thanks. Not bad. What about you?" she replies. "Yeah the same" I reply. We talk again while the food was being made. We could hardly wait. About an hour has passed and we leave the restaurant. "Y/ N, how are you getting home?" Minchan asks. "I don't know. Maybe my dad will pick me up. You don't have to Minchan. You've been too good to me" she said. "It's no problem" he said. "How about we get in a taxi and split the cost between us?" I say. "Sure" she said. I called a taxi and me and Y/ N were stood together in the dark. I didn't want her standing alone all by herself. There was silence between us for a few minutes. "Y/ N, there is something I need to tell you" I say. "Okay" she smiles. "I know I haven't known you that long but I like you" I say. "As in have a crush on me" she said. "Yes I think I do" I say. She goes silent and looks in the opposite direction and runs from me. I didn't know what to do. How to act? She's run away from me. I tried to run after her but she was gone in a flash. She just rejected me

It's been a few days since Y/ N ran away from me that night. I haven't stopped thinking about her since then. I wonder if she was okay. She just suddenly ran off and I couldn't catch her. I am stoop concerned about her now. I don't like to see people like that. I wish I knew where she lived because I would go and check on her and see if she's alright after what happened. I sit on my couch after work wondering what to do with myself. Should I call Minchan to see if Y/ N is okay. I don't think he will know what happened as he left then. I'm just deeply concerned about Y/ N. It's raining outside not a very nice night. I hate days like this where it just rains all the time. My parents are wondering why I'm so miserable. I just told them that I had a long day. They were worried about me though. I watch some sports on TV to pass the time. About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door or I thought I did. I go to check. I was right because stood outside in the pouring rain was Y/ N. "Y/ N, what are you doing here?" I ask. "Come to see you and apologise" she said. "Come in. You're soaked" I say grabbing her hand. I bring her in and dry her off and make her a hot drink. I feel sorry for her that she's soaking wet. Of course I do. "How did you know where I live?" I ask. "I asked Minchan and he told me. Look, Yongseung. I'm sorry I ran off the other night. I really. I don't know what was wrong with me" Y/ N said. "It's okay. It's okay. I've been worried about you since it happened. Y/ N, I do really like you too" I say. "Yongseung, I've always been insecure about myself but you make me feel more at ease and like I can be myself. I'm glad Minchan introduced us" Y/ N said. "Yes me too. I know you are shy and insecure, Y/ N but that doesn't stop me from liking you a lot. We both look at each other in the eyes and move closer to each other. I kiss Y/ N on the lips for a minute. We both look at each other. I let Y/ N stay a bit and we cuddled. She relaxed and she could be herself with me. Maybe this says we are together now

A/ N: hope you liked it. I liked this plot you came up with. Yongseung is very cute indeed

I will try and update every other day if I can but I have a study class on a Tuesday evening and I'm working Wednesday and Thursday so I'll have to see. I will still update though for sure

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