🧡 D1- DKB 🧡

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

I have known my crush Jang Dongil for years. He is my best friends brothers friend and that's how I got to know him which was a few years ago. I am kinda shy around him. My best friend Hyejeong tells me not to be shy and just to go for it. Just to talk to him and introduce myself. She said I should be confident around guys. Unfortunately I don't have Hyejeong's confidence especially around guys or just people in general sometimes. Maybe i should be more confident. There is a beach party going off in the city and me and Hyejeong are going to. We've been invited by her brother and we've known about it for weeks. I almost backed out as I have a wear a bikini and a sexy revealing dress after. Me and Hyejeong and I have thought this through well or we think we have. I've never been to a breach party before so I'm looking forward to it. We get to drink, eat, party and let our hair down on the beach. Dongil would be there so I should see him. So will Hyejeong's brother who invited us there. Hyejeong and I are getting ready at our place now and doing our makeup. "You excited for tonight, Y/ N" Hyejeong said. "Yes I am. Can't wait actually" I reply. "See I told you you would enjoy it but you wouldn't listen at first" she said. "Yeah sorry" I reply. "And talk to Dongil if you see him tonight. Come on girl. Don't chicken out" she said. "I'll try" I smile. Hyejeong and I had out bikinis on fist and beach clothes over so we could just slip them off easily. We got a cab down to the beach and got there soon and there was already a lot of people there. Not yet kicked off. So we go onto the beach. I was nervous about taking off my clothes and revealing my bikini. Hyejeong made me do it. "I feel too exposed, unnie" I say. "Y/ N, relax please. This is a beach party. Everyone is exposed" she said. I smile. Then I see Dongil from a distance with Hyejeong's brother. "He's here" she said. "I know i know" I reply. We grab drinks and the party started. I catch Dongil looking at me again. I tried not to get too distracted though. I know Hyejeong was wanting me to talk to him but later. Food was being served too and good music was playing

The beach party atmosphere was really upbeat and lively and Hyejeong and I were enjoying ourselves very much so. Still in bikinis but later we get our dress on. The party pretty much lasts all day so we are trying not to drink too much as we have hours to go. "Y/ N, I can tell you are enjoying yourself now" Hyejeong says. "Yes I am definitely" I reply. Dongil and Hyejeong's brother were getting closer to us. "Hey, guys" Hyejeong said. "Hi, girls. How's it going?" her brother said. "Good" she replies. "Y/ N" Dongil smiles. I didn't say anything as I didn't want him to laugh at me in a bikini so I walked away. "Y/ N, are you okay?" Dongil asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I reply. "Why did you just run away?" he asks. "Because I'm embarrassed, Dongil" I say. "Embarrassed of what?" he replies. "Oh you seeing me in a bikini" I say. "Y/ N, nothing is wrong with seeing you in a bikini. I like it. I-I-I like you" Dongil said. "Do you? Is it the truth?" I say. "Yes, Y/ N" he said looking at me. "Honestly" I say. "Yes" he smiles. "I'm sorry to run away like that" I blush. "No it's okay. Don't worry. Let's party together. It's almost evening" Dongil smiles. He takes my hand and gets me a drink. Dongil and I started talking and catching up on things. Soon it gets to the evening so we had a change in attire for the cocktail party. I didn't want to drink too much though. The party moved to a different part of the beach for the evening do. Hyejeong and I got our party dresses on together. Dongil was waiting for me. He was speechless and didn't know what to say. He only smiled at first. "Wow! Y/ N, you look...... ummm really nice" he hesitated. "Thank you. The first guy to make me feel like that" I say. So Dongil and I ended up hanging out at the party together for the rest of the night. "Y/ N, I don't get why you would try and run away from me" Dongil said. "I'm sorry it's complicated. We should just forget about it now I think" I say. "Yeah sure but I'm really enjoying this party and hanging out with you tonight" he smiles. "Yes me too. The best time" I reply. There was an awkward silence for a second. "Y/ N, there is something I need to say to you" Dongil said. "Sure" I smile. "I think you are a very beautiful girl. I have a crush on you" he said. "I'm not. Not as beautiful as some of the others here. I'm not confident with my looks and figure like some girls are" I say. "No you are beautiful. Why would you say that?" he said. "Because I am insecure at times, Dongil. I'm not like Hyejeong and other girls" I say. "But I think you're incredible, Y/ N" Dongil said. I blush. Dongil moves closer to me and kisses my lips. I almost backed away at first but I let him kiss me back. "Y/ N, I think we should go out. Spend some more time together" Dongil said. "Yeah sure we'll do that" I smile. We continue to enjoy the beach party together. Dongil said he has a crush on me but I didn't say if back. I guess I wasn't ready yet but it was a great evening

Dongil and I are still friends but we have been seeing each other for a while. We add not boyfriend and girlfriend yet. We are just casually hanging out together. He is a really sweet guy and he doesn't mind that I want us to take things slowly and not rush into anything too soon because I'm not ready for that kinda thing yet. We have kissed or anything yet. Today Dongil and I are hanging out at the arcade at the mall and probably looking in some stores after and going for something to eat. The arcade is big in the mall and a very fun place to go out with friends indeed. I am meeting Dongil there pretty soon and I'm looking forward to it very much so. I am almost ready now to leave now. I love hanging out with Dongil because he is really easy to get on with. I meeting him at the arcade in the mall when I arrive and he was already there. "Hey, you. Waiting on you" he said. "Hey. Sorry I made you wait" I reply. "It's no problem. Well I already got us tickets to go in since I was here earlier" Dongil said. "Oh really. I'll pay you for mine" I reply. "No need to. It's fine" he said. I smile so we enter the arcade and start our fun afternoon together. The grabber machines are always a must for me so I go for those first. "Should I grab something for you, Y/ N?" Dongil said. "I think it's okay. Don't worry. I'm usually good at this kinda thing" I smile. He smiles back. I get something out if the grabber machine. It was a Hello Kitty stuffed toy. "Hello Kitty" Dongil said squeezing the toy. I smiled at his cuteness. So cute indeed. Next Dongil wanted to shoot some hoops on the basketball net. "Have a go, Y/ N" he said to me. "I'm not too good at this" I say. "You can do it" he smiles. He gets he have a go and at first I wasn't too good and got better after a couple of goes. Dongil and I go on the ice hockey game next against each other. We kept a good rhythm going throughout. "You win" he said. "Do I? No. How. No way" I reply. "You just did" he laughs. Next was the car game. "Used to love these when I was younger" Dongil said. "Yes I could imagine you loving these when you were a kid" I reply. My driving skills weren't very good. They are not good anyway. Dongil went easy on me though. It was very fun though. Our arcade time still wasn't over. Still more to explore and have fun on

Next Dongil and I go on the bumper cars which www a childhood favourite of mine when I was a kid. I used to really love it. I used to go on the bumper cars with my dad. It was our thing when I was a little girl. "We should go in separate ones. Me vs you. Huh" I say. "Sure thing" Dongil replies. We go in separate cars and it starts. Dongil banged into me straight away. "Hey" I say. "Sorry" he laughs. We go again and I bump into him this time. "No!" he yells as he got stuck with another car. I laughed at him as he deliberately did it. The bumped cars carry on for a while longer and it was really fun. We had enough of the arcade after that so we venture to the mall to look around and then eat as we were both hungry by then. So we found a nice place to eat that we haven't been to before. We get seated at a table for two and pick up a menu to look at. "Very hungry now after all that fun" Dongil said. "Me too but we will be eating soon so don't you worry" I reply. We talk while we wait for our food and drink to come. Soon our food comes so we tuck in to delicious food that arrived at us. Dongil was more hungry than me. "Well that was just what I was waiting for" he said. I smiled. We pay the cheque and then walk around the wall again before we leave. We sat down by the water fountain in the middle of the mall and looked at each other. "Y/ N" Dongil said. "Yes, Dongil" I reply. "Well we've been seeing each other like this for a while. A few weeks it's been. You like that I like you but you never have said that you feel the same so do you. Are we more than friends?" he said. I gathered my thoughts for a moment. "Yes of course I do, Dongil. Sorry I've never said and kept you wondering" I say. "Yeah well I think we should take this to the next level and become boyfriend and girlfriend. Become exclusive to each other" Dongil said. "Yes I agree. Dongil, you are definitely the nicest guy I know. I can be myself around you and you don't judge me like some people do" I reply. "Do I definitely don't. Let me kiss you again like on that night at the beach" he said leaning into kiss me by the water fountain which is a nice place to share a romantic moment. Dongil and I get up and walk around the mall holding hands. After crushing on each other for years. We are finally together

A/ N: wow!!!! That was a long one and I didn't realise. I loved the idea you came up with yanagirenjiidealtype so I turned it into something special with my imagination. Sober is growing on me now after a few listens. Love 'you make me feel like crazy so bad'. Rollercoaster is great too. Dongil is so very attractive

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