🧡 Shion- JO1 🧡

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This is my own original idea

This imagine is based on The Feels by Twice and also kinda Shine A Light by JO1

I am madly in love with this cute guy called Tsurubo Shion. I got to know him via my brother years and years ago and we got to know each other pretty well. I don't get to see Shion as much now as he's famous. He is pretty famous. A member of JO1. I have seen them live and they are amazing. Shion has got me front row tickets to their show in Tokyo tomorrow night. I'm going with my brother Kasai who is his friend. I have never been front row anywhere before. We haven't seen each other in almost 6 months so I can't wait for a reunion. I can't wait to see JO1 too. My brother can't wait to see them too. I have had these feelings for Shion for ages. I am too scared to tell him how I feel as I know he's close friends with my brother. I don't want my brother to hate me for liking his friend a lot. I don't just like Shion, I'm in love with him. Anyway at least I get to see him at the show. Me and Kasai arrived in Tokyo from Shiga a few hours ago. We are going out for dinner with Shion tonight before the show tomorrow. I don't want to feel awkward around my brother and his friend. We are meeting him anytime soon. Kasai and I are outside the restaurant now they we are eating at. It's a sushi and noodle place. Shion arrives soon with a smile on his face. "Hey, guys. Long time no see" he says. "Hey, man" Kasai said. "Hi, Shion" I smile. He smiles back. We go inside and get a table and look at the menus to see what we want to eat. We order soon and then start talking. "So how did your flight go?" Shion asks. "Fine. No problems" I reply. "It's good to be here though" Kasai said. Our food comes soon and then Kasai goes to the bathroom leaving Shion and I alone at the table. "So thank you for inviting us over to the concert, Shion. I can't wait for tomorrow night" I say. "You're welcome. I wouldn't have invited anyone else but you and Kasai" Shion smiles. We exchange a sweet smile between us and had a little moment till Kasai came back. Can't wait for the concert tomorrow night

Tomorrow night and it's the night of the JO1 concert. Me and Kasai get VIP seats at the front and can't wait for that. I can't wait to see Shion perform onstage. We are arriving at the venue before the show so we can see Shion and the guys soon. Kasai and I are almost there. Obviously I haven't told him how I feel about Shion. I would be too embarrassed too. He's my brother. We pull up outside the arena. Shion has given us fast passes to get backstage which is awesome. We know a star. He organised us an escort to bring us backstage safely. Shion and the guys were hanging out in their backstage room when we entered. "Yay! They are here. Hey, guys" he said. "Hey. Wow! This is so cool" I reply. "Welcome backstage where we hangout before the show" Shion said. "Come and sit next to me, Y/ N" Ruki said. "And me later" Issei said. "Thank you" I smile at both of them. We hangout for a while backstage. I was looking at Shion from across the room. He was with my brother, Ren and Sho. When it was time for the show, Kasai and I go to the front of the venue to get in and find space on the front row where we had allocated seats. Shion reserved them for us. I was excited to see Shion and the boys onstage tonight. I tried not show my excitement too much in front of my brother but I think he could tell. Soon the show starts and we watch and enjoy. JO1 are such performers. They deserve to be where they are now. My favourite song Shine A Light comes on and I get lost in it. It's so beautiful. My eyes fixate on Shion throughout. He looks at me once or twice too but is focusing on the show. He just gives me butterflies. Great big butterflies. What an amazing show it was? Shion said we could come backstage after to see him for a few minutes before we go back to the hotel. So we did that indeed. "Well done, mate. You smashed it" Kasai said. "Thanks. I saw both of you right at the front" Shion said. I laughed. "Thanks for coming, you two" Keigo said. "It was the greatest show ever" I say. Kasai goes to talk to some of the guys backstage leaving Shion and I together in the corridor backstage. "I hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did, Y/ N and once again I'm so happy that both you and Kasai could be here tonight" Shion said. "I know and yes it was an amazing show. I said so" I reply. "When we did Shine A Light, you know. It reminds me of you" he said. "Does it. Yeah I can relate to that. It reminds me of you too" I smile. "I was looking at you but I didn't want your brother to see me looking at you" Shion blushes. "Haha. That's so cute" I reply. Soon Kasai and I head back to our hotel room for the night. The JO1 show was fantastic tonight and Shion was so sweet

A few weeks later and I am now back in Shiga with Kasai. We left the day after the JO1 concert in Tokyo. It was great but I'm missing Shion. We have been in touch but I know he is busy so I don't expect him to be in touch all the time with me. I still have strong feelings for him of course. Those will never go away. Feelings of love that I can't let go. He has stolen my heart. I don't know when I should tell him how I feel. When the time is right or when I see him next. I can't just call him up and tell him on the phone. I should do it in person. I'm not good with phone calls. I am home at the apartment I share with my friend. We have a nice and cozy apartment we moved into a few months ago. She is one of my good friends. She is cooking now. I got back from work about an hour ago and I'm in my room listening to music. I hear something at the door but I want sure what's it is. "Y/ N" my friend calls. "Yes" I say sitting up. "There is someone at the door for you" she said. "Oh okay" I reply. I go to the door and to my surprise there was Shion. He smiles at me. "Shion, of my gosh. What are you doing here?" I say. "I've come to see you, Y/ N. I was missing you" he replies. I just didn't know what to say. I was speechless. "I'll leave the two alone" my friend said. Shion and I go out on the corridor to talk. "So, hey, good to see you" he blushes. "Yes good to see you too" I smile. "Well I had some free time so I thought I'd come back home for a few days" Shion says. "That's nice. What a nice surprise to find out standing by my front door on a Wednesday evening" I say. We look at each other and giggle. "These are for you. Roses are red, violets are blue. I saw these and thought of you" Shion said handing me a beautiful bouquet of red roses and blue violets. I couldn't stop smiling. "Shion, that's so cute and sweet of you. How thoughtful too?" I smile. "Well there is something I need to tell you, Y/ N. Something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time but you know" he said. "Of course" I smile. "I have feelings for you. I've had feelings for you ever since I have known you. I might even be in love with you. There is no one that compares to you. You are on my mind constantly, Y/ N. I try to hide my feelings when you're brother is around as I don't want him to say anything" Shion said. I froze for a moment as I couldn't believe what he said. "I'm-I'm in love with you too, Shion. I have felt the exact same way and tried to hide my feelings from you too but it's not been easy. I'm in love with you too" I say. "I was hoping you would feel the same too. I didn't come all that way for nothing. Come here" Shion blushes. He doesn't hesitate to pull me in for a kiss. "So will you be my girlfriend now?" Shion said. "No what do you think. Of course I will, silly" I laugh. I kiss him again. With Shion coming all this way, i couldn't turn him away could I. He had to stay. Here to stay forever

A few months after I became Shion's girlfriend, I moved to Tokyo to be closer to him. I have got my own apartment there and I love it. I never thought I'd be a city girl but I love it and I love being near my love too. Can't wait to build our future together here. Kasai is supportive of us now. He wasn't too much at first but he is now and supported my decision to move to Tokyo to be closer to Shion. I've been living there for two months now and I love it. I don't live too far from Shion and the guys which is good. I see a lot of him when we can. I just got a job too working at the desk at a gym. It was the only job I could get just to fill in but I'll look for something better eventually. Anyway at least I got a job. Shion is proud of me. Tonight we are going out for dinner to a nice restaurant. Somewhere he hasn't taken me before. I always look forward to trying new places and things. I am meeting him at the restaurant when he has finished work. I had the day off today so I've been home all day. I wear something casual and comfy as it's not a super dressy place but it's nice to be going out with my love anyway. I'm meeting Shion soon so I'm leaving any minute to get there in a taxi. My ride arrives and I leave. I'm meeting him inside as I don't want to be waiting outside in the cold. I see a car pull up and Shion get out. "Hello, beautiful" he says with a smile on his face. "Hi, cutie. So good to see you" I reply. "So good to see you too" he smiles. "How was your day?" I ask. "Alright but what got me through was knowing that I see you tonight" Shion says. "Aawww bless you" I reply. We go inside and find somewhere to sit. We pick up the menus and have a look at what we want. It was an easy decision for Shion but not so much for me. We did finally order and waited for our meals to come. "I'm so happy you're closer to me, Y/ N. I couldn't imagine you being back in Shiga and me here being away" Shion said. "Awe I know. Me neither. Best decision I ever made moving here to be with you all the time" I smile. We had a delicious meal and then went outside and share a romantic kiss outside. I love living in Tokyo and being closer to Shion. Long may it continue

A/ N: a long imagine but hey ho it's my first J Kpop idol from a Japanese group. I started listening to JPop a few weeks ago. JO1 are my favourite group followed by INI. I also listen to The Rampage and Ballistik Boyz too. Jpop is pretty similar to Kpop so I am including it in my book. Shion is my bias in JO1, he's so cute. My new love. Next I'm doing my bias in INI.

Hope you are okay with me including Jpop idols in my book. Who listens to a bit of Jpop?

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