🤎 Junseong- GHOST9 🤎

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

I have a crush on my brothers friend Choi Junseong. My brother Lee Taeseung, a former member of GHOST9. He's left the group now but he's still in touch with the members. I have had a crush on Junseong since the moment I saw him last year before GHOST9 debuted. I am not in touch with him a lot now. I have never had a boyfriend in my life. I've always been shy around guys especially cute ones like Junseong. He kinda makes me feel some type of way. I wouldn't tell my brother of course. I would be too embarrassed too and I know he wouldn't like it. Me having a crush on his mate. Taeseung and I still love at home with our parents. We are both close with our parents and it's good yo have him home now. I missed him when he was in the group. He's home now for the foreseeable future. I love having my brother home. Anyway I am leaving soon now but I am going to the local supermarket on the way back to get a couple of things I need so that's where I'm going before I go home. Taeseung should be at home. He said he's working on a secret project that he can't tell anyone about. It's top secret. Wonder what it is? Anyway I arrive at the supermarket and start going around and looking for what I need. As I was looking around, I turned around and saw Junseong down the same aisle as me. "Junseong" I say. "Y/ N. Wow! Hey" he said. "Long time no see" I say. "I know that's right. How are you keeping?" he said. "Good good. Wasn't expecting to see you here" I say. "No me neither. I'm in the area so I thought I would go in here for some things" Junseong said. So we get what we need and talk for a bit. It brought back good things seeing Junseong after a while. Can't even remember the last time I saw him in person. Several months. We talked about Taeseung a lot. "So, Y/ N. I should get going now but nice to see you. Tell your brother I say hey" Junseong said. "I will and yes nice to see you too" I smile. "Oh, Y/ N. Text me I would like to hear from you more" he said. "I will" I blush. He's so cute. Made me crush on him even more. I go home and tell Taeseung I ran into Junseong and it thought it was cool

Today Junseong is coming to town again. He is stopping by Taeseung and I's house for a bit this afternoon. It's been two months since I bumped into him in the supermarket. He is due to arrive soon so I'm getting ready now. I'm making sure I look nice for him of course. I don't want to make it too obvious that I have a crush on him of course. I of course don't want my brother knowing either as I know he wouldn't be happy to find out I have a crush on his friend and former band mate. Anyway I am ready now for when Junseong arrives so I go downstairs and wait for him with Taeseung. "You look nice, sis. You don't usually dress like that" Taeseung said. "Thanks but that was a backhanded compliment" I reply. He laughs. A few minutes later the doorbell goes and it was Junseong of course. Taeseung lets him in. "Hey, man" Taeseung said. "Hey, my dude" Junseong said. He comes in and I sit on the couch. "Hi, Y/ N. How are you?" he asks. "Hey, Junseong. I'm great" I smile standing up to give him a hug. "Right, Y/ N. Me and Junseong are just going to go upstairs for a bit" Taeseung said. "Okay" I said sounding disappointed they went upstairs.  I sit downstairs in front of the TV and waited for time to pass until Junseong came down. He comes down the stairs and walks into the kitchen. "Hey" I say. "Hey. Just getting us a drink and some snacks. You want anything?" Junseong asks. "No I'm okay thanks. Just had something" I reply. Junseong gets a try with snacks and drinks. He sits next to me on the couch for a few minutes. "Y/ N, you look sad. Why?" he asks. "I'm okay. I just thought you coming over today. You know I thought all of us were going to hangout together" I say. "Don't worry. We will soon but don't be sad. I'm here, Y/ N. You still get to see me" Junseong smiles. "Yeah I know" I reply. He goes back upstairs to Taeseung and I stay downstairs. They do come back down later and spend time with me. "Sorry to leave you, sis" Taeseung said. "Yeah we got playing a good game. Didn't we" Junseong replies. "It's fine. I've got something for us to watch" I say. They sit down next to me and we watch a good show on Netflix. Nice to spend time with my boys. I was crushing on Junseong even more today. He made my heart skip a beat

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