💚 Sehyeon- DKZ 💚

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is kinda based on It's U by Golden Child

I used to go to high school with Kim Sehyeon. We used to date in school. We dated briefly and then broke up and ended up dating other people. We were about 15 at the time but I always feel like he's been the one for me. The only guy I've ever really truly liked a lot in my life. I had a crush on him as soon as I met him and fell for him straight away. I remember I was always really nervous around him when we started dating and before that actually. I guess the person you really like you get nervous around. Sehyeon and I haven't seen each other since we left school about three years ago or so now. I dated a couple of guys since then but Sehyeon was the one I liked a lot. He's one of the nicest guys I've met and one of the best looking of course. I have just got a job working as an intern for a IT company. I am going to learn on the job so I'm excited to earn and gain some experience in life. It's my first day today so I'm on the bus on my way. I am excited but nervous to start this job. I've always been a little shy at first in new situations. I arrive at the company and get greeted by the CEO and other interns who are starting like me. We all gather around together. A few minutes later, a talk guy comes running in who was late. "Sorry I'm late" he said. I turned around and it was Sehyeon to my surprise. After all this time we meet again and in the same workplace too. The CEO talks for a bit before showing us around the building. Sehyeon approached me and says "Y/ N". "Sehyeon, I can't believe we meet again after all this time" I say. "I know right. How funny? What a small works we live in?" he chuckles. "I know I agree. So it looks like we will be working together. Eh" I say. "Yes for sure. An internship like me" Sehyeon said. Wow! I can't believe Sehyeon and I have ended up working in the same place as interns. How crazy? 

My first day as an intern in the office went really well and I can't wait to go back tomorrow and do it again. Of course it went better with Sehyeon in the office. We saw each other at lunchtime and spoke for a bit then which was good. Can't believe Sehyeon and I are meeting again after all this time. I've been meaning to get in touch with him for a while now but I never do keep in contact with people I haven't seen in a while. Obviously Sehyeon and I used to date when we were teenagers so we were close once back in our high school days. I leave after my first day feeling happy I had my first day at the office as an intern. Looking forward to tomorrow and learning more about the job and seeing Sehyeon every weekday. I grab my bag from under my desk and leave the office. Sehyeon was leaving at the same time. "Hey, so how did you enjoy your first day here?" he smiles. "Very much. It was great. Did you?" I reply. "Yes it was great" he said. I felt a bit awkward and didn't know what to say. "So you going home?" Sehyeon says. "Yes I am catching the bus in a few minutes" I reply. "No need to. Let me give you a lift home" he said. "Really? Are you sure?" I reply. "Yes of course. You and me go back a long way, Y/ N" he smiles. So I get in Sehyeon's car and let him give me a lift home which was very nice and sweet of him. He drops me off right outside my house and I get ready to jump out. "Thank you did the lift. Today was so cool" I say. "Yes it was. Who knew that we dated in high school and ended up working as interns and starting in the same day" Sehyeon said. "I know. It's so funny. No one would believe that" I say. "Nope haha. Okay I'll see you tomorrow for our second day at the office" he said. "Yes definitely I'll be there of course" I reply. "See you" Sehyeon smiles. I smile and get out of the car. I felt like I did in high school. Like lovestruck. Like a teenager again. I can't believe Sehyeon and I are reunited in this way. It's gonna be fun seeing him in the office everyday and working with him

Sehyeon and I have been working as interns for the company for 3 months now so our work and internship has come to an end now. We will be sad to be leaving it but it was good to get experience and be reunited with each other again after all this time. Neither of us have been offered full time positions at the company. Not just at the moment but I'm applying for jobs at other places too so what comes up. If I can get one. I'm sure I will soon. Sehyeon has been doing the same. We have been on a few dates since we started working together at the company. So we kind of are dating again but not like officially dating yet. We were in high school but we are just taking our time and not rushing into anything just yet. Both of us have been busy working as well so we haven't had the time for an official relationship. Tonight it's Friday night and we are going out for dinner together. We have one more week, next week left if our internship before we finish and move onto other things in life. I'm excited to go out with Sehyeon tonight as we are going to quite a fancy restaurant. We have been to a few casual kinda restaurants but none fancy so I'm looking forward to trying a new and different cuisine and fancier too so I'll look forward to that. Can't wait actually. I went home to get ready of course as I wanted to get showered and glammed up before I went out for dinner with Sehyeon. He will be waiting at the restaurant for me when I arrive. I finish in the shower and then do my hair and makeup and get dressed for the evening. I wear a nice dress I've had for ages but it's still in good condition so I want to wear it. Soon I was ready and leave in a cab for the restaurant. Sehyeon is inside so I go in to meet him. "Hi" I say. "Hey" he said. "You look lovely, Y/ N I have to say" he said. "Thank you. Not so bad yourself" I smile. Sehyeon hugs me and I take a seat opposite him and we talk and order drinks before looking at the menus and ordering what we want. "This is such a nice place. You should've taken me here sooner" I say. "Well I didn't know it existed sooner. I swear" he said. "Fair enough" I laugh. Soon our food comes and we tuck in and eat together. I kept on looking at Sehyeon when I was eating but I tried not to get too distracted by him even though he is really handsome and cute. After our delicious meal we go outside and talk enjoy the fresh air too. "Well that was the best date I've ever been on" he said. "Yes I have to agree too" I reply. "Y/ N, I'm ready for this to become official again" Sehyeon said. "If you're asking me to be your girlfriend again. I will say yes but I don't want either of us to rush into anything too soon" I say. "No we are not. We know each other too well anyway" he said. "Yes we do" I reply. "It's you, it's you. I won't say anything else. You can trust me" Sehyeon said. "Always" I smile. "Do I need to kiss you?" he said pulling me into him. "Sure" I giggle. Sehyeon pulls in and kisses me on the lips. That's how we ended our night as an official couple

It's been a few weeks since Sehyeon and i officially became boyfriend and girlfriend and since we finished as interns at the company. We both have jobs at other places now and have started working which we are getting used to. It's a shame not to work together anymore but maybe it was for the better and we can focus on our relationship now. We see each other as much as we can when we've finished our other jobs. We as settling into our jobs now and they are going well. Sometimes I just want to be with Sehyeon all the time but I know I have to work and earn for a living. Tonight Sehyeon and I are seeing each other for a pizza night outside in my backyard. I live with my parents but they like Sehyeon and like us being together so they don't mind him being here. I'm getting things set up in the backyard now and I've ordered the pizzas. Two large ones, a cheese one and a veggie one. Sehyeon is on his way now I think. I put a blanket on the table and some drinks and snacks too I get out. I told Sehyeon to come to the backyard when he's here. A few minutes later the gate opens and Sehyeon walks through with two pizza boxes in his hand. "Hello, beautiful. I'm here" he says. "Hey, handsome. I see you're here with the pizzas" I say. "Yes I am. Let's tuck in" he said. "I have some salad to make it healthy and other snacks too" I say. "Cool" he replies. Sehyeon opens the pizza boxes and we dive straight in without places. We just eat from the box with the salad and snacks too. We enjoyed being outside and in each other's company outside in my backyard. The pizza was almost all gone although I did share a bit with my parents and brother too. We are sat outside in my backyard for a while with our arms around each other. "I'm so happy we are back together after all this time. This is the way it should've always been" Sehyeon said. "Yes it is and me too" I smile. "You're so pretty. You take my breath away. It's always been you" he said I smile at blush at him. It was like heaven to be outside in my backyard tonight. Just enjoying being together. After all these years we are back together. Once we were teenagers and we are now grown adults who have fallen for each other again

A/ N: hope you liked this imagine. Thought it was a bit of a different idea that I haven't done much. Of course request more

I could be starting my new job anytime so I might not be writing as often as I like. So just bare with me. Remember I've got my girl group books that I love doing too as well as this one so I'll try and work on both

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