❤️ Wonjin- Cravity ❤️

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is based on Traveller by EPEX

Ham Wonjin and I have been best friends since childhood and we have always been so close and done so much together and always had fun together. He is my closest friend in the world and I've always felt that way about him. Wonjin suggested us going travelling for a while and I always said we should do something like that. I said it was a good time to go when I've graduated university while I figure out what I want to do next and I have done that now so yes we are going travelling Asia together. Japan, China, Taiwan and Thailand we are going to all in that order. I've been to Jason before on a school trip but none of the other countries before. Wonjin and I will be travelling for more than two weeks together. Cannot wait. This is a dream come true. It's taken us a while to plan it and save up for it but we are doing it. First stop is Tokyo. I am meeting Wonjin at the airport this morning and we are catching a flight from Seoul to Tokyo for our first stop. Three days in Tokyo and then two in Osaka before going to China for a few days. I packed my case last night and my mom is taking me to the airport now. She thinks it's great that Wonjin and I are travelling together. We have just arrived at the airport now and I said bye to my mom. Wonjin is waiting for me and I run when I see him. "Hey" I say. "Hey, bestie" he smiles pulling me in for a big hug. "The day we've both been waiting for. I cannot wait" I say. "Me too. Let's go" Wonjin smiles. We check in and go through security and all that before getting on board the plane soon. "Off we go" Wonjin said when we were about to take off. "Yes indeed. You know I'm a bit scared of takeoff" I reply. "It's okay, Y/ N. I got you you know" he smiles. I smile. The air hostess came round with some snacks and drinks. "What would you like?" she asks Wonjin. "Hmmmm lemonade please" he replies. "And your girlfriend?" the air hostess asked. "Same please" I replied. We get lemonade and drink. "Can't believe she thought I was your girlfriend" I say. Wonjin smiles and laughs. People have mistaken us for a couple before. Haha. Anyway soon we arrived in Tokyo

Wonjin and I got to Tokyo yesterday so we have been there for a day and we are having a great and fun time by exploring, taking pictures and creating memories in the beautiful city that I've always wanted to go to and it's finally come true. Earlier we went on a sight seeing tour around Tokyo and it was really fun and interesting. Now we are walking by the Sumida river, a big river in Tokyo. We have just got food too and we are eating while we are walking along. I honestly love all the cute little Japanese shops they gave there. We have some cute shops in Korea as well. Wonjin and I enjoy our food a we walk by the nice calming river. It helps you be a lot calmer and in a better mind. We enjoyed our food and admired the river together and his beautiful it was. "There is something about rivers in cities that I really like" Wonjin said. "What about them?" I ask. "I don't know just something" he laughs. "Haha you're funny. Yeah there is something about rivers that fascinate me too" I say. "Yep rivers are cool but not as cool as me and you, bestie" Wonjin said. "Yep you're so right, bestie" I chuckle back. We take a rest on a bench for a while before carrying on walking along the river and back to the shops. I wanted to look in more cute Japanese shops. Wonjin did too. I wanted to pick up some souvenirs too. My case isn't very big so I had to limit myself. Might have to buy another bag when I go back to Korea if I end up buying a lot of things. "I don't know what to buy that's not too big when we go back" I say. "Well treat yourself then" Wonjin replies. "Yeah I will" I said. The thing is Japanese things are too cute and hard to resist. "To be honest I don't know what to get. Might just leave it. I'm being indecisive" I say. "Y/ N, you do have to treat yourself" he said. I smile. In the end, in another shop, I bought a few small things but saw a little stuffed cat toy but I didn't buy it. Maybe another time. Wonjin and I had an incredible and magical time in Tokyo. Next up is Beijing in China

Wonjin and I had a great fantastic time in China and Taiwan and did a lot there. We are on our final stop of our travels and in Thailand, the capital Bangkok. A beautiful city and a beautiful country. I've always wanted to learn more about Thailand and everything over there. I love Thai food too and we've had lots of that. We have been there two days and we go home to Korea the day after tomorrow but I don't want to. Thailand is really great though. Japan and Thailand have been my two favourite countries. We've been looking around Thai temples and landmarks since we got there and we've been admiring things. The temples and sights are beautiful over there. Such a pretty city is Bangkok. We are visiting another temple today. A big and glorious one. Can't wait to explore around it some more. "All this sight seeing. Eh" Wonjin said. "I know right it's so cool. I don't want to leave Thailand never" I say. "Stay out here then" he said. "I might" I laugh. We were allowed to go in this temple which some we weren't allowed to go in and explore around. Like any other traditional Thai temple it was. "Dreamy" I say. Wonjin looks at me and laughs. We could take some pictures of the temple and together too. We've had comments from people because they think we are together. No we are not. Just best friends forever but maybe I've had the tiniest crush on Wonjin and maybe he's had the tiniest crush on me  but he's never said anything like that to me before but you never know. "How about we get something to eat and it's my treat before you ask?" Wonjin said. "Sure I am craving delicious Thai food right now. Might as well make the most of it before we leave in a couple of days" I reply. "Yep let's go" he smiles. We walked around the district of Bangkok that we have been to and find a nice restaurant to eat at that we haven't been to before. We get a table inside and it was a nice traditional Thai restaurant. Wonjin looks at me and says "Y/ N, I'm having the best time travelling with you. It's a dream
come true. We should go travelling again. Next time I'd like to do Europe or America". "Me too, Wonjin. I was thinking the same. Definitely America or Europe next" I smile. "Yes that would be so cool I think" he said. So Wonjin and I enjoyed our Thai meal and the last couple of days of our travels which is once in a lifetime

Wonjin and I got back from Thailand about a week ago now so we are back to Korea after being away for nearly three weeks enjoying ourselves and exploring around new countries and things. It was an absolutely incredible experience and can't wait to do it again to Europe and America in the future. Definitely. I had to get back to work which wasn't really fun after being away with my bestie for a few weeks. Anyway I guess it's good to be back home to my life even though I don't want to be back to work out of all things. Wonjin said he wants to meet up but I said I was busy so I've told him to come over to my place tonight which he is doing. I live with my dad and step mom but they don't mind him being over. Wonjin is a part of the family. He is coming over soon and I'm looking at to seeing him. You know like we always do. We are besties. Soon the doorbell goes and it's Wonjin of course standing with a smile on his face. "Hey, Y/ N bestie" I say. "Hey, Wonjin bestie" I reply. We sit on the couch and talk for a while. Wonjin had something in a bag that he brought in with him. He obviously wouldn't let me look inside the bag as it seemed to be top secret. "Y/ N" Wonjin said. "Yes" I smiles. "There is something I want you to have" he said. "Oh" I reply. "I got you this in Tokyo. I remember you saying you wanted it but you didn't buy it in the end so I got it to you" Wonjin said bringing that stuff cute cat I saw in the Japanese shop in Tokyo. "Awwwww, Wonjin. So cute. That is so sweet of you. He's so cute" I say. "Well, Y/ N. I have a little confession to make. No going to lie to you" Wonjin said. I smile and he looks at me and takes a deep breath. "You're my best friend, Y/ N but I also have a little crush on you too that I've had a while. I just wanted you to know but you'll always remain my bestie forever" he says. "Wonjin, maybe I have a little crush on you too. You're an amazing guy and you will always be close to me and on my heart" I say. "Well this cat will remind you of me and I can't wait to do more travelling with you, my special bestie" Wonjin smiles. "Me too" I reply. Don't worry we didn't kiss or anything like that. We are still besties and can't wait to travel the world together again soon. Bring it on

A/ N: sorry if this one isn't as good but I tried. I kinda lost motivation the last couple of days as I have had good days. Wonjin deserves everything though so does Cravity

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