🖤 Wonjun- E'LAST 🖤

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is based on Baila Con OX by Omega X and also Masquerade by Chungha

I have been friends with Lee Wonjun for years. We trained at the same dance academy when we were kids. I am a dancer trained in ballroom and Latin but I like all kinds of dance. Wonjun is an idol in the group E'LAST. We have known each other for well for years and have kept in touch. Wonjun is a very sweet and down to earth guy. He hasn't let game get the better of him. I have secretly had a crush on him for the last couple of years but obviously he doesn't know that as it's a secret. I can't help but like him. I have been teaching him a bit of ballroom and Latin dance. His favourite dance is the Tango as he likes the passion. Mine is the Salsa and Samba as I like a bit of Latin flavour. He is good at the Tango actually. Dance has brought Wonjun and I close together. Anyway this evening Wonjun and I are going to a masquerade ball. A dance. It's a posh and formal event that we have have been invited to. I have never been to something as extravagant as that before. Neither has Wonjun but we are both excited to go of course. We are staying in the the hotel the party is at. We are on different floors of the hotel so might not see each other till the party starts in a couple of hours. I am getting my hair and makeup done by a professional. She is a lady my mom knows who does both who she hired for me. I want to look perfect tonight as it's a masquerade ball. Wonjun will be getting ready now too. I can't wait to see what he's wearing. He said it's amazing. The lady does my half and makeup to perfection and I love the way I look. She also helps me into my dress too. I am in time for the dance as it starts soon in the great hall. I get some pictures taken in my dress and the mask. You have to wear a mask as it's a masquerade ball. It completed the look I was going for. I hope Wonjun is ready to see me. I enter the hall and look around. You can't see people's faces as they are covered by masks. That's the whole point of the evening. I look around till I see Wonjun but I can't see him till I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hello, stranger" he said. "Hello, you" I reply. "It's only me" he laughs removing his mask for a minute. "I knew it was you. Wow! You look great" I reply. "Thanks. You do too. I almost didn't recognise you for a second" Wonjun said. Wonjun was wearing a navy velvet suit with a few rhinestones on the top and a mask that goes with it

Wonjun and I get drinks and help ourselves to food and drinks. The food was so good. The drinks weren't bad either. The atmosphere of the masquerade party was so good. The good thing is you can't recognise anyone. Not that i know anyone apart from Wonjun. We finish eating and then find a space on the dance floor to dance. "Can I have this dance, my lady?" he said taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor. He looks at me and we start dancing to an upbeat song. Wonjun was busting my moves and so was I. "Ohhhh look at you" he said. "Haha look at you" I laugh. Wonjun and I dance for a while and had a great time. We also got more drinks and food too. Don't worry we didn't get drunk. No way. The party goes on for a while longer and we have a great time. When people start to leave, we go outside. "Do you wanna know a secret?"
Wonjun said. "Sure" I reply. "Well I know a secret room where we can go to dance more" he said. "Okay let's go" I reply. Wonjun takes my hand again and we go to the secret room in the hotel. It was another grand room with a big chandelier and piano too. "Time to Tango" I say. "Sure you know it's my favourite ballroom dance" he replies. Some passionate Tango  music plays on the speakers and we start dancing. I lead and Wonjun follows after me. He follows my every Tango move. He is good but not as good as me haha. I like to think I'm better than him. Not to be big headed. Anyway we carry on dancing a passionate Tango for a while longer. It gets intense and we get into it. "I think we should carry this on somewhere else" Wonjun said. "Sure" I reply. So yeah you guessed it. Where Wonjun and I went. We slept together and it was good. Very good

It's a week after the masquerade party and Wonjun and I's encounter in the bedroom. It just suddenly happened and I didn't have time to think. It was his first time but not mine. We haven't spoken since the morning after. It didn't end badly or anything. It was just a bit of a mistake that's all. The masquerade ball as amazing. I want to do it again. I am about to go out to work this evening. I have been called in on my day off. I work part time in a restaurant in between my dancing career. It's okay but I wanna do dancing forever. I am getting ready quickly now for work. They want me in as soon as possible. I get on my work uniform when I hear a knock on my apartment door or so I think so. I go and investigate and open the door and it was Wonjun to my surprise. "Hi, Y/ N. Hope you're not busy" he smiles. "Well actually I'm rushing off to work" I reply. "This won't take a minute I swear" he said. Wonjun suddenly pulls me in and kisses me on the lips. I look at him like he was crazy. "What was that for?" I say. "I care about you, Y/ N. I really do. The masquerade ball was the best night ever and what happened after. I'm crazy about you" Wonjun said. "It was the best night ever but I'm sorry Wonjun I have to go to work. Wish I could talk longer" I reply. "Okay I'll catch you later" he said running away. I felt bad for turning Wonjun away when he came all this way just to kiss me and possibly tell me that he's in love with me. I could see it in his face that he came to say more than just that. I had to go to work. Bad timing or what. His voice was playing inside my mind. His nice and sweet voice. Maybe I'm in love with Wonjun too. I didn't want to say it right then. It wasn't the right place or right time

A few days later and Wonjun and I are in the dance studio again. I haven't seen him since that night so I thought it was about time to see him again as I feel bad for not seeing him. Anyway I am seeing him today and I'm looking forward to it. We are meeting in my dance studio anytime. Well technically not my dance studio but the one I practice at. Wonjun is arriving anytime soon so I am waiting for him. Today I'm going to teach him a bit of Salsa. One of my favourite dances so I can't wait. He hasn't done much salsa with me so I'll look forward to it. The door opens and Wonjun walks in with a smile on his face. "Hey, Y/ N. I'm ready to dance the night away with you" he said. "Hi, Junnie. Yep let's get started" I reply. I play some salsa music and we get moving to it. I teach him the basic steps of the dance and I see the excitement in his face. "I love this" Wonjun smiles. "I knew you would" I laugh. We carry on dancing the Salsa together and had a lot of fun. After dancing the Salsa, we have a break. "Should we slow dance now and have a waltz?" I say. "Sure that's was so energetic" Wonjun said. I put on some slow music and we slow dance together. I look into his eyes and looks into mine. "I-I-I love you, Y/ N" Wonjun said. "Pardon" I reply. I thought I was mishearing things. "I freaking love you" he said. "Well I think I love you too" I say. "I want you to be mine and I think this is a good time for you to be mine" Wonjun said. "Yes I agree" I reply. "You have made me fall in love with ballroom and Latin dancing" he laughs. "Well I have fallen in love with you" I say. Wonjun smiles and pulls me in and kisses me as we slow dance together. We have fallen in love and we are together now. Wonjun and I have been in love for the longest time

A/ N: hope you liked it. Might have to be one of my faves I've done you. I added in an extra song Masquerade by Chungha as it fitted the concept I came up with. I'm a big fan of Strictly Come Dancing so I made it ballroom and Latin based. Wonjun is a little cutie and I know he's innocent

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