💜 Sangwoo- JUST B 💜

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is kinda based on Going Crazy by Treasure

My best friend Hyejoo is dating Sangwoo of JUST B. They started dating about 3 months ago so not that long. I swear I had my eye on him before but I feel like Hyejoo got in there before me. I've always like Sangwoo a lot since the longest time. I have always found him a sweet, kind, funny and attractive guy. He's very attractive too. He used to go to school with Hyejoo but we didn't know him that well till Hyejoo reached out to him online. I think she only did that because she heard Sangwoo was famous now. Hyejoo always talked about that kinda thing whereas I didn't. I don't know Sangwoo should know that though. I wouldn't want to do anything to come between Hyejoo as I know she's hate me for it. I know she's my best friend but she can be difficult sometimes. I really like Sangwoo though and it's been really hard to hide my feelings since he's dating my best friend and I don't want to hurt her. I've never been the most confident around guys not like Hyejoo. Maybe I'll be confident one day soon. Hyejoo and Sangwoo are going on a date today since he is in Jeju island did a bit, our hometown. They asked me if I wanted to join and I agreed. They are going roller skating and that's cool so I'm going with them. I know I'm going to be third wheeling with my best friend and her boyfriend who I like. I shouldn't really care as long as I have a good time with them. I do like roller skating. It's fun. We will probably go somewhere to eat after they are saying. I arrived at the roller skating place just before Hyejoo and Sangwoo got there. "Hey, Y/ N. You're here" she said. "Hi" Sangwoo said. "Hey, guys. Thanks for getting me to tag along on your date" I smile. "No problem. We didn't want to leave you out" Hyejoo said. I smile. We go inside and join the line to pay and get our skates. Sangwoo turns around and looks my way. We take to the floor and start skating and the fun begins. I skated on my own and Hyejoo and Sangwoo hold hands. They are actually really cute but part of me wishes it was me with Sangwoo holding his hand. Happy for my best friend though

Sangwoo, Hyejoo and I skate around for a while. I let them skate together and I skate behind them which was okay. "Come on, Y/ N. Skate with us" Hyejoo said. "Sure" I smile. Hyejoo grabs my hand and I skate next to her as she was skating with Sangwoo. We had to be careful and watch out for others skating three together. It was fine though. Hyejoo was pulling me too fast and we ended up going too fast and almost crashed. I fell over. "Sorry. Are you okay?" she laughs. "Yeah I'm fine" I laugh. "Careful, Y/ N" Sangwoo said giving me a hand up. I laughed again. We carry on skating for a big longer before it was time to finish. We had such a fun time roller skating today. Something I haven't done in years. We walk out of the roller skating place together. "So are you hungry, girls. Wanna go eat?" Sangwoo said. "Sure I am hungry. You know me" Hyejoo replies. "Yes I do indeed" he replies. "Me too for sure" I reply. So we all walk to a restaurant which isn't far from the roller skating place. We get seated we a table and pick up a menu each. "Are you sure it isn't awkward having me here?" I say. "No not at all, bestie. You're welcome to go out with us anytime" Hyejoo says. "Thanks" I reply. "Yeah you are, Y/ N and we really mean that. You and Hyejoo have always been best friends" Sangwoo smiles. We ordered our food and eat it up which took a while. Hyejoo goes off to the bathroom leaving Sangwoo and I alone. "Did you enjoy your meal, Y/ N?" he asks. "Yes I did delicious. What about you?" I say. "Yes it was great" he said. There then was an awkward silence between us for a second. "I really like it, Y/ N when you hangout with Hyejoo and I. You should go out on dates with us more often" Sangwoo said. "Yeah me too" I reply. "You are very special, Y/ N. Do you know that?" he said. I didn't really know what to say. "You-you are too, Sangwoo" I smile. He was about to reach out and touch my hand when Hyejoo came back. "Are we good to go soon, guys?" she said. "Yeah we are" I smile. So all three of us leave together after a great time. Maybe Sangwoo hinted something about liking me where. Who knows but he's dating my best friend?

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