🧡 Lim Jimin- JUST B 🧡

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This is my own original idea

This imagine is based on Happier by Olivia Rodrigo

My boyfriend of 9 months Lim Jimin broke up with me a month ago. I don't know what happened. He said he didn't want to be with me anymore. I thought we were in love. Well I was in love with him. Don't know if he loved me. I heard that Jimin has moved on with another girl. We only broke up a month go but apparently I heard from a guy who I know who knows my brother so I found out that way. It breaks my heart that he's moved on so quick from me. I haven't moved on. No not at all. I'm not like that. I thought what Jimin and I had was real. I feel like he broke up with me just so he can be with this new girl of his. I haven't seen them together. I've just heard. It's not fair that he's moved on so quick and I'm still a mess. I guess I will move on eventually from him when I'm ready. I've heard there's an event going on in the club tonight. I haven't been out since Jimin and I broke up so my friend Seoyeon think it will be good for me to go out. It took some persuading from her to make me go. I gave into her eventually. Maybe it will do me good. Jimin and I used to go to that club a lot. That's where we met actually. It brings back memories. Some good and some bad. Me and Seoyeon are getting ready now. My first night out in a while. Seoyeon has treated me and she's doing my hair and makeup for me. "Relax, Y/ N. You look tense. You're going on a night out with me. Loosen up" she said. "Sorry. What if I see Jimin there and his new girl?" I say. "You might not. It's a big and popular place so not likely. Chill out" Seoyeon said. "Okay" I sigh. Seoyeon and I get ready and then get a cab to the club we are going to. As we wait in line, Jimin was all of a sudden on my mind. I was thinking about him and Seoyeon could see I was distracted. She tells me to snap out of it. I like that she keeps me in order as I need it sometimes. We get in and get ourselves drinks after waiting outside for a little while. The club was pretty busy and lively like always

I try not to loose Seoyeon in the club. We try to stick together but it wasn't easy. We ended up loosing each other a couple of times but we found each other eventually. Luckily I haven't seen Jimin and his new girl yet. Hopefully I won't bump into them at all. I found Seoyeon again and we get another drink at the bar and sit down. "See I told you you would enjoy it, Y/ N but you didn't want to listen to me" Seoyeon said. "Well yes I'm enjoying it now" I reply. We talk but Seoyeon was preoccupied by something ahead in the distance. "What are you looking at?" I say. "I think that's Jimin and his new girl there" she says. "No it better not be" I reply. "I think it is, Y/ N. Unfortunately" Seoyeon. They turned around and I got a closer look. Wait I know her. Hwang Yeji. She went to my high school and was my rival. She wasn't nice to me and now she's dating my ex boyfriend. I froze and Seoyeon could tell there was something wrong. "I know her. Hwang Yeji. She saw my rival back in school. I can't believe he's dating her" I say. "Oh awkward" Seoyeon said. "Hide me. I can't let them see me" i say. I try to get under the bar table so they didn't see me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jimin and Yeji getting closer. He might recognise Seoyeon. Shit didn't think about that. Jimin walks closer to Seoyeon and says. "Hi, Seoyeon. Thought I recognised you". "Hi" she smiles. "Y/ N here" he said. "No" Seoyeon laughed. I then suddenly sneezed and gave the game away. "Y/ N, is that you" Yeji said. I cleared my throat. "You were hiding. Wait you two know each other" Jimin said. "Yeah Y/ N and I went to school together" Yeji smirks. "We did" I say. "You were friends?" he asks. "Ye...." Yeji said. "No we weren't just the opposite"
I reply. "Okay it's a small world I guess. I was going to introduce Yeji but don't have to now since you both know each other" Jimin said. We don't say anything. Jimin and Yeji walk away eventually. Oh God that we so awkward and weird. My high school rival is dating my ex now. Things couldn't get any worse. I sat back with Seoyeon. "Y/ N, relax. I know that was awkward for you but they are out of the way now" she said. "They are still in this club" I say. "I know" she said. "Seoyeon, you don't know Yeji. You don't know how much of a bitch she was to me" I say. Seoyeon smiles and puts her arm around me to calm me down. I do eventually and we carry on having a good night at the club. Anyway fuck Jimin and Yeji. Maybe they are meant to be

It's been a couple of weeks since I saw Jimin and his new girlfriend Yeji at the club when I was with Seoyeon. It shook me up seeing them especially when I realised his new girl was Yeji after the history I've had with her. Jimin has been hitting up my phone saying that he still loves me and he wants me back. I have ignored his messages. I don't know if it was me but he looked happier with Yeji and she looked pretty happy with him. She was the kinda girl in school who got all the guys without trying too hard. Whereas I was the opposite and never got guys. I am in the kitchen making dinner for when my parents get home. I like to cook for them when they've had a long day. I am in the kitchen when I hear the doorbell ring. I go and open the door and believe it or not it was Yeji. "Yeji" I say. "Hi, Y/ N. Can we talk?" she said. "Okay why?" I reply. "I just want to" she said. "Did Jimin send you here?" I ask. "No he didn't. I sent me here" Yeji said. "Okay so what do you want? Here to cause trouble again" I say. "Actually no. I just wanted to talk to you about Jimin" she said. "What about Jimin? Yeji, he and I are over. I can't trust him again" I reply. "Y/ N, he said he still loves you. This thing that I have going on with him. It's not gonna last. I'm rebound you know" Yeji said. "Are you sure because you teo seemed so happy and in love that night" I say. "We may have seemed that way but I know it's you Jimin loves" Yeji said. I still don't know if she's telling the truth. "I want me and you to be friends, Y/ N. I thought you were okay back in school. We should at least be civil with each other since we dated the same guy" Yeji said. "Maybe. Hang on I'm cooking sorry" I say. "You should call Jimin" she said. Yeji leaves. I still don't know what she is saying is true. Who knows with her? You never know when she is telling the truth. I cook dinner for my parents and then go up to my room. I spend a while debating if I should call Jimin. I decide to bite the bullet and call him. "Hello" I say. "Hi, is that you, Y/ N" Jimin replies. "Yes it is" I reply. "Did Yeji tell you to call me?" he said. "Yeah look I don't really know what to say but you know" I reply. I tell him everything that Yeji said. "I do really like Yeji too so this is complicated" Jimin said. "It is. I think we should be friends at least maybe" I say. "Okay friends it is then" he said. "Okay" I reply. We leave the conversation there. Maybe we can be friends and work something out in the future

Jimin and I have been back in contact for the last few weeks now and we are friends. He is still seeing Yeji though even though she said it wouldn't last long. I don't want to trust him yet not as far as he's seeing her he can't be trusted. Not sure if I can trust Yeji. I could never trust her again. I could never trust her anyway years ago. I still don't know what to do about the situation. I am still thinking things through. Jimin said he wants to meet me today for a coffee. He said he's not bringing Yeji as she's with her friends. I arrived at the cafe where I'm meeting him. I waited a while but he hasn't showed up. It's been 20 minutes and I was about to leave but Jimin walked in. "Hey, Y/ N. Sorry I'm late something happened" he said. "It's okay, don't worry" I reply. I could tell by the look on his face that something had happened. He looked upset. Like he had been crying. I didn't ask him straight away we just started talking about things. "So what's the matter, Jimin?" I ask. "Nothing" he sighs. "Come on. Tell me. What happened?" I ask. "Fine. Yeji and I had a fight and I think it's over. Over for good. She didn't want it to be serious between us. I wanted something more then she realised that I still had feelings for you" Jimin said. "Jimin, I'm sorry. I know what she's like. When she came to my house that day she said she wanted to be friends with me but I don't know if I can trust her" I say. "Don't, Y/ N. I thought I was in love with her but she is trouble" he said. "She was trouble in school" I say. Jimin and I talk for a bit longer before walking out together. "That was good, Y/ N. It took my mind off it" he said. "Yes it was" I reply. "If you want to give me another chance. I'm always here" Jimin said. "Yes I know that I do but neither of us can trust Yeji again" I reply. "Yes I agree. She's fulla shit" Jimin said. We both laugh. "Okay take care. See ya" I say. Jimin grabs my hand and looks at me and whispers under his breath "I missed this" as he kissed me. We kissed outside for a good few minutes. He looks at me and we hold hands as we walk away together. Maybe this means that all is forgiven and forgotten between me and Jimin and we've moved on

A/ N: Jimin is as sexy as hell. Don't you think? Damn his fine if this man. Deffo my bias in Just B. It's his hotness, dance moves and deep voice that does it for me. Holy shittttttt. Thought I would include a famous female idol in this. None other than ITZY's Yeji. I know she's not a bitch like that. That's just how I portrayed her. Yeji is far from that

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