🧡 A-Min- EPEX 🧡

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

I have always been the kind of girl who has never been lucky with guys. Who has always been the only the only girl of her friends who has never dated? I can always predict who is going to end up together in real life and out of my friends and in K dramas and movies too. I don't know but I can always predict that kind of thing somehow. I don't really believe in love. I think it's all in shows, movies and songs. Maybe not for me but I guess it would be nice to feel that way someday. There is this guy in my life called Cho Minwoo who I met last year. I think he likes me and is wanting to make a move on me but I am holding back from that as I don't want a relationship at the moment. Minwoo is a nice guy as a friend but I don't want to be more than friends with him just yet. My friends tell me that I should just relax and not be so uptight about love. I don't always listen to them. I don't listen to them at all. Maybe Minwoo really likes me and wants to get to know me but I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I am with my friend Haeryung today. She is dating Minwoo's friend Keum Donghyun. We did meet via her. We hangout a lot. She is one of my closest friends. We are at her place today. She said that Donghyun is coming over so I'll be gone by then. I'll leave the two of them in peace. "Excuse me, Y/ N. Just need to tidy up a little" Haeryung said. "Sure that's fine, my friend" I reply. She smiled. Haeryung tided up and I got ready to leave before Donghyun arrived. I hugged her before I went out the door

Just as I was about to leave, there was a knock on the door. Haeryung opened it and it was both Donghyun and Minwoo. "Hey, babe. You brought Minwoo" she said. "Hey, beautiful. Yes I did. He wanted to tag along and I said it was fine" Donghyun replies. "Come in, guys" Haeryung said. "Hi" I say. "Hi, Y/ N" Minwoo smiles. They kick off their shoes and come into the lounge. "This is cool. The four of us" Donghyun said. "Yes it is. Y/ N, stay a while. Don't go yet" Haeryung said. "Okay" I smile. I guess I had no choice to stay. Minwoo looked at me and I looked back at him. I just looked nothing else. Maybe I am attracted to him. Just a little. I don't want to get too distracted by him though. I think he only came because he knew I would be here. So we all started talking and laughing about things. Haeryung says she doesn't normally see me laugh but she is tonight. She is different to me. Outgoing and bubbly I can be quieter and a little cold sometimes I've been told. "Y/ N, I've forgotten the last time I saw you laugh like this" Haeryung said. "We said something funny to make her laugh" Donghyun said. "Yes we must've" Minwoo said. "I guess so, guys" I reply. I stay a while longer and so does Minwoo. Donghyun is staying at Haeryung's tonight. Minwoo and I leave about the same time. We talked a bit. Not all the time but we did tell. He walks behind me as I was walking out of the apartment. Minwoo followed me into the elevator. "It was nice seeing you again tonight, Y/ N" he said. "Yes it was nice seeing you again, Minwoo" I reply. "If you didn't know Haeryung and I didn't know Donghyun then we wouldn't know each other" he says. "Yes that's right" I reply. We get off the elevator together. "I can give you a lift if you want" I say. "It's alright, Y/ N. Don't worry. I'm good" Minwoo replies. "You don't have to if it's too much trouble" he said. "Of course not. Get in. Tell me where to go" I say. Minwoo smiles back. He actually made me laugh that I almost crashed my car. I dropped him off where he lives. "Thank you for the lift, Y/ N. I really do appreciate it. We will have to you know hangout sometime" he said. "Sure I'd like that actually" I say. Minwoo gets out of the car and smiles and waved at me. Cute. We will definitely have to see each other again. I'll give him a chance

It's a few years later. 7 years later to get precise. Minwoo and I are now 25. We briefly dated years ago but ended our relationship as it didn't work out between us. He was really devastated as he wanted it more than me. We did have a good time together but it's all gone now. I do miss him sometimes. He's the only guy I've ever dated. I'm still scared of falling in love and don't believe in love. That's partly why I ran away. I chose to end it ultimately. I didn't want to be in a relationship then and still don't want to be now. Minwoo has probably moved on and found a girl who will really love him and give him what he wants which is not me. Women be falling at his feet as he's such a nice and charming guy. I don't deserve someone like him. I'm better off on my own. Haeryung and Donghyun almost got married but they called off their engagement the week before which was sad. Anyway I'm going to the supermarket today to get some groceries and things I need. It's my day off work so good time to go shopping for essentials. I get to the supermarket and grab a cart and start shopping around getting the things I need. Fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat etc. I go down the cereal aisle too. From a distance I thought I could see a guy who looked like Minwoo. I tried to turn around and go the other way but it was too late as he saw me. "Y/ N" he said. "Minwoo, hi" I said not really knowing what say. "Looking well" he said. "Yes keeping well. You too" I smile. So we started talking as we picked up things from the shelves. "So are you seeing anyone, Y/ N?" Minwoo asks. "No no. I like my own company. You?" I reply. "Well I was seeing this girl but it didn't work out. I really liked her too and was falling for her. I was always hoping it would work out between us" Minwoo said. "That was a long time ago, Minwoo. We've moved on now" I reply. "Well it was nice seeing you and take care" he says. "Yes. See you later" I smile. Seeing Minwoo today brings back memories of when we used to be together maybe bittersweet ones but I don't want to go back and think of the past. We have moved on now

Minwoo and I kept on seeing each other around after we bumped into each a few times just asking after we bumped into each other in the supermarket. We have slowly started seeing each other again. We are just taking it very slow. Not rushing into anything too soon yet. I think it was a good decision us getting back together. I don't know if we will get serious but I'm enjoying Minwoo's company and being with him again. Maybe I can love now and learn to love now. Maybe I could learn to love Minwoo soon. Tonight we are having dinner and we are going to a family favourite restaurant of mine that I decided to take Minwoo as I thought he would enjoy it and he is doing. We are giggling and getting on well like a house on fire actually. We are talking about funny things that haven't happened in our lives. I tell him some funny stories about me and Haeryung and all these years we have known each other. "Y/ N, you we making me laugh tonight. You are funny once I get to know you" Minwoo said. "I am. No one has ever told me that" I reply. "Well you are and it's the truth and I speak nothing but the truth" he said. So we carry on having a nice date at the restaurant and leave together. We walk out and he holds open the door for me. "Y/ N" Minwoo said. "Yes" I smile. "I enjoyed tonight and going out with you again" he said. "Yes me too, Minwoo. It was great" I reply. "I think we should be together properly. I know you don't believe in love and all that but I do. I believe in you. I believe in us" he says. I paused for a second and thought about what to say. "Yes I agree with what you're saying, Minwoo. I'm sorry if I have been dismissive of us and what we have. Yes maybe we should become exclusive" I reply. "Yes I would love that, Y/ N. Will you be my girlfriend?" Minwoo asks. "Yes I would love to be" i smile. Minwoo looks at me and pulls me in for a kiss. So now I believe in love and all things like that as I have found the one

A/ N: I enjoyed writing this one very much. I thought I'd make it different skipping it on a few years. I didn't realise how cute A-Min was. Think my bias in EPEX is Jeff still. Looking forward to their comeback. Looks a pretty dark vibe but could be good. Loved Do 4 Me though

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